Mysterious city

Chapter 230 Gundam Mode

This couldn't help but make Chen Hao feel angry and funny. Although she wanted to vent the unknown anger that had just been ignited in her heart, she couldn't.

After all, the other party is just an artificial intelligence, and she is also a cute little loli.

So even if her words seemed inappropriate at the moment, Chen Hao couldn't curse an artificial intelligence loli!

"Okay, Miss Chen."

The artificial loli replied crisply, her tone sounding extremely lively, as if she didn't notice Chen Hao's displeasure at all.

However, this makes Chen Hao feel a little relieved. At least it means that if this artificial loli is not too brainless, it means that she still has no self-awareness.

Otherwise, the threat of monsters has not been completely eliminated, and if another incident of the rise of artificial intelligence occurs, the Equipment Department, no, their entire Constantine Organization will be the biggest sinners.

Chen Haogang was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, but immediately realized that he seemed to have missed something important just now.

"Wait, what did you just say was possible?"

Chen Hao asked hurriedly. The artificial lolita's nonsense made her focus on the wrong place. Sure enough, her unconventional behavior would get in the way at critical moments.

At this critical juncture, no detail can be overlooked, otherwise a slight deviation will lead to catastrophe.

"It has been detected that there is a possibility of water entering the engine, Miss Chen."

The artificial Loli spoke lively and briskly again, as if she was talking about something insignificant.

But this was not good news for Chen Hao. After hearing what the artificial Loli said, Chen Hao immediately straightened up and scanned the surrounding environment.

Because Jiang Zhe's current situation reminded Chen Hao of his younger brother, that nightmare-like memory was not a good experience. This somewhat made Chen Hao's judgment of the current situation slightly wrong compared to the past.

Just now, Chen Hao was only focused on dealing with the problem of poor visibility, but he forgot that the depth of the water outside has become very scary.

Even though the Land Cruiser is much taller than other cars, it is not really a "cruiser" after all.

If the rain and water accumulation are normal, it will not be a big problem for Luxun, and it can still walk on flat ground.

But the depth of the water now has not reached the Lu Xun's body, not to mention the bean-sized raindrops still falling crazily towards the Lu Xun like a Gatling with unlimited ammunition.

No matter how good the quality of the car is, if the situation continues like this, even if the Land Cruiser's engine is not damaged by the water, it will find the gap in the engine cover and "slip" in during the continuous heavy rain.

"Damn, everything is really going wrong!"

Chen Hao slapped the steering wheel hard. She rarely lost her temper like this, but she was particularly unlucky tonight.

Not to mention that I wasted up half a day by meeting a fool like Li Qiang, and now even the car is going on strike!

Chen Hao was not worried that the million-dollar luxury car would become worthless because of the water. Money was nothing to her.

Because at Chen Hao's level, Constantine's abilities are already so powerful that ordinary people cannot imagine.

There are many difficult things that they can do without money, just like Superman will worry about money?

What's more, a rich woman like Chen Hao is not short of money.

What worried her was that if something went wrong with the car, it would undoubtedly affect her progress in rescuing Jiang Zhe.

Although Chen Hao can fly in the air without being affected by stagnant water, with her current strength she still cannot do this without consuming spiritual energy.

In such a bad environment, people's five senses will be greatly affected, so trying to find Jiang Zhe is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If he uses air control rashly and uncontrollably, he may not even see Jiang Zhe's shadow, and Chen Hao will take the first step and consume all his spiritual power.

What's more, long-term flying in the air will cause the speed to drop significantly. In the current emergency situation, there are many more disadvantages than driving.

But Chen Hao really couldn't think of a better way, so he could only maintain the status quo for the time being and take it one step at a time.

At that time, if Lu Xun really breaks down on the way, he will have no choice but to bite the bullet.

At this moment, as if aware of Chen Hao's anxiety, the artificial loli's voice sounded again.

"Ms. Chen, do you want me to activate the Gundam mode for you? This is a new mode after upgrading the system. You can try it out."

Chen Hao, who was considering countermeasures, didn't listen carefully to the artificial intelligence's words at all. He just instinctively said "hmm" casually.

But immediately, Chen Hao came back to his senses and realized that his thoughts seemed to be led astray by this little lolita again. He quickly asked: "Wait a minute, what's Gundam mode?"

But by the time Chen Hao asked, it was already too late, and there was no time for her to make any mental preparations. Chen Hao felt Lu Xun brake suddenly.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in Chen Hao's heart. Although she was not a fan of Japanese comics, Chen Hao had heard of the word "Gundam".

Isn't that a kind of robot in Japanese animation?

The next second, Chen Hao felt her body sink, as if the seat had been suddenly taken away, making her feel as if she was shorter.

But in fact, the seat is still under Chen Hao's butt, and the position has not changed in any way.

The one thing that has changed is Lu Xun.

The tires of the Land Cruiser that had just stopped suddenly disappeared out of thin air as if some magic trick had been performed. The next second, four huge mechanical arms stretched out from the bottom of the car and replaced the original positions of the four tires.

Before Chen Hao could come to her senses, she, who was not yet familiar with her current height, immediately felt as if something had hit her butt hard, and her height suddenly increased again.

With the support of the four huge mechanical arms, Lu Xun's height suddenly increased by as much as one meter.

Paired with the four weird-looking but somewhat cool mechanical giant arms, it looks like a strange hybrid product of modern steampunk style.

"With the height of the current model, the chance of water entering your car's engine has been greatly reduced."

"And the power system of Gundam mode is different from that of the original car. Even if your engine is flooded, it will not have any impact on the car in Gundam mode. Don't worry, Ms. Chen."

The artificial lolita said briskly again. Unexpectedly, the service was quite considerate. Knowing how to appease the anxious Chen Hao, she just added the sentence "If you are satisfied, please give me a five-star review and thank you" at the end of the sentence.

However, this undoubtedly gave Chen Hao the strange feeling that "this artificial intelligence has its own consciousness."

"It's just that the shape of our car may look a little strange in Gundam mode. However, I have tested it for you in advance. No vehicles or pedestrians have been detected nearby, and the visibility is extremely low. Please rest assured, Miss Chen."

As soon as the artificial Loli finished speaking, Chen Hao saw the screen in front of the Luxun center console showing what Lu Xun looked like at this moment.

Now her car looks like an ugly spider. In Chen Hao's opinion, this shape is a bit weird. It can be said that it is extremely ugly.

Fortunately, the current horrible weather means that there are almost no pedestrians or vehicles on the road. Even if there are, through the rain and the blinding night, it is difficult for humans with the lowest visibility to find such mechanical monsters around them. .

Otherwise, if it were broad daylight, even if it was not the rush hour for commuting, passers-by would probably think that aliens or aliens had invaded the earth when they saw this car.

Fortunately, the "Gundam Mode" designed by the madmen in the equipment department is weird and ugly, but its performance is impeccable.

The four mechanical arms sliding in the water look a bit funny, but their speed is many times faster than the "original" Land Cruiser.

What is not commensurate with their huge size is that these four mechanical giant arms swim very agilely, like agile fish.

The speed is fast and there is no need to worry about the engine breaking down due to water intrusion. This makes Chen Hao feel a little more grateful to the guys in the equipment department.

When Jiang Zhe, who was of the same mind as Xiao Yan in the illusion of empathy, regained consciousness again, he found that the place in front of him had become a mess.

The snow-white walls of the hotel were already stained with a lot of blood, and the tableware in the kitchen was scattered all over the floor. The scene looked as miserable as if a huge typhoon had passed through.

Of course, the scene that was even more horrifying than these was the four or five unconscious men lying on the ground.

At this moment, each of them was beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. No, maybe bruises and swollen faces were not enough to describe the miserable condition of these unlucky guys. It should be said that they were inhuman form.

Yes, in that brief moment, Jiang Zhe, or Xiaoyan, had already beaten these four or five big men as if they were human sandbags.

Even though his fists were full of wounds due to continuous blows, the joints were exposed, and they were swollen by a full circle, the fate of "Jiang Zhe's" opponents was obviously more miserable.

With one against many, and the opponents were all big men with greater tonnage than themselves and rich experience in street fighting, this kind of performance was strong enough for a young man who had never received systematic training.

Even those fighting masters who have won awards dare not say that they can do better than "Jiang Zhe" in this situation.

It stands to reason that Xiao Yan, who has never fought before, should be surprised by the sudden burst of power.

But the strange thing is that he didn't feel anything weird about it, as if it was normal.

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