Movie Master

Chapter 954: Accidental drowning

In fact, the cast of "Iron Man" has already taken shape, and then only the final decision is left. On the whole, all the candidates were within Lance's expectations, and they were not too out of line, which basically ensured that "Iron Man" would not deviate too much from the original track.

However, Jon mentioned Terrence Howard just now, but Lance hesitated for a while.

Terrence is an excellent actor. There is nothing wrong with this. Last year's award season "Hustle and bustle" won him a lot of nominations, which proved his strength. Although there have been rumors in the circle that he has domestic violence tendencies, but In the United States, as long as the actor's private life does not affect the work of the crew, people don't mind too much, just like Robert Downey Jr.'s history of drug use and alcoholism in the past, until these problems seriously affected the crew's shooting and production , and even endangered the lives of other staff members of the same crew, the major film companies gradually alienated him, and the public relations company compulsorily asked him to quit/drugs.

However, Terrence is a very tricky actor. He has strength and resources. The brokerage company is very happy to promote him, hoping that he can become another Denzel Washington. But Terrence always thinks highly of himself, and his serious violent tendency makes conflicts between him and the producer always easy to break out. In the last life, in "Iron Man", Terrence won the role of War Machine Rodney by virtue of his strength, but after the movie was a big success, Terrence opened his mouth and demanded double the salary, and even asked Otherwise, he would refuse to sign the contract. This not only led to the slow progress of the negotiations, but also spread an uneasy atmosphere within the crew. In the end, the "Iron Man" crew categorically and directly fired Terrence. In the sequel, Don- Chandler starred as Rodney.

There's nothing wrong with actors competing for higher pay, because studios are vampires, and if actors don't fight for it, they're being squeezed. But if an actor wants to break through the blockade, he must show enough convincing power, otherwise his arms will not be able to twist his thighs. After Tobey Maguire finished filming "Spider-Man 2", he asked for a higher salary of 20 million, otherwise he refused to shoot. "Spider-Man 3", Sony Pictures simply gave up on Toby after persuading them to no avail and communication hit a wall, and started looking for candidates for Spider-Man again. Toby persisted for a while and realized that Sony Pictures was not joking. This softened, which contributed to the success of "Spider-Man 3", but after the filming ended, Toby completely offended Sony Pictures, and other large film companies were not very happy to use Toby, even Toby's best friend Lai Leonardo DiCaprio has been playing around, and Toby has basically missed commercial movies.

Before the filming of "Iron Man 2", Terrence was very proud of the spring breeze. The successive victories of "Crash", "Hustle and bustle", "Iron Man" and other works made him successful. This is why he chose "Iron Man" 2" The reasons for increasing the salary. But it is a pity that after the failure to raise the film salary, because of the direct conflict with Marvel Pictures, the career development has become bumpy, and the opportunity to be a leading actor in a large commercial film has been missed, and even the development of independent films has also stumbled. Terrence moved to the small screen, starring in "Empire", but unfortunately, disputes continued due to violent tendencies.

For Chaos Films, in fact, Lance doesn't need to worry about Terrence making waves, at most, just like in the previous life, he just expelled Terrence from the crew. But since the trouble is known, why not kill it at the source? After all, Terrence wasn't the only option for the role of Rodney—literally, no actor is indispensable for any role.

Lance still had some thoughts in his mind for a moment. Should he follow Jon's wishes and let Jon decide, and continue to let Jon feel his trust? Or should he intervene halfway, change Jon's mind, and avoid subsequent troubles and troubles? Or wait for "Iron Man 2" to consider, after all, this will happen in two or three years?

Turning his thoughts slightly, Lance nodded in agreement, "Jamie Foxx is indeed a good choice. When I was filming 'Borrowing a Knife', I considered using him." The trajectory of history has changed, Jamie Foxx He was not able to be crowned an Oscar winner with the "King of Soul Singer", so his career has not reached a turning point. Now he is still one of the most popular black actors. He can sing, dance, be funny and be serious, suitable for many different themes works, "However, the top priority is still the male lead, let's talk about it after Tony Stark is confirmed."

Jon filtered Lance's words carefully in his mind, and then showed a big smile, "Of course, of course."

Jon is not a fool—he is not only not a fool, but he is also a very smart person. Although Lance has never interfered with his choice of actors, if he caters to Lance a little bit, in a supporting role that is not the most important, it will be great for the cooperation between the two parties. Even if he doesn't understand why Lance said what he just said, maybe Lance and Jamie have a personal relationship, maybe not, but it doesn't matter, he understands the deep meaning of Lance's words, this is.

"Phew, then my work tonight is over, how about you? Are you ready to relax, enjoy the party, or do you have other work?" Jon let out a long breath, feeling the pressure off his shoulders Not a lot, but after thinking about it, "Your project..." But as soon as the words came out, Jon knew that he was meddling in his own business. Lance obviously didn't want to talk about it just now. I can't think of anyone in Hollywood who would refuse Lance's invitation. So, Jon patted his mouth and pretended to yawn, "There must be no problem." Jon winked at Lance and said playfully, "Well, I'm going to go downstairs for a drink now, you want to join in my ranks?"

Lance also ignored Jon's topic just now, and raised his glass with a smile. The glass was already empty, "I also need to find another glass, the night is still long, isn't it?" Just started. While speaking, Lance and Jon left the study together.

Walking out of the study room, there were still seven or eight people wandering outside, obviously unwilling to give up easily, or wanting to inquire further. Lance and Jon walked down the stairs in a calm manner, talking and laughing all the way. The harmonious atmosphere was broken when they reached the first floor. Almost immediately, Jon was pushed aside , A steady stream of people surrounded Lance in the center. As the host of tonight's party, Lance was absent from the carnival for the previous hour. Two-thirds of the audience's eyes were searching for Lance's figure. Now that he finally caught it, naturally no one wanted to let it go easily.

Jon didn't care, and walked towards the bar with a sway of his head, to enjoy his moment of peace; Lance was surrounded by the encirclement, and slowly moved all the way to the outside. The open space finally dispelled the turbidity of the air, and the whole person looked Relaxed.

Lance shuttled through the crowd familiarly. Familiar, unfamiliar, and familiar faces intertwined in his sight. He tried to communicate with Lance one after another, but no one could stop Lance's footsteps and watched him off all the way. Follow Lance towards the swimming pool at the other end of the garden - where the barbecue buffet area is arranged.

Even so, it took Lance nearly forty minutes to walk through his back garden, and finally came to the buffet area. After being busy for so long just now, Lance needs to add a little sugar, so that he can have the energy to face the more noisy second half of the night, doesn't he?

"I knew I could find you here." Turning his head, Lance saw Michael Fassbender's iconic shark smile.

Lance raised his eyebrows lightly, "I thought you were looking for a private space and enjoying the world of two people." A joke made Michael chuckle, "World of two? I thought you were talking about the world of groups. With meaningful words flashing in his eyes, Lance immediately grasped the meaning, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Don't tell me where it happened, or I will put this place up for sale tomorrow."

"Haha!" Michael laughed brightly, "I thought you were mentally prepared enough, this is Hollywood, isn't it?" After time, Michael is gradually adapting to the life of this Vanity Fair, "It's okay You have been hiding before, otherwise tonight will really be a battlefield, an absolute battlefield, everyone is looking for you..."

Michael gradually shifted the topic to tonight's highlight, he is naturally also interested in "Iron Man", but to be more precise, he has no requirements for the work, but hopes to cooperate with Lance again, he I learned from Cole that this time Lance wrote the script himself, and it has been revised repeatedly for more than half a year, which made Michael eager to fight, but so far, Lance has never "summoned" him again. , which made Michael a little anxious.

Michael managed to change the subject, but at this moment, a terrified scream came from the sea breeze, UU Reading "Help, help, someone has fallen into the water, someone has fallen into the water!" Weak, it was torn into pieces in the turbulent sea wind, looming.

Michael cast his gaze towards Lance in some surprise, revealing the light of seeking confirmation, but he saw Lance's calm and relaxed face, which made Michael wonder if he heard it wrong, but then , the screaming came again, mixed with the sound of crying, "Help! Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

Michael saw the usual look flashing across Lance's eyes, "This is a party, isn't it?" Lance turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice. Although he was erratic because of the wind, it sounded like a swimming pool , On the other side of the beach, sure enough, someone had rushed over at this time.

This is a party, and there are always countless accidents after alcohol gets on your head, but it is also the place with the most people. Even if it is not Lance and Michael, someone will definitely come forward to help.

Michael saw at least four people rushing over, and then his hanging heart fell back a little bit. He was hesitating whether he needed to go to help, and then there was another voice in the wind, "Emma! **** Christ! Emma! Emma!"

The blood all over his body froze in an instant. (To be continued.)

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