Mysterious city

Chapter 229: If you are superior, you will not fit in with others.

After all, with the extremely exaggerated tonnage of the Land Cruiser, coupled with the potential energy of the powerful impact caused by high-speed driving, the flesh and blood of ordinary people is like paper. It can be said that it will break at a touch. No exaggeration.

The duty of the Constantines is to protect the safety of ordinary humans. Although there are probably no pedestrians or vehicles on the road due to the current rain, it is better to be conservative, otherwise it will run counter to the most core beliefs.

So no matter how worried Chen Hao was about the safety of that brat Jiang Zhe, he still had to rely on intelligent driving when his vision was blurred.

However, the speed of intelligent driving is relatively slow, compared to Chen Hao's violent driving.

Compared with ordinary people, the speed of intelligent driving is not inferior, and it can even be slightly better than some experienced drivers, especially in the current extreme weather.

After all, no matter how out-of-the-box the crazy people in the equipment department act, each one of them is still a talented player.

The guys they create are not only full of wild imagination, but the effects are also outstanding, and they will definitely not be defective products with poor quality.

Intelligent driving is extremely safe and very worry-free. After solving this thorny problem, Chen Hao can focus on thinking about how to rescue Jiang Zhe.

Chen Hao's strength is far superior to Jiang Zhe's by more than one rank, so even if there are some errors in the intelligence of the Investigation Department and the monster's strength is misjudged, it is not a big problem for Chen Hao.

The strength of a monster that can put Jiang Zhe into a difficult battle or even put his life in danger must be at least ghost level, or at least not too different.

This may be troublesome for many specialists in the execution department. After all, monsters with strength above "ghost" level can be considered as "elite monsters".

But to Chen Hao, a mere "ghost" level monster is just a weakling that can be dealt with with a wave of his hand and a sprinkle of water. It is not a problem at all.

Therefore, the real problem is not the strength of the enemy. This issue has never made Chen Hao anxious from beginning to end.

What really made Chen Hao feel difficult was how to find Jiang Zhe's location.

After all, although Anshi is not a super first-tier city, it is not a small place.

Based on the information left by the Investigation Department, Chen Hao could only guess the approximate location where Jiang Zhe might appear. It was still not a small area that was easy to search.

What's more, neither the monster nor Jiang Zhe is a wooden stake, but a living creature that can move. This undoubtedly makes Jiang Zhe's location even more difficult to determine.

So the most urgent problem right now is how to find that brat Jiang Zhe as soon as possible.

Time is the most precious in any rescue operation, and the same situation is facing Chen Hao now.

"I wonder how that kid Jiang Zhe is doing now. If he does get into any trouble, how long he can survive."

Chen Hao sighed and said to himself, this woman, who had always been able to calmly control the situation in the past, suddenly showed a rare trace of fear and sadness in her eyes at this moment.

The tragic death of her brother that night once again came to Chen Hao's mind. This had been a nightmare that had troubled her for many years.

Almost every night in the past few years, Chen Hao would wake up from his dream screaming, in which his younger brother had been ravaged by monsters and transformed into a humanoid.

Over the years, Chen Hao would always dream of his brother lying on the ground covered in blood with his eyes closed.

When he got close to his brother, lifted him off the ground and held him in his arms, his brother would suddenly open his eyes, grab his neck, and then scream with extreme anger mixed with incomparable pain. The voice shouted at himself: "Why didn't you come to save me? Why did you come now!"

Chen Hao will never forget the way his brother looked at him in his nightmare.

And every time Chen Hao wakes up screaming, wrapped in a quilt, dripping with cold sweat and shivering, she needs to slow down for a while before she can break free from the endless horrific nightmare.

But compared to the terrifying appearance of her brother in the nightmare, what was even more difficult for Chen Hao to accept was that the brother she had grown up with day and night since childhood had left her forever.

One of the saddest things in life is losing a loved one at the very beginning of life.

And as a young person, you are not fully prepared to deal with this kind of sadness, and the long and lonely rest of your life.

Contrary to the appearance of a long-sleeved, versatile and versatile woman, Chen Hao is actually a very withdrawn woman in her heart.

Due to her powerful talent that is visible to the naked eye, Chen Hao is not only strong as a Constantine, but also has an intelligent and precocious talent that allows her to clearly understand the world of people early on.

In the eyes of many people, "precociously intelligent" may be a good compliment, and in some ways it is.

As early as when other children were still playing with toys and playing some extremely childish games, Chen Hao scoffed at this and began to think about some things that adults might not consider.

While other girls fell in love early and were fooled around by the boys they liked, Chen Hao had already seen clearly the nature of human "love", which was nothing more than simple sexual attraction and hormones.

In Chen Hao's opinion, the love between the sexes is not great, it is just caused by sexual desire, and even a little dirty.

For Chen Hao, only family love is the greatest.

And even the greatest family love can only be experienced by Chen Hao from his younger brother.

Because she has no real relatives other than that, it has always been the two of them who depended on each other for life.

And as mentioned before, "being smart and precocious" is not a good thing sometimes, because it means being superior.

It's a pity that outstanding people often don't fit in with others.

Therefore, since childhood, it can be said that Chen Hao has almost no friends around him. Even if he has, they are only "superficial best friends" that he needs to maintain for some reasons.

As for those who sincerely dated, the number before Chen Hao and Jian Xin became friends was zero.

Because Chen Hao, who is too outstanding, is always too far ahead of her peers, her peers who can be recognized by her have not yet been born in this world.

But when his younger brother was with him, Chen Hao never felt lonely.

In other words, she has no real concept of the word "lonely", or at least is not affected by it.

But after the death of his younger brother, who had been dependent on him since childhood, Chen Hao truly experienced the feeling of loneliness for the first time.

It is a particularly terrifying feeling, as if no one in the world has anything to do with you except yourself.

Except for yourself, no one cares about you, no one supports you, there is no shield in front of you, and there is no harbor behind you. It seems that you are in a white mist that will never dissipate, and there is no light as far as you can see.

No matter how strong your heart is or how capable you are, you can't resist this terrible feeling.

No one can escape loneliness. Loneliness is the biggest devil in the world.

Fortunately, after this, another man walked into Chen Hao's world, and that was Jian Xin.

Like Chen Hao, both of them are powerful yet cold in nature.

Although Kenshin is not good at words, and he is not the kind of person who expresses his care and attention very clearly, Chen Hao, who is close to Kenshin in nature, still instinctively feels that there is a strong attraction between the two of them. .

It was the same kind of feeling.

Even so, after the death of his younger brother, it took Chen Hao several years to get out of the haze.

But tonight, Jiang Zhe's mysterious loss of contact once again made Chen Hao feel the same feeling as before.

It was as if the nightmare that had been plaguing her in the past few years was back again.

"Jiang Zhe, you must hold on!"

Chen Hao prayed silently in his heart.

She rarely prays for others, and there are few people worthy of Chen Hao's prayers.

But thinking about it carefully, although Jiang Zhe behaves in an unconventional way, he looks like a childish child who has not grown up.

But Chen Hao still knew very well that this big boy was not a weak-willed person who would lie down whenever faced with difficulties.

Jiang Zhe is more like a calf, young and vigorous at the same time.

"He must be able to hold on, right?"

Although he was a little unsure, Chen Hao's uneasy mood was slightly relieved by his understanding of Jiang Zhe during this period.

At this moment, the cute and cute loli voice suddenly sounded again, pulling Chen Hao from his meditation back to reality.

"It has been detected that there is a large amount of water in the surrounding environment, and there is a possibility of water entering the engine. Although the chance is very small, we still need to report it to you."

"Also, would you like me to call you Miss Chen, or Master?"

The "loli" said in a voice that was numb to the bones, quite like a well-behaved Japanese maid.

But what this guy said confounded Chen Hao.

Are all current artificial intelligences this advanced? Why do you feel like you have a mind of your own?

After all, what the artificial intelligence just said had the feeling of subjectively asking about your preferences. This is not like what a robot could say in full accordance with the system settings.

Moreover, not long ago, the equipment department was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to upgrade Chen Hao's "intelligent system". After that, Chen Hao never used this function.

Unexpectedly, after the upgrade, the artificial intelligence seemed to become even more outrageous and difficult to understand. As expected, the group of lunatics in the equipment department were all guys with unique tastes.

"Well, you should call me Miss Chen."

Chen Hao sighed helplessly. At this juncture, this damn artificial intelligence is still asking such outrageous questions. If this guy also has a personality, he must be as nonsensical as those lunatics in the equipment department.

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