Mysterious city

Chapter 264 The opportunity has come!

And if he gets stuck, his job as a ticket inspector will definitely be lost.

Finding a job in that era was not an easy task, let alone a more respectable and well-paid job like a ticket collector.

And due to the low level of economic development, everyone has very few savings.

There is essentially no difference between losing your job and losing your life. If you lose your salary, it will be difficult for ordinary people to maintain their daily food and drink expenses.

It's fine if you encounter a minor disaster or illness, but if you encounter something difficult, you can only watch the disease slowly eat away at your life step by step, and sit back and wait for death.

So even if he doesn't have to go to jail, just losing his job because of obstructing official duties is enough to make this unlucky guy unable to bear it, so he has to choose to endure it silently.

Seeing that the ticket inspector had suppressed what he wanted to say, before the leader of the plainclothes had time to breathe a sigh of relief, more trouble came to his door.

After they and the ticket inspector were denounced, a third type of voice emerged from the crowd.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You've been blocking the passage for half an hour, and you're still going to let us get on the bus? Isn't other people's time time?"

A tall, thick, bald man with tattoos stood out from the crowd. A thick and dazzling gold chain hung around his neck. It was obvious at a glance that this guy was not someone to be trifled with.

Seeing this man who was as tall and strong as a bear, the thin ticket inspector was so frightened that he took several steps back.

If Wang Yan hadn't been holding him up from behind, this guy might have been frightened so far back. His pale face looked like he was afraid that this strong man would get angry at him and beat him up. Same.

There was also a frightened expression on Li Ge's face, and he quickly shrank back, with tears of fright shining in his eyes.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't go into the entertainment industry. Otherwise, I don't know how he could easily win several Best Actor trophies.

Although Li Zi looked so frightened that he was about to lose control of his bowels and urine, which made people feel particularly pitiful, in fact, this guy was already happy in his heart.

Although this big man with raised eyebrows looks very scary, after the inner personality took over Wang Yan's body, this guy has long since transformed from a timid and timid child into a fearless and arrogant devil.

Would he be afraid of such a fool with strong limbs and simple mind?


On the contrary, what he has been waiting for is not the "righteous people" who denounce the peace officers and ticket inspectors, but the evil people who are "the same on the outside" like this bald man.

Li Ge clearly knew that those righteous people could indeed make the scene more chaotic and help him cover up.

Unfortunately, they have no real effect.

After all, if you just talk about it, you won't be able to let Li Ge take advantage of the chaos and escape. He will still need to mediate for a while.

And if there are really enthusiastic people among the crowd who call the police, although it will not directly lead to death, if a few more police officers come, it will indeed make the situation more difficult to handle. .

If the sheriffs smell something wrong and directly bring Manager Gu or other guys who have been beaten by Wang Yanpang to the scene to identify them, it will be a big deal.

Based on the impression Wang Yan left on Manager Gu, I am afraid that one look at him will scare him out of his wits and turn him into a madman, and his reaction will be extremely violent.

By then, no matter how well you disguise your personality, you may not be able to escape.

However, he understood that once this evil person stepped forward and made a "good start", Lige believed that the remaining guys would definitely follow suit.

Sure enough, after seeing such a ferocious "hero" coming out of his own camp, the impatient people queuing at the ticket gate where Li's personality was located started to curse angrily.

"Fuck, you're right. I don't know what you are doing noisily. I have to go on a business trip and have to do things. Can you afford to pay for the delay in business?"

A middle-aged man with a briefcase under his arm and slightly white hair on his temples stood next to the tattooed villain and said arrogantly.

Judging from his arrogant look, it was obvious that he had already regarded himself as a successful businessman and a wealthy businessman, as if every minute was extremely valuable.

However, in that era when transportation was scarce, trains were basically the fastest and most efficient means of long-distance travel, and they were also more comfortable.

Therefore, those who took green cars in that era were not necessarily poor households who could not afford to choose other more convenient means of transportation.

A large number of them are small business owners, and there are even some successful businessmen who have made a difference in local towns.

However, looking at the dirty talk and domineering demeanor of these so-called "successful people", they don't seem like those big bosses with broad minds, but rather like upstarts who have set their sights higher than their tops after becoming successful.

But with this "one civil and one military" leader, it seems to have set a "good example" for the leaderless people behind.

Soon, more and more people appeared like mushrooms after a spring rain, and the scene became increasingly chaotic, with more and more vulgar, obscene, and hard-to-hear dirty words.

The group of guys who just criticized the Sheriff and the ticket inspector were okay, at least their words were relatively polite.

But this group of grumpy old guys is different. They all seem to be unable to speak without some words related to reproductive organs. At least half of their sentences are filled with swear words.

This can't be entirely blamed on them. After all, the waiting halls at that time were not as grand as they are now, and the ticket check-in channels were only that big.

Wang Yan and the burly police officers made such a fuss that they almost blocked the entire ticket gate.

Judging from their posture, it was obvious that they did not intend to let the people behind them pass directly past them and pass through the ticket gate.

People who chose to travel by train at that time either had to travel long distances or had urgent matters to deal with. In short, almost no one had extra free time to spend in the waiting hall.

Since the police officers intercepted Wang Yan, they had already wasted nearly ten minutes here.

Not to mention that most people are in a hurry to get home, or are on a business trip and have important things to deal with.

If they keep going like this, they may not be able to catch the train on time!

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