Movie Master

Chapter 955: Desperate

"Emma! **** Christ! Emma! Woohoo...Emma! Help, help, woooooo..."

The fragmented voice was smashed into countless fragments in the turbulent sea wind, and the faint shouts could not be clearly recognized at all. Maybe it was the words heard, maybe not, the feeling of swaying in the mid-air was destroyed by the raging sea. The sound of the waves was completely defeated, as if the fragments of the words were scattered in every corner, unable to be pieced together, only the heart-piercing remorse and fear remained, drifting away in the icy wind.

The last trace of temperature in the air was snuffed out.

Michael froze for a moment, subconsciously stopped breathing, looked at Lance at a loss, did he hear wrong? Or is it just a misunderstanding? Or is it another "Emma", there are quite a few Emmas at the party tonight? Or else... Both of them subconsciously began to search around, but they were crowded together in the turbulent crowd, and Emma's figure could not be seen at all, and the desperate whimpers were still floating in the wind, and the night was so cold He was suffocated, and all his thoughts were in a mess, but Michael didn't even have time to make a sound, he saw Lance turning around quickly, running wildly from the back, and the night instantly engulfed Lance's figure.

The blood froze in an instant, the piercing cold erupted from the inside out, piercing the muscles faintly, the elegant and calm mask was directly shattered, and he didn't even have time to hide it, the most real and the most fragile The naked self was exposed like this, and the smile froze on the lips, like a dilapidated rag doll, the expression peeled off a little bit, and the emotions that swept through within a millisecond grabbed the heart fiercely, and suddenly I couldn't breathe, and even my brain stopped functioning. No fear, no worry, no fear, just flustered, terribly panicked, so panicked that he couldn't find his way, that panic strangled his soul, and before he could react, he turned around and started running.

The sound of the wind whizzed past his ears, and he was running, running with all his strength, as if it was the end of the world. Without reason, emotion, or even thoughts, the numb and stiff brain was completely occupied by panic and panic. When I looked up, I could only see a piece of darkness, endless darkness, and looked around blankly, but couldn't find a direction at all.

Panicked, completely panicked, just panicked like this, without warning, unstoppable, as if the whole world was collapsing. Lance only felt that he was sinking slowly, as if he had fallen into the boundless sea. His limbs were firmly fixed, and then he sank slowly. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move a single finger, he could only Letting himself sink, the light was swallowed up by the sea bit by bit, and a large piece of darkness stretched out its tentacles, and rushed over silently, grabbing his ankle fiercely, slowly, slowly Gradually, gradually pulling down, the surrounding light began to become more and more ethereal, almost disappearing.

"Help! Emma! Emma! Anyone? Anyone here to help?"

The broken voice was only left with vague words. Tears and saliva seemed to have completely obscured the words, but it was like a ray of light, pulling Lance forward in one direction—he didn't realize that he was still running, forgetting himself Running, he couldn't even feel his feet, just running. Emma? where is emma Where the **** is she?

"Here! Here! Here!" The voice was getting closer, and Lance only felt a strong pull, and a vague face in the darkness was shaking in front of his eyes, and the tears made the whole face look unreal, only the scarlet pair His eyes released a light for help, "Quick, save Emma, ​​quick! Please, please!"

Turning his head, Lance saw a faint white dot on the pitch-black sea, swaying in the turbulent waves, and the faint shaking was almost swallowed by the waves, making it impossible to know for sure what happened. But Ke Lance didn't have the time, space, or ability to think. He tore off his suit jacket and jumped into the sea at high speed. In less than a second, the icy sea completely swallowed him, his limbs It started to become numb, but Lance couldn't feel it at all. Push harder, harder, harder, he needs to work harder.

The whole world became quiet at this moment, as if there was no sound at all, it was frighteningly quiet, and the fierce waves were constantly surging, as if exhausting all the strength, the distance forward was very limited, and there was even a feeling that the distance was getting closer and closer. The illusion of being farther away makes people desperately want to give up.

No, never give up!

Raising his head, Lance tried to figure out the direction, but there was only a turbulent sea left, and the white spots disappeared, and the white spots had disappeared. There was no end in sight, no direction to be seen in the pitch-black piece, and the boundless darkness was like a sleeping monster, swallowing up all the light of hope. Turning his head and looking behind him, the light of the villa was like a torch supporting the entire dark blue night sky. The turbulent crowd turned into a row of small coastlines, rolling up and down, but when he turned his head again, there was still endless darkness around him. It was as if even the sea had turned into ink.

What about people? people! Where exactly is the direction? In which direction should he swim?

There is no time, he has no time to hesitate, calm down, he must calm down, only when he calms down can he give it a go, this is his only chance. Gritting his teeth again, he swung his arms vigorously, an unbelievable energy burst out from his body, and frantically swam towards the direction in his memory, and then plunged into the water, waving his limbs constantly, trying to To touch the warm body.

But... But, no, still nothing, except seawater is still seawater, the resistance seems to be getting bigger and bigger, the cold seawater begins to erode the temperature of the blood, and even the soul begins to shiver. No, there is still no sign, even the cries and calls for help on the coast have become weaker, the world is so quiet, it seems that as long as you let out a breath, it will be completely quiet, and then, there is no then, everything All the troubles, all the entanglements, all the ambitions, all the dreams will completely disappear.

Tired, he's really tired, if only he could relax and rest, he really, really wants to rest.

"Bang", there was a muffled sound, his left leg kicked something, his eyes lit up suddenly, the air in his lungs was almost running out, but he didn't have time to surface to breathe, so he subconsciously followed the left The direction of the legs swam over, no, still no... wait, there is, there is! He caught something! It's the arm! It's Emma's arm!

But why is it so heavy, why is it so heavy. He exhausted all his strength, hugged the thin shoulders, and kicked his legs quickly. Oxygen... There is no more oxygen, and the lungs are scorching hot. The burning flame spreads from the lungs and rushes towards the limbs. Every muscle in the body is tingling, but it still does not break through the water.

Above the head, there is no light on the horizontal plane, except for darkness, it is still darkness, and the quiet darkness seems to have no end in sight.

"Huh!" Finally breaking through the water, he began to breathe heavily, but he didn't have time to rest. The person in his arms didn't move at all, as if he had lost his breath. The panic deep in his heart began to surge again, mighty swing. No, he must not panic, there is time, everything is in time, he needs to be faster, and faster.

"Here! Here!" There was an energetic voice not far away. It should be other people who came to rescue. The voice broke through the shackles and began to become lively a little bit. Lance only felt that his limbs seemed to have found some strength again. , Kicking up quickly, the soles of his feet finally felt the softness of the beach. He tried to stand up, but his ankles suddenly went limp. beach.

A group of people swarmed up and dragged the two of them onto the beach. The crowd swarmed up quickly. Lance tried to stand up and started the rescue immediately, but his legs had no strength at all. He staggered and couldn't keep up. Watching the crowd move Emma to a relaxing place on the beach and lay it down flat, the sense of powerlessness swept over him, making him feel helpless like never before.

"Emma, ​​woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...” the helpless fragility and frightened panic echoed amidst the waves, crying It must be heartbreaking.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" A voice intervened, seemingly starting CPR.

Lance didn't know where he found his strength again, so he stood up with all his strength, one step at a time, so heavy, but so firm, he approached the crowd, and then pushed aside the crowd, and saw two people in the center of the encirclement. A lifeless body was lying on the beach, and a wet man was squeezing her chest and then leaned down to start artificial respiration.

In the dimness, Lance couldn't see the face of the body clearly, but he could clearly feel that the lifeless body didn't respond at all. There was a tinnitus and buzzing in his ears, and Lance stumbled up the stairs. Before, he tried to squat down, but accidentally knelt down on the beach, and then he saw the face clearly.

Not Emma Stone.

The hot tears instantly surged and kindly blurred his vision. Lance raised his hand and wiped away the warmth fiercely. He regained his clear vision and took a serious and careful look. It wasn't Emma. -Stone, she's not Emma Stone, she's not Emma Stone…

This idea grabbed Lance's heart fiercely, and after it was tense to the extreme, it was released suddenly. Lance fell down and sat on the beach, his eyes blankly looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, but there was only one thought in his mind , only one thought: She's not Emma Stone.

Mixed emotions surged on the tip of the tongue, as if all the strength in his body had been drained, he let out a long breath, and closed his eyes fiercely, as if the roaring, screaming and shouting in his mind were freely vented. He's crazy, he's really crazy. (To be continued.)

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