Mysterious city

Chapter 265 Mouse meets cat

If we miss the bus due to a delay, who will bear the responsibility?

After seeing these two prominent officers talking to each other about "leading the uprising", the faces of the plainclothes police officers immediately darkened.

Especially the plainclothes leader, the temperature in his eyes instantly became several degrees colder, as if there was a piece of cold ice hidden inside.

Like the bald man with tattoos all over his back, he knew at one glance that that guy was definitely not a good guy.

Yellow, black, and grey, if they don't have any contact with each other, they must have some. In short, the profession they are engaged in is definitely not a good one.

Of course, this is a bit like looking at people through colored glasses.

After all, tattooing is just a hobby. It does not mean that all people with tattoos are definitely gangsters.

Many of the tattooed, fierce-looking men may also be ruthless and gentle knights.

They will also help old people with inconvenient legs and feet to cross the road. They will also stand up for children who suffer from school violence. They will also draw swords to help when there is injustice on the road.

In this world, there will never be any specific group that is exactly what people think it is.

There are always biases, but generalizations are a big no-no.

However, in that era when concepts could not be called open, people were full of prejudice against people with tattoos all over their backs, no, even those with only flowered arms.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the cognitive concept of most people, having any tattoo is equivalent to being young and Dangerous.

This stereotype is even more true in the profession of peace officer.

In that era when the special campaign against gangs and evil had not yet been completed, the underworld was still relatively rampant.

Often out of ten vicious fights, at least nine of them involve tattooed villains.

Although the plainclothes leader had just joined the job not long ago, this was always the case whether he was studying at the police academy or listening to the stories of seniors after joining the job.

And looking at the big man in front of him, whether it is his ferocious expression or his body that is as huge and terrifying as an adult bear, in the stereotype of these young plainclothes, he has been completely classified as a gangster, and he is of a high level.

Although it's summer, in a place with a lot of traffic like a train station waiting room, you, a big fat guy, wandering around shirtless and with tattoos all over your body, you don't look like a good person!

However, others may be afraid of such vicious gangsters, but the peace officers are not afraid at all.

After all, although the sheriffs are incompatible with such underworld gangs, cats and mice are also incompatible enemies.

Therefore, the relationship between force and water and fire is not equal. Has anyone seen a cat being afraid of a mouse?

Of course, except for pet cats who are spoiled by their owners.

Although they have only been on the job for a few days, the best of these newcomers have already performed many missions with the security team.

They didn't know how many cases they had to deal with in just a few months and a half, such as the terrifying looking underworld in front of them.

Don't look at these guys who speak with loud voices and look like the biggest boss in the world.

In fact, they are just some dung beetles with a lusty appearance and a lusty heart.

There is no need for them to deal with these guys. Once they see the uniforms of the peace officers, these dung beetles will be scared to death like mice seeing a cat, and they will have no choice but to run away.

No matter how strong your underworld gang becomes and how powerful it is, is it possible that it can still be stronger than the violent institutions of a country?

In front of the national law enforcement agencies, any evil forces are just paper tigers and soft-legged shrimps, not even a decoration!

At this moment, although these young plainclothes officers are not wearing uniforms, as a peace officer, a defender of social stability, and a sharp sword for eradicating evil in the country, their sense of pride and mission has been deeply engraved in everyone's mind. in the bones.

If it weren't for the need to maintain secrecy when performing the mission, he would have gone up and kicked this domineering guy to the ground and detained him.

It's a pity that their identities will be exposed. They have endured it till now. They must not let the plan go to waste and fail because of impulsiveness——

Just as the leader of the plain clothes was thinking silently in his heart, he suddenly saw a burly figure in front of his eyes.

"Don't talk about other people's mothers using bad words. Didn't your mother teach you how to speak?"

This guy who was talking angrily was the burly Sheriff who almost exposed them just now!

Seeing his "natural enemy" who would usually scurry away when he saw him, flexing his muscles in front of so many people, how could his pride as a sheriff allow him to continue to sit idly by and suffer silently like a coward?

It's a pity that although this big man can be regarded as an educated man, it is precisely because educated people rarely use swear words on weekdays that his "ventriloquism" seems so immature compared to the guy covered with tattoos.

Just in terms of physique, this burly vigilante, who was covered in tendons and flesh, was a bit more powerful than the evil guy who looked as strong as a bear.

The leader of the plainclothes team had a bad idea. This bad-tempered pig teammate was still going to ruin their plan.

But before he could stop him, the middle-aged man standing next to the tattooed villain with a briefcase raised his head and spoke disdainfully: "Hey, I told you that you guys didn't get out of the way, and you've wasted me for ten minutes. Got it!"

"You poor guys, if you delay me for ten minutes, I will lose 10,000 yuan. Can you afford to pay for it?"

Sure enough, this guy still regards himself as a "Celestial Dragon".

It's just that this "I" guy really makes people associate him with a big boss who can earn 10,000 yuan in ten minutes.

Moreover, the scarce economy of that era limited his imagination.

If it were changed today, Internet trolls would feel sorry for the average level of bragging if they didn't say that they make 10,000 yuan a minute.

However, although what this guy said was ugly, it did make some sense.

It wouldn't be a problem to delay it any longer, but they are just pretending to be ordinary passers-by, and they can't directly take charge of the matter.

So the plainclothes leader had no choice but to quietly wink at the ticket inspector and let him handle it.

I don’t know if his IQ was heightened due to the stimulation of the desire to survive, but with just a look, the frightened ticket inspector immediately came back to his senses.

"Ahem. I'm sorry, comrades, there was an unexpected little problem today."

"But don't worry, everyone, we will handle it properly!"

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