Mysterious city

Chapter 371 Professional Ethics

If you really want to use those things, don't talk about the effect. I'm afraid that before your teammates see the signal and rush to join you, the Sheriff's uncles will arrive first and take you away.

You know, the people of the Eastern Kingdom are very enlightened.

This can be seen just by looking at how many so-called celebrity tycoons or public figures have been reported and taken away by Chaoyue District citizens.

Therefore, in comparison, tactical flashlights not only provide excellent results, but are also very safe and will not cause much impact or harm to other people.

Moreover, the tactical sophistication of Ahu and others is not only that. If there is only one color of tactical flashlight, how can it have the effect of describing the combat situation in more detail?

Therefore, Ahu and others had more than one flashlight in their tactical backpack. Otherwise, he would not have rummaged through the backpack just now and would have just taken it out.

Their tactical flashlights come in three types, namely white, yellow and red.

Tactical flashlights of different colors represent expressions of different strategic meanings. Among them, white symbolizes "the situation is not good, retreat immediately."

Red symbolizes "being caught in a deadly fight and needing support."

The yellow just now symbolizes "the situation has changed and needs to be discussed together."

Of course, ordinary people would definitely not raise their heads and look at the sky all the time, but Ahu and others are not ordinary people.

They are professionals!

Based on different weather and terrain, Ahu's team will decide on the execution policy most suitable for the current situation in the shortest possible time before executing the mission.

After all, every corresponding policy has been rehearsed countless times. It is not difficult to react quickly and execute it perfectly. All the steps and processes have been engraved in the depths of my mind.

It is no exaggeration to say that through muscle memory alone they can perfectly execute any policy, as long as it is rehearsed in advance.

So before Ahu's team members started taking action, they knew that their communication signal tonight was a tactical flashlight.

So throughout tonight's mission, no matter what they do, they will keep an eye on the sky.

Of course, this does not mean that they have to raise their necks all the time, but that they have to use the corner of their eyes to glance at the sky above from time to time without affecting the execution of their tasks.

However, Ahu is the most professional among this group of professional bodyguards, otherwise he would not be qualified for the position of guard captain.

What is the professional among professions, professional to the extreme?

For the bodyguard industry, it is important to ensure that the mission is foolproof, and there is no risk of missing something that may cause the mission to fail!

Therefore, even though everyone has been informed in advance, even though everyone has rehearsed the plan countless times and is already familiar with it, in order to ensure that every team member can see it, Ahu still swung the tactical flashlight fiercely. A few laps.

Normally, what he did might offend some passers-by or residents. After all, the brightness of the flashlight's light beam was so dazzling that it could be seen from several blocks away.

But in this horrible weather, there are no pedestrians or vehicles on the road, so there is no need to worry that the light beam will pierce their eyes and affect traffic safety.

The people in the residential buildings must be praying with their hands together for this disaster-level rainstorm to pass as soon as possible. Where can they stand leisurely by the window to see what this light beam is?

After Ahu swung the tactical flashlight and waved it around for several times, many similar light beams suddenly lit up around him.

This is what his peers are responding to.

Ahu's team members form a team of three, and each team is equipped with a tactical backpack and a complete set of "combat tools."

Soon those light pillars disappeared, and not long after that, the team members who were scattered hundreds of meters away gathered around Ahu from all directions.

"Brother Tiger, what are your instructions?"

A group of people gathered around Ahu and asked in unison.

Counting everyone present, including Ah Hu, there were a total of thirty-seven people.

Of course, Lin Zihan, the "little commander" was not included.

Judging from the number of people alone, this is already a huge feat.

You must know that the average celebrity only hires three or four bodyguards at most, which is quite a lot, and they are not necessarily professionals like A Hu.

And celebrities are already considered high-income people.

This is good, Miss Lin actually sent out thirty-seven bodyguards to find Jiang Zhe. This can be regarded as a small army. How much will it cost?

Of course, these bodyguards also have the duty to protect Lin's villa on weekdays.

However, "going to work" in such extreme weather is a dangerous task and requires extra money!

Just one such trip would have to bear the expenses of an ordinary person for who knows how long.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon. Looking further away, it is not difficult to find many tall steel behemoths parked in a row. Even if they are hidden in the shadow of the night, they can't hide their intimidating momentum.

Those are ten domineering vehicles!

In order to find traces of that kid Jiang Zhe, Miss Lin actually dispatched a total of thirty-seven professional bodyguards and ten overbearing vehicles in this terrible weather. Is this a battle and a spectacle that ordinary people can support?

Is it something that ordinary people can enjoy?

Therefore, it is impossible to say that Ahu does not have any envy, jealousy, or hatred for Jiang Zhe in his heart.

After all, even Bai Fumei of Lin Zihan's level is so interested in him. Which man wouldn't be jealous?

This is a pleasant thing that countless men dream of!

But having said that, mobilizing manpower is easy, but temporarily mobilizing these ten overbearing vehicles is not a simple matter.

Although ten Tyrannical vehicles are nothing to the huge Lin Group, no matter how expensive they are, they are just sprinkles, and they don't even count.

But after all, the Lin Group is essentially a business group, and most of the cars under the company's name are S-Class Mercedes-Benz or Alfa and other cars with a strong business atmosphere.

The Lin Group is not a military fortress, so how can it be equipped with so many steel behemoths the size of domineering or cruisers?

You can't use such a powerful car like Doge during business meetings or when receiving leaders, right?

I'm afraid the other party will regard you as a fool, and you'll have to compromise half of the business before the business is even negotiated!

And Lin Zihan, a little girl, is very fond of sports cars. Apart from sports cars, there are only a few Rolls-Royces and Maybachs left by Lin An in her garage.

But no matter whether it is a Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce or Maybach, no matter how expensive they are, how awesome their performance is, how loud their brand is, no matter how they symbolize noble and luxurious status, they are useless in this damn weather, and they are no better than a car. Alto or QQ makes no difference.

With the current shocking amount of rainfall and depth of water accumulation, if they use these expensive luxury cars, they may not even have time to get out of the door of Lin's villa, and they will have to break down and be "stranded" at the door.

There are not many guys in the Lin Group who are as big as Doge, so after receiving Lin Zihan's instructions, Ahu and others immediately used all their connections and energy, and tried every means to "borrow" them in a short time. Arrived at ten overbearing vehicles.

It was said that it was a loan, but in fact, whether it was the deposit or the signed agreement, the compensation alone was enough to buy twenty more Babos.

After all, this steel behemoth has been out of production for some time, and in this terrible weather, it is very easy for the car to be soaked in water and scrapped.

Things are rare and valuable, and things like Ba Tao are now "limited". If one is scrapped and one is lost, it is naturally very valuable.

"One bad thing, three for three", this can be regarded as the other party making concessions based on the face and strength of the Lin Group, giving them enough face.

However, the more difficult the planning is and the greater the risk taken, the more it becomes clear how much Lin Zihan, the rich lady, really cares about Jiang Zhe. How can this not make the male compatriots feel envious and jealous?

Of course, Ahu just envies Jiang Zhe. After all, Ahu thinks he knows very well how strong Jiang Zhe is.

And his age is a perfect match for Miss Lin. The two of them can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. Coupled with his invincible martial arts that are far beyond ordinary people, it is only natural that Lin Zihan, a young girl with a young heart, would be so interested in Jiang Zhe. Not surprising.

However, this is just what Ahu thinks.

If he were to know Jiang Zhe's true strength, he would probably become stupid, right?

Of course, Ahu didn't have the time to think about what was there and what wasn't at the moment. The main thing was to find Jiang Zhe and end the mission as soon as possible.

After gathering all the team members, Ahu mainly did three things.

The first is to rearrange the combat plan. After all, the strategy just now seems to have little effect and has not played the expected role.

In the current situation, there was no extra time left for them to waste, so Ahu had to re-formulate his strategy and replace it with a more efficient combat plan.

Second, he conveyed Lin Zihan's central idea of ​​"finding Jiang Zhe even if he digs three feet into the ground", letting everyone understand that if they can't find that guy today, no one will have an easy time.

The third point is to comfort everyone's emotions.

After all, many members of the team joined later. They have not spent as much time together with Lin Zihan like A Hu, nor are they as loyal to Lin Zihan as he is beyond professional.

So even if they knew that they were hired by Lin Zihan, it was very uncomfortable to be called around by that little girl in this horrible weather, and they would feel a little resentful in their hearts.

And Ahu's purpose in calling them over was to tell these guys that "that person's money can help others eliminate disasters"!

Since you have taken advantage of others, you must serve them honestly, and this is especially true in their profession. This is the most basic professional ethics.

If you can't even figure this out, then why are you a bodyguard?

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