At this time, the rescue team composed of soldiers and special police is divided into three groups, and they will rescue the hostages in the third, fourth, and fifth halls. The firepower of the team decreased, but it was able to rescue everyone in the shortest time.

“In order not to interfere with each other, I suggest that we go to the third hall for rescue, and the fourth hall is your special police. As for the fifth hall, half of us will carry out mixed operations.”


“Yes, it’s fair, but one thing is that we must carry out rescues at the same time. No one can be slow, no one can be fast. Only by carrying out a surprise attack at the same time can we make a surprise attack on the enemy as much as possible. “

“That’s natural, come, let’s face it”

As the officer with the strongest commanding ability in the regiment, he certainly knows the importance of things, so he offered to follow The SWAT Captain on the opposite side checks the watch.

“It’s 12:20 noon. Ten minutes later, at 12:30 noon, we will attack the third, fourth, and fifth at the same time to eliminate local armed forces as much as possible. Strength, save the hostages intact, if it’s okay, let’s decide like this”

“Ok, I agree, let’s do it”

After the plan is determined, the soldiers and The three groups of special police officers immediately began to move towards their destination.


Outside the gate of the third hall, there are now two armed men standing guard outside the gate, saying that they are standing guard and actually sleeping with their eyes open. , There is no rays of light in the eyes at all, it is obviously in a state of wandering.

And in an indoor green belt not far from the third hall, there is now at least one platoon of soldiers in ambush. These soldiers hide their bodies in the green belt as much as possible. The face is covered with various paints, so that you can blend into the surrounding environment as much as possible, and reduce the chance of being discovered as much as possible.

“Squad leader, everyone is ready”

“Very well, let the soldiers try to hide themselves as much as possible and don’t expose them”

“Yes! “

“Now there is one minute before starting the total attack, in order to guard against the unexpected, kill the two guards first!”


A few seconds later, two agile soldiers flashed out of the green belt. They quickly approached the two armed men who were guarding the gate not far away. Although they were wandering, they were so big. A bunch of green things, and then rushing to oneself quickly, anyone will be shocked.



Neither of them said anything, they were ghost- The like soldier broke his neck, and the dead can no longer die.

After killing the two militants standing guard, the two soldiers made a gesture at the green belt. In an instant, a platoon of soldiers rushed out of the green belt and quickly came to both sides of the hall gate. , Forming the best formation that can cross fire.

As long as the time is up, these soldiers will immediately break through the door and enter the hall 1 for hostage rescue missions.

In the gate of Hall 4 on the other side, the special police, like the soldiers, quickly eliminated the militants guarding the gate, and then they were ready to break in.

Different from the forcible assassination of the soldiers, the special police are equipped with complete equipment, so the special police used the police crossbow arrows with almost no noise. They sent a thousand arrows to the two militants guarding the gate. .

The two militants guarding the gate, without even screaming, fell to the ground stiffly and died in anger,

“Quick! Get the body over, Don’t let the smell of blood drift into the door!”


“Also, prepare a pinhole camera to see how things are going inside!”


The special police made full use of their own equipment advantages and tried to collect any useful intelligence before the assault.

And Hall No. 5, which is the hall where the rescue unit is in charge of a mixture of soldiers and special police, is now in a weird situation.

“What the hell is that!”

Special police Captain looked at a human-sized scarlet sarcoma not far away, and was almost speechless in surprise.

“You ask me, who am I asking? But what I can tell is that that thing is definitely not a good thing.”

An army commander in charge of cooperating with the special police Captain , Looking at the red sarcoma that was still squirming not far away, some involuntarily swallowed saliva and retorted.

Other soldiers and special policemen were also confused by the situation in front of them not knowing what to do. The fifth hall, which was originally marked on the map, has now completely changed into another look, the door of the entire hall. It is completely occupied by an unknown red sarcoma, and these sarcomas are not dead but just like alive, constantly squirming.

And in the sarcoma, a certain kind of creature in human form can be clearly seen, dormant inside.

“What should I do? I don’t think there will be people alive in the lobby.”

“I agree with you, but we can’t just retreat like this, at least first To figure out what it is, or to destroy those ghosts first, I feel that if we ignore those ghosts now, then we will be extremely unlucky in the future.”

“But…well… , Okay, I also brought a lot of C4 bombs here, it should be able to blow up those things”

“Nu Pen! Why are you still stunned, take action”

After finishing speaking, the company commander took the lead with the soldiers, walked out of the dark, led the soldiers under his hands, and slowly approached the scarlet sarcoma.

“Wait a minute! Now make a plan in action…….oh! Reckless man! Everyone comes with me!”


The special police Captain first wanted to stop the company commander from advancing, but before he could stop him successfully, the company commander had already led people to the past. There was no way, the special police Captain could only take the rest of the special police followed along. .

When two groups of people cautiously approached these sarcomas, perhaps they felt the breath of a living person. The humanoid state originally dormant in the sarcoma suddenly opened its eyes, and then used scarlet eyes. , Staring closely at the people who are gradually approaching.

Because the transparency of the sarcoma is not very high, no one has noticed that a certain organism in the sarcoma has awakened.

“After the sarcoma is blown up, we must first confirm whether there is a living person in the hall”

“However, there is a high probability that the people inside…”


“I know! But if I don’t confirm it with my own eyes, I won’t be reconciled. Even if there is only one gasp, then he is also our rescue object. We can’t leave them alone. After all, who will let us It’s the people’s soldiers”

“…you are right, we can’t give up any living person, because we are…”

“the people’s soldiers! *2”

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