At the moment when the plan was implemented, all the soldiers took their lives out of their bodies. They were angry about becoming prisoners and watched the rebellion on the opposite side. They all remembered the feeling of violence against ordinary people but powerlessness. All the soldiers sighed, just waiting for the present opportunity.

First is the decoy group responsible for attracting the attention of the guards.

Two soldiers with strong features first glanced at each other, nodded to each other, and then began an exaggerated performance. In order to make the performance as real as possible, the two of them had no trouble at all. There is no mercy, everything is performed according to the actual situation.

The two of them first found a random reason to start acting.

A tall soldier said provocatively to a strong soldier with a somewhat silly expression.

“Just what kind of man you are, you are a coy! You can’t do anything.”

“I’m not a coy! I’m a man able to support both heaven and earth !”

“I said that you are a stubborn species, and you have the ability to come up and do a fight.”

“I said, I! No! Yes! 孬! !”

The soldier with a silly expression, as if completely angered, used his tower-like body to savagely charge the tall soldier in front of him.

The tall soldier dodged the charge of the robust man with a face of disdain, and then made a mockery by the way.

“That’s it? I think your whole family is XX”

As soon as this is said, the soldiers who were originally furious, like adding fuel to the fire, become more violent .

“I killed you!!!!!! Wow!”

After roaring loudly, he exhausted all his strength. Furiously rushed to the tall man. This time the tall man did not evade, but showed that he did not evade in time. He was naturally thrown to the ground and yelled deliberately.

The two people yelled on the ground and began to fight each other ruthlessly. The two of you who punched me did not show mercy. Every time they punched, they exhausted all their strength. Of course The place to be hit still avoided the key points.

The fighting scene here soon attracted the attention of the guards.

“Hey! What are you doing! Get up!”

A guard who was playing cards with other guards first noticed the situation here, and then became a little nervous He picked up the weapon next to him and gave a loud warning to the two people who were constantly rolling on the ground.

But the purpose of the two is also very clear, and that is to keep the guards’ attention completely focused on them, so instead of converging, they fought more intensely, punching to the flesh, and even started Bleeding heavily.

Originally, the guards who wanted to stop the two of them, after seeing that they were fighting more intensely, they discussed with the person next to them, and then brought a dozen guards around, fully armed. Go and persuade.

“You two, don’t fight! Quick get up! Otherwise, labor and capital will collapse you! And! You can stand further away from everything you see, or be careful that labor and capital accidentally escape and kill you.”

When a dozen guards came to the place where the two were fighting, they immediately began to clear the field. First they pulled the two on the ground up, and then took their weapons to force the other prisoners around. After clearing a clearing, these guards prepared to kill the chicken to warn the monkey in order not to recur in the current situation in the future, and warn other soldiers not to cause trouble.

But when these dozen guards came to the crowd, the task of the decoy group was completed.

The guards who were attracted by the fight between the two of them did not notice that there were dozens of soldiers missing from the group of onlookers, and it was too late when they realized that the number of soldiers was wrong.

When a dozen guards came in to persuade them to fight, the soldiers of the assassination team quietly retreated from the crowd, and then swiftly approached from behind and quietly from the dark. Moving guards.

After the soldiers of the assassination team quietly approached the back of the guards, almost at the same time, all the soldiers of the assassination team quickly covered the guards’ mouths from behind, and then used right Press the hand on the guard’s left face, circle the forehead with the left hand, and place the palm of the left hand roughly on the temple of the right face, and then apply the strength of the hand to the waist.


With a sound of ka-cha, almost at the same time all the remaining guards were twisted their necks by the soldiers of the assassination team, silently Left the staff.

After handling the guards, the soldiers of the assassination team immediately took the guards’ weapons and began to check them. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, the leader of the assassination team immediately sent a signal to the officer. ,

The officer who received the signal immediately faced the decoy group nodded that had stopped fighting, and the two people in the decoy group immediately started the second fight after receiving the officer’s signal.

And this also made the guards preparing to kill the chicken to warn the monkey stupid.

“Hey! You two stab the head, it seems that it is Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, what do you see, pull them apart!”

And At this moment, the two people who were pretending to be fighting, seemed to lose their balance accidentally, and fell straight down to the person who was ordering the other guards, and then secretly hit this person’s temple with force.

The guards who were still giving orders suddenly seemed to be hit by a hammer on their heads. With a sharp pain, their eyes went black and lost consciousness, and this was like a signal. Soldiers, under the sullen expressions of other guards, swarmed up, using their superb close combat skills to directly unprepared dozens of guards.

Many guards were knocked to the ground by the soldiers before they knew what was happening, and the weapons in their hands were taken back by the soldiers, and they completely changed from guarding the prisoners to The captured people.

“Leader! Fortunately, we succeeded!”

“Good job, immediately organize commandos, clear from here all the way to the place where the hostages are held, ready to rescue the hostages !”


Although they were also a group of prisoners just now, as long as they gain freedom and weapons, they can become a group of experienced combatants again in a short time personnel.

Because there are only more than fifty weapons in his hand, the supreme commander here, the regimental leader, immediately organized fifty Spear Art and soldiers with the best combat experience in the regiment. The commando team is going to fight from where they are held to where they are held hostage.

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