And just as the captain was about to leave the hall where they were being held, the sound of fighting came from outside, although the gunshots were not obvious as if they were equipped with a silencer. , But the head still heard gunfire.

“What is this sound? Type 05 submachine gun! I clearly remember that our regiment did not issue this weapon, that is to say, this is another friendly army!”

The commander tone barely fell, and a group of combatants wearing special police costumes sprang out from the other side. Obviously, the other side was taken aback when they saw them, and then quickly took out a photo for comparison.

“Excuse me, are you Dragon Day, Captain Dragon?”

“Yes, it’s me”

After confirming your identity, you can clearly see The special police Captain, who took the lead, breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked a squad special policeman behind him to put away his guns and neatly salute the leader of the dragon day

“very good, leader dragon We are here to rescue you. Time is running out. Please leave here with me immediately. We have arranged a rescue team outside.”

“Leave? Just me?”

“Yes, our task is to rescue you first. As for the others, they are not in our task.”

I heard the SWAT on the opposite side say that Long Tianyi, the leader of Long, directly shook the head. .

“No! CC railway station is my site. Since this place is lost from my hands, then I will take her back with my own hands. Besides, there are tens of thousands of ordinary people in it. I can鈥檛 Let them run away alone”

Hearing this, the special police Captain was obviously stunned. After a short period of thought, the special police Captain spoke.

“I understand your feelings, but now the most important thing is your safety, so please leave with me immediately. As for other ordinary people, leave it to the rescue troops outside”

After the special policeman Captain finished speaking, he gave the special policeman behind him a wink and prepared to leave with the captain forcibly.

“Stop! Let go of our captain!”

At this time, the commandos hiding behind the gate also rushed out, immediately protecting their captain, and then Raised the weapon in his hand and aimed at the special police outside, and the special police also raised their guns subconsciously to confront the soldiers.

“What are you doing! Put down the gun for me!”

“But the leader, they!”

“Put down the gun!”


Under the command of the regiment commander, the soldiers put down their weapons aimed at the special police officers, but they still guarded their regimental commanders tightly to prevent them from approaching.

“You also put down your guns, don’t fire at your own people”


The special police are also arranged by the special police Captain and put them down Aiming at the weapons of the soldiers on the opposite side, the two men and horses fell into silence. In the end, the special police Captain took the lead to give way and give the Dragon Commander a step.

“Let鈥檚 do this, Captain Long, my people and I will help you rescue the hostages together, but one thing is that you must stay behind to ensure your life is safe, can you?”


“It would be fine for a long time, well, I promise you”

After agreeing to the special police Captain, Captain Long pointed to the soldiers around him and said.

“They are the fifty strongest in our regiment. They will work with you to rescue the hostages. I hope you can successfully complete the rescue mission.”

“Guaranteed to complete the mission! “

The special police had no choice but to salute with them, and then took fifty fully armed soldiers and proceeded to detain tens of thousands of hostages, halls 3, 4, and 5. There are too many people, and the insurgents can only separate and hold the hostages, otherwise, once these hostages riot, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because there are too many hostages, the insurgents will only guard all entrances and exits leaving the hall, and no hostages will be allowed to approach the gate. There are simply toilets and other necessities in the hall, otherwise so many people will eat, Drink, shit and piss can’t be controlled by hundreds of insurgents alone.

As the old saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention tens of thousands of people. When personal freedom is restricted by the insurgents, several groups are separated from the tens of thousands of hostages. One is the ordinary person group who is waiting for rescue with peace of mind. It is also the largest group of people. They still retain full trust in the country. I believe that in the next second or one minute, there will be an army to rescue them.

The second category is the self-rescuer. They feel that after seeing thousands of soldiers surrendering, they think that the army can no longer save them, and the external situation is not easy. Impossible Their hopes are pinned on external rescue, so the only way left is self-help, so they collect all the things or props that can be used, and then secretly accumulate strength to wait for an opportunity to solve the insurgents around the gate, and then escape here.

After talking about these two groups, the next ones are people with relatively abnormal brain circuits. They are those who choose to cling to the insurgents. Generally, in order to please these insurgents, they don鈥檛 hesitate to sacrifice themselves. All of them, even their own wife or daughter, even if they are pointed fingers by others, they will say this with pride.

“Just wait, as long as I gain their trust, when the time comes, see how I will kill you all! What? How do you have the heart to let your wives and teenage daughters accompany those People? Hahaha! I do this for their good, and only in this way can I become a part of them faster”

To be honest, even with a little bit of humanity, it is impossible to say such a bastard But the problem is that there are such people in life, even if you don鈥檛 want to admit it.

Moreover, these people always look for opportunities to get close to the self-helpers, not for anything else, they just want to find some evidence and report to the insurgents. Of course, the self-helpers are not fools, they are perfunctory. Following this group of people, they gathered their hands secretly, and gave them a fiercely beating in sacks where others could not see them.

Because they were sacked, the people who were beaten didn鈥檛 know who beat them. Even if they wanted to report it, it was impossible to find the real murderer, and the rebels were not willing to care about it. Kind of trifle.

The last type of group is confusing. They neither resist, follow blindly, nor expect to be rescued. They just stay together all the time, facing a log. Pray all day and night.

If they approached them rashly when they prayed, they would be known by them. In short, they would be beaten up, and the attackers would basically follow the vitals of the human body, such as Yesterday, there was a third group of people who leaned over when they prayed together, ready to make some words, and then they were beaten into pig heads. There was no good place on the whole body. It was very miserable.

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