Mysterious city

Chapter 55 The strange child on the shore

After hearing what the little boy said, Yang Ran's expression changed, while Jiang Zhe's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Do you know where that monster is, kid?"

"Tell brother the location of that monster quickly, and he will help you kill it, so you don't have to live in such fear anymore!"

Jiang Zhe immediately walked up to the little boy and said excitedly.

Even a child knows that there are monsters in the village, so there is no need for him to hide anything.

At worst, after the case is solved, just let the guys from the Memory Correction Department do a "group psychotherapy", and there will be help from the Public Security Department!

Taking advantage of the lull in talking to the little boy, Jiang Zhe peeked in through the crack in the door.

He couldn't help but be surprised by the scene in front of him. The yard was full of the family's livestock, chickens, ducks and geese were everywhere, and there was a listless dog lying next to it.

The strange thing is that all these animals stayed in place and did not dare to make any movement.

The dog was clinging to the ground, its ears drooped, its tail between its legs, and it looked very scared.

Only its ears twitched from time to time, and the dog occasionally put its head to the ground, seeming to be listening to some sound with great vigilance.

The chickens and ducks were locked in several large cages, with chicken and duck feathers strewn all over the floor, looking very miserable.

Even the former "village bully" Goose has lost his former splendor at this moment and stays obediently in a fence.

Anyone who has seen geese knows how powerful this thing is. Even if you just pass by them, these guys want to chase you to the ends of the earth and will not stop until you die.

But if they hadn't trembled occasionally at this moment, Jiang Zhe would have almost thought that these geese were some kind of simulation toys.

After listening to Jiang Zhe's words, the little boy shrank back in fear, and his whole body retreated into the yard.

"Brothers and sisters, please leave quickly. If my parents know that I told you these things, they will beat me to death!"

"My parents told me that monsters only pick out disobedient children. If I tell you about it, it will catch me and eat me!"

"Xiao Shui and the others were eaten by monsters. It's getting dark soon. You guys should find a place to hide!"

There was an unstoppable fear in the little boy's eyes and in his tone. It was obvious that the little boy had used up all his courage to say so much to Jiang Zhe and Yang Ran.

"Wait, who are Xiaoshui and the others? How did they get eaten by monsters?"

Jiang Zhe asked quickly. This little boy knew more than he thought.

And the "Xiao Shui" in his mouth was obviously one of the victims. Judging by his name, he was still a child. He might still be friends with the little guy in front of him.

Although Jiang Zhe wanted to learn more about the case, the little boy had already locked the iron door tightly and ran back into the house to hide.

Jiang Zhe knocked on the door again and even offered to bribe the little boy with snacks and toys.

But no matter how tempting Jiang Zhe proposed, the little boy no longer responded, so Jiang Zhe had no choice but to give up.

"Consultant Jiang, you are too rash. The other person is a child. You should be gentler when asking questions."

"Children's receptive ability is very poor. They can't explain ordinary cases clearly, let alone such a heinous serial murder case."

"If you ask so many questions at once, of course you will scare him away!"

Yang Ran glanced at Jiang Zhe with some annoyance. How could she know that Jiang Zhe had not systematically studied knowledge in this area? How could he know the questioning skills as well as those who had received professional training?

"Anyway, there are some gains."

"Next, I'm going to take a walk along the river to see if I can find anything. It seems like there won't be any progress in asking questions here."

Jiang Zhe sighed, the clue he finally found was broken again.

Looking at the closed doors of the surrounding houses, it was obvious that everyone was keeping this matter secret.

This is evident from the fact that even the village chief did not dare to speak directly when he mentioned this matter. He only dared to say that it was a "strange thing".

It must be that the people in the village are quite superstitious, and they are worried that if they talk too much, they might attract monsters to their door, right?

That's why Jiang Zhe proposed to go for a walk by the river, because whether this guy was killing people or not, it was all related to water, and he obviously moved around the water.

After listening to Jiang Zhe's words, Yang Ran's little face suddenly tensed up.

At this juncture, she obviously didn't dare go near the water.

But after thinking for a moment, Yang Ran took a breath and summoned up the courage to say, "I'll go with you, Consultant Jiang. After all, we are a team and we can't let you be alone in a dangerous environment."

"Besides, Sister Zhang Nan and the others must not have gone back yet. I don't want to stay alone in the hotel room."

Yang Ran's words made Jiang Zhe move slightly, especially the sentence "We are a team".

For so long, he has been fighting monsters alone and has never experienced the feeling of a team.

"Well, don't worry. If there is any danger, I will protect you."

Jiang Zhe said to Yang Ran with some emotion, and Yang Ran gave him a sweet smile in return.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened. Jiang Zhe took the compass and searched carefully on the shore, while Yang Ran stayed on the other side of Jiang Zhe.

He deliberately blocked Yang Ran with his body, so that if the monster suddenly appeared from the water, he could let Yang Ran escape from danger at the safest angle.

The two pointers of the compass were still floating and swinging, as if they had no intention of stopping at all.

"Is it possible that the monster noticed our arrival and hid for the time being?"

Jiang Zhe secretly thought that not all monsters would have lower IQs after being demonized.

After a small number of monsters experienced mutations, not only did their physical strength soar, but their IQs also increased instead of falling.

The two of them walked for nearly half an hour without finding anything. Jiang Zhe looked down at his watch and found that it was already late.

He decided to take Yang Ran back home and search again tomorrow.

But at this moment, Yang Ran's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his body couldn't stop trembling.

"What's wrong Yang Ran?"

Jiang Zhe looked at the strange girl next to him, but she did not answer. Instead, she stretched out her hand and pointed tremblingly forward.

"Jiang, Consultant Jiang, there seems to be a child there. If it is a human being."

Yang Ran swallowed and said with difficulty.

Jiang Zhe looked in the direction of her finger and found that in the darkness not far away, a small figure was staggering towards the shore.

As if hearing Yang Ran's words, the little figure turned around and showed a strange smile on Jiang Zhe's pale face.

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