Mysterious city

Chapter 370 We are professionals!

Therefore, even compared to A Hu, who was as tall as a bear, Lin Zihan, who was thin and tall, looked much taller at this moment.

Seeing Lin Zihan's appearance, Ah Hu felt a chill in his heart and had no choice but to shut up and let it go.

At this point, Miss Lin has made her attitude very clear.

Don't you want to persuade me to give up?

Don’t you want me to retreat to my small nest in peace and safety? No, you want me to retreat to the wilderness and enjoy life?

Okay, you can try to persuade me again, as long as you are not afraid of losing your job!

Of course Ah Hu is afraid of losing his job!

After all, Lin Zihan offered him a very generous salary, including food and accommodation.

Putting aside the generous salary that is several times higher than that of his peers, the mere fact that food and accommodation are included is attractive enough, giving Ahu enough reasons to stay.

If it were placed elsewhere, it would be fine with food and accommodation included, and there were many jobs with such benefits.

But what kind of environment do they provide including food and accommodation?

What kind of treatment is Lin Zihan's "food and accommodation included" here?

With several floors of spacious villas, even if he could only stay in a guest room, it would be far more comfortable than a so-called five-star luxury hotel!

Moreover, Ahu is still an out-and-out foodie, otherwise he wouldn't be able to have such a burly figure like a giant bear.

What does Lin Zihan's so-called "free meal" mean?

That's the treatment of a three-star Michelin chef providing you with food around the clock!

How many people have never been able to eat Michelin once in their lives, let alone live in Lin's villa. Ah Hu can eat at any time if he wants. After all, the so-called noble three-star Michelin chef is just a colleague in their team.

What's more, Ahu is also Lin Zihan's "captain of the escort team". Both his title and status are slightly higher than the so-called noble chef.

Ahu is a professional and has been in this industry for many years, so he clearly knows how "dire straits" the lives of other colleagues are.

Other bodyguards can only live with sad "old and broken" people. Maybe if they encounter any mean employers, they will have to sleep in the car without even a serious place to rest.

And what they eat are the cheapest box lunches. Maybe if they encounter some urgent task, or if their employer wants to force a front and needs them to support the scene, they will have to eat one meal without finishing the next meal.

You must know that bodyguards are inherently large, and their natural consumption is much higher than that of ordinary people. They are prone to hunger, and they are also active. If they often eat without finishing their next meal, they may Not something easy to live with.

And the employer I just mentioned may sound a bit weird and not like a normal person, but there are many such people.

How many 18th-tier starlets hire bodyguards just for the sake of face?

Are they really worried about their personal safety?

But stop joking!

Sometimes when they come out of the airport, the number of fans who greet them is not as large as the bodyguard team they hired, apart from paying for them!

Who would be looking for trouble with nothing to do and target them?

But the more "non-dangerous" the mission is, the more troublesome it is, because those guys might pull you out to support the scene whenever your brain breaks out, even if you just lie down to sleep in the middle of the night.

But if you follow Lin Zihan, this won't happen. Miss Lin is actually a very homely little girl. If there is no need, she rarely even takes a step out of her room, let alone leaves the house. .

Moreover, Lin Zihan didn't have much airs about being a young lady on weekdays, and he wouldn't just pull them out to hang out when they had nothing to do, and put on a show to show off.

Really strong people with status and strength don't need to pretend to be anything, because they are strong themselves.

Miss Lin needs to pull them out to show off?

Miss Lin herself is the biggest pomp!

Especially after their team was reintegrated by "Brother Jiang", the treatment of Ahu and others was improved again.

After all, these brothers are the "elite among the elite" selected by "Brother Jiang" from many security departments and professional companies. With the cooperation of excellent teammates, it will undoubtedly be a lot easier.

And with "Brother Jiang" here, any problem will be easily solved. After all, even in the eyes of Ahu, whose physical fitness and fighting skills are far superior to those of ordinary people, Jiang Zhe's fighting power is still astonishingly terrifying, simply beyond the scope of human beings. .

The sage is the greatest, so although Ahu knew that he was several years older than Jiang Zhe, he was only "a few years older". This is why he respected Jiang Zhe so much and called someone younger than him This is an important reason why young people don’t feel the slightest bit resentful about being called “brothers”.

Recently, under the instructions of "Brother Jiang", although they need to stay by Lin Zihan's side 24 hours a day, this may sound very hard, but in fact it is not like that.

Under Jiang Zhe's careful guidance and proper arrangements, the new brothers quickly integrated into their team.

And Ahu and his men cooperate more tacitly, each performing his own duties, so that the effect of one plus one can be greater than two or even greater than three.

Not only is the task that each person needs to undertake greatly reduced, but with the help of the "co-defense system", the efficiency of their entire group in executing tasks has also been greatly improved.

Therefore, for Ahu, the current living and working conditions are the best in his life so far.

And Ahu doesn't think he can meet anyone better in the future.

And even putting aside this generous treatment, Ah Hu's friendship for Lin Zihan alone is enough for him to bear this little girl's violent temper.

After all, he has been following Lin Zihan's father for a long time. Ahu is a very loyal person. Otherwise, he would not enjoy such a high honor in the industry. Is it actually an ordinary person who can be selected by Lin An?

What's more, watching Lin Zihan grow up from a young age to the girl she is now with a top-notch appearance and body that makes countless men salivate, Ahu's feelings for her are far beyond what ordinary people can compare to.

Of course, this emotion is just out of the bodyguard's loyalty to his employer. The honest and honest A'hu has no bad intentions, and he has no ill intentions towards Lin Zihan.

As the captain of Lin Zihan's escort team, how could Ah Hu not know how stubborn this little girl's character is? You must know that he has experienced a lot of it personally!

Once this little guy loses his temper, no matter how many bulls or eight horses he gets, he won't be able to stop him.

So from the very beginning, Ahu knew that although his kind advice was the best way to solve the problem at the moment, it might have very little effect on Lin Zihan.

And the reason why he "knowingly committed the crime" was just because he wanted to make a last effort out of consideration for Lin Zihan's safety and health.

However, after confirming that Lin Zihan's mind was determined and there was absolutely no possibility of changing it, Ahu also quickly changed his policy.

Since there is no way to persuade this little girl, the only way is to solve the problem fundamentally!

They still had to find Jiang Zhe as soon as possible, so that all the problems that troubled them would be solved.

Thinking of this, Ahu immediately grabbed the tactical backpack he had been carrying behind his back, rummaged briefly and took out a strange-looking flashlight.

He turned on the flashlight, but the light emitted by the flashlight was not white like ordinary flashlights, but yellow.

Not only is the color different from ordinary flashlights, the light emitted by this flashlight is several times stronger than ordinary flashlights in terms of brightness, thickness and "range".

Tactical flashlight!

Ahu waved his flashlight and pointed it straight at the sky. In an instant, a dazzling yellow lamppost pierced the rain curtain and shot straight into the sky.

Although one's sight would be greatly affected in this pitch-black rainy night, even the combination of the boundless darkness and the rolling rain could not block the dazzling yellow lamppost in the slightest.

Both the brightness and the range of the yellow lamppost are enough for people within a few hundred meters to see clearly.

This is more or less affected by the bad weather and night. Otherwise, the "measurement attributes" of the yellow lamppost, such as brightness and range, may be further increased.

At this moment, the "professional bodyguard team" qualifications of Ahu and others were fully demonstrated.

After working as personal bodyguards for so many years, Ahu and others knew that they would encounter the possibility of going on missions in extreme weather conditions.

Whether it is heavy rain, snow or other severe weather, people's senses such as hearing and vision will be greatly affected.

Take the current situation as an example. On such an extremely bad rainy night, if you use a whistle as a "signal", can people hear it?

Under the influence of the "bang bang" sound of the heavy raindrops hitting the ground and the huge wind whistling by my ears, the distance between the two people was probably only ten meters, let alone hundreds of meters or more. It is difficult to hear the whistle even from a few meters away.

If it were an ordinary flashlight, it would be impossible to pierce the boundless thick black fog and the rain curtain that was connected like a bead curtain.

In comparison, the effect of this tactical flashlight is much more powerful.

Of course, the use of flares or tactical flare guns is too limited.

You must know that this is the Eastern Kingdom, not some lawless place in foreign movies where you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

In urban areas, firecrackers are usually not allowed to be set off during the Chinese New Year. You still want to use a flare or a tactical flare gun as a communication signal. Isn’t this ridiculous?

Disturbing people, affecting public order and residents' safety, just mentioning any one of them is enough to invite you to the bureau for tea!

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