Mysterious city

Chapter 56 The Scary Imp

"Ghost, ghost!"

Yang Ran screamed, took Jiang Zhe's hand and turned around to run away.

The child's smile was too captivating, and that weird look was simply not something a human could make!

"Don't be afraid, we haven't figured out whether it's a human or a ghost yet."

Jiang Zhe was very calm and pulled Yang Ran back and hid behind him.

In fact, the first reaction of normal people would be to think that this little boy is a ghost, because now every house has its doors and windows closed.

Even adults dare not take a step out of the yard at night, let alone by the river, where accidents often occur and rumors of ghosts originate.

And this little kid actually dared to come to the river in the middle of the night, with such a weird smile on his face. What could he be if he wasn't a ghost?

But Jiang Zhe knew that there were no ghosts in this world, only monsters.

Those things similar to ghosts are just weird shapes formed by sudden changes when a certain desire of a person breaks through the threshold and reaches its peak before death.

After that, the demonized human beings will gain superhuman strength, and naturally they will not die, but will remain in the world in another way, that is, becoming monsters.

When they are active, they will inevitably be seen by others, who will naturally regard these scary-looking guys as ghosts.

This is how most ghost stories spread.

But when Jiang Zhe looked at the child in front of him, his face and body were still that of a normal person. At most, his smile was a bit charming.

Secondly, he couldn't feel any monster aura from this child, it was just an indescribable weirdness.

The little boy in front of me should not be a monster.

After listening to Jiang Zhe's words, Yang Ran temporarily calmed down, but she still hid behind Jiang Zhe, not daring to take a breath.

But for a timid girl, it was pretty good that she didn't turn around and run away in fear.

"Little guy, what are you doing here at night? Your family will be very worried."

Jiang Zhe showed a smile that he thought was very friendly and walked cautiously towards the child.

He put one hand behind his back, ready to use his spiritual power at any time.

If this little boy is really a monster, he can transform into a spiritual weapon at any time to fight with it, so that he will not be unprepared.

The little boy looked at Jiang Zhe, still maintaining a weird smile on his face, revealing a row of white teeth.

"Xiao Shui. Xiao Shui is waiting for me. I want to go play with him."

The little boy said in a low voice with a very strange voice, his eyes filled with madness.

The next second, he turned around and faced the dark, bottomless river water, and was about to jump in.

Jiang Zhe didn't dare to hesitate and immediately rushed forward.

At the critical moment, Jiang Zhe finally grabbed the little boy's leg, and his head was only one step away from the river.

"Little guy, what do you want to do? Commit suicide!"

Jiang Zhe was shocked and quickly pulled the child to the shore.

It's obvious that this little guy's mental state is extremely abnormal.

And this night, the river water was freezing cold. Even an adult would be frozen and lose his ability to move within a short time if he jumped in, let alone a child who was in a trance.

But who would have expected that instead of showing any gratitude to Jiang Zhe for saving him, the child turned his head and glared at Jiang Zhe viciously, his eyes filled with resentment.

That look is simply not what a child of this age can have!

"Xiao Shui. Xiao Shui is still waiting for me to play with him. I want to go down!"

"You bad guy, let me go, I want to go down and play with him!"

The little boy yelled hoarsely at Jiang Zhe. Before Jiang Zhe could understand what he meant, the little boy opened his mouth and bit Jiang Zhe's wrist fiercely.

"Holy shit, are you a dog?"

In an instant, Jiang Zhe felt a burning pain on his wrist. He looked down and saw a row of dark red tooth marks on his skin, which was about to bleed.

"If you stop me again, I will kill you!"

The little boy didn't show any apology, but yelled hoarsely at Jiang Zhe.

Under the moonlight, that look actually revealed a beast-like scarlet color.

At this moment, Jiang Zhe could also detect a surge of demonic intent from his body.

But this feeling is very weak, even the weakest wolf level cannot reach it.

Jiang Zhe's brows moved and he immediately realized what was going on.

"Jiang Zhe, stop him quickly, he is about to jump again!"

Yang Ran, who was standing aside, saw the child rushing towards the river again and was about to jump. Then he came to his senses and shouted to Jiang Zhe.

She wanted to pull the child back, but the sudden fear had seized her heart, making her legs seem to be tied, unable to move.

Therefore, it is not unfounded to hear that people will be scared to death and unable to move after encountering a "ghost".

Extreme fear can cause a person to lose mobility in an instant, and the mind will go blank, making it appear as if they have suddenly lost consciousness.

"I know!"

Jiang Zhe gritted his teeth. The kid was extremely fast. It would be too late for him to rush forward now.

At this moment, an inconspicuous scarlet light floated on the river, as if it was opening an embrace to the child.

The flow of the river suddenly became very fast, like a waterfall flowing down.

If the child jumped in at this time, he would definitely be swept away by the fast river water immediately!

In desperation, Jiang Zhe had to quickly raise his right hand to activate his spiritual power. A burst of light blue light lingered in the palm of his hand for a moment, and the next second, the spiritual power rope appeared.

Jiang Zhe quickly threw out the spiritual rope and tied up the little boy who had jumped into the air.

At the same time, Jiang Zhe pulled back hard, and the child who was bound by the spiritual rope was immediately pulled back by him and fell back to the shore.

But even though he was tied up and couldn't move, the child was still dishonest. He yelled and cursed, and kept moving his hands and feet wildly.

In just two or three seconds, he dug out one or two small holes in the land on the shore. The gaps between his fingernails were filled with soil, mixed with bloodshot traces of blood left over from the trauma caused by digging the soil.

It looked like Jiang Zhe had ruined some great good thing, and he wanted to eat Jiang Zhe alive.

This kid seemed to be speaking in dialect, but Jiang Zhe couldn't hear clearly what he was babbling.

But there was one word he could hear clearly, and that was "little water".

"Jiang, Consultant Jiang, what is that fluorescent rope you just threw out?"

Yang Ran on the side asked dumbly, completely dumbfounded.

Because in just two or three minutes, what she saw had completely shattered the worldview she had formed over the past twenty years!

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