Mysterious city

Chapter 57: Possessed by evil spirits?

That weird, crazy kid really made Yang Ran feel that his spirit had been greatly impacted.

But compared to the flashing blue rope that suddenly appeared in Jiang Zhe's hand just now, the impact of the latter was obviously greater.

After all, Yang Ran could clearly see that one second there was nothing in Jiang Zhe's hand, and the next second, he seemed to have grabbed a handful from the air, suddenly conjuring up such a weird rope!

Until now, the long rope that tied up the kid was still flashing a light blue light under the night, as if it was always reminding Yang Ran how unreal this world was.

"I'll explain this to you later. I still have some unfinished business right now!"

Jiang Zhe took a breath, and then came to the side of the struggling kid. A little blue light gathered in the palm of his left hand.

Until now, the kid was still struggling in vain, biting and kicking Jiang Zhe.

It's a pity that under the restraint of the spiritual rope, he couldn't touch Jiang Zhe at all.

"You brat, please wake up!"

Jiang Zhe gently patted the blue light spot in the palm of his left hand on the back of the kid's head and smiled bitterly.

This kid's bite just now bit me hard when I was unprepared.

Repaying kindness with hatred is really a modern version of the story of the farmer and the snake!

As Jiang Zhe's palm touched the back of the kid's head, a burst of light blue light poured into the kid's body, making his whole body glow with a burst of blue light.

Yang Ran was even more stunned this time.

"Jiang, Consultant Jiang, could this little guy be the water ghost in your mouth?"

"Is he the murderer?"

It wasn't until he was sure that the kid could no longer hurt him that Yang Ran cautiously took a step forward, swallowed his saliva and said doubtfully.

"not him."

Jiang Zhe shook his head decisively. Although this boy also had demonic intent in his body, it was very weak and could not even be called a wolf.

And this trace of magic retained in the little ghost's body is the reason why he is so crazy and weird.

He has not yet reached the threshold of demonization, so he cannot kill so many people.

"Then why is he like this? It's too scary."

Yang Ran patted his chest with lingering fear, and Jiang Zhe explained helplessly: "How should I put it? It can be said that it is similar to being 'evil'."

Jiang Zhe felt that this kid must have been led astray by a real monster.

Some monsters can invade people's minds, such as causing auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, etc. to appear in their minds.

People with weak willpower may even be completely controlled by them, like puppets.

This kid is still young and his willpower is obviously not that strong.

And the river that suddenly glowed with scarlet light and became turbulent just now must have been caused by a real monster.

It was trying to lure the kid into the river. If Jiang Zhe hadn't been at the scene, I'm afraid the kid would have turned into a floating corpse.

As Jiang Zhe's spiritual power was injected into the child's body, he gradually closed his eyes and became quiet.

At this moment, Jiang Zhe turned his head and looked at the river again, and found that the water surface had returned to normal, it was very calm, and there was no longer any weird scarlet light.

"The real murderer should have been hiding under the water just now. He wanted to lure the child into the water and kill him."

Hearing Jiang Zhe's words, Yang Ran couldn't help but shudder and quickly took two steps back, further away from the river.

Yang Ran shuddered when he thought that the weird murderous monster was so close to him just now.

"It seems that the man behind the scenes has the ability to confuse people. No wonder someone died in the sink."

Jiang Zhe suddenly realized that this could explain the strange way of death.

The monster only needs to plant an illusion in the victim's mind, making him think that he is drowning in the bottomless sea water, or simply prevent him from lifting his head out of the sink, and it can naturally drown the victim easily. die.

"Yang Ran, just pretend you didn't see what happened just now, and you must keep it a secret for me for the time being."

Jiang Zhe raised his head and said solemnly to Yang Ran. Seeing that the kid had fainted temporarily, he waved his hand and the light blue spiritual rope disappeared in the air without a trace.

If it weren't for saving this little life, he really didn't want to expose his abilities prematurely in front of Yang Ran.

When Yang Ran saw Jiang Zhe making the weird rope disappear out of thin air like a magic trick, the surprise in Yang Ran's eyes suddenly became more intense.

It could be seen that the child lying on the ground suddenly moved. She nodded quickly and signaled Jiang Zhe that she would keep her promise.

"Where am I?"

The little boy who had been lying unconscious on the ground slowly got up from the ground and looked around blankly for a few times, as if he didn't know what happened just now.

But soon, he covered his forehead and howled a few times.

"Ah, my head hurts so much. What happened just now?"

The little boy felt as if countless pieces of information were input into his mind in an instant, all of which were intermittent fragments.

Just like a computer CPU that receives too much information will overheat and crash. How can this guy's little brain handle such a massive amount of information at once?

Jiang Zhe recounted to him the general story of what had just happened, and then the boy realized that he had just returned from wandering around the hell gate.

"Big, big brother, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by Xiao Shui."

The little boy understood that if Jiang Zhe hadn't saved him, he would have been a corpse at the bottom of the water, waiting to rot at the bottom of the dark river.

His eyes looking at Jiang Zhe were full of gratitude, but when he mentioned "Xiao Shui", his face was instantly filled with an expression of fear.

"Who is Xiao Shui?"

"You've been talking about him ever since I saw you, and you even bit me over it!"

Jiang Zhe rolled up his sleeves and showed the little boy his wounds.

Not only the little guy in front of them, but when they were questioning him in the village just now, the kid also said something - "Ah Shui and the others were eaten by monsters."

Jiang Zhe vaguely felt that Xiao Shui was one of the four children who died.

And he is most likely the mastermind behind it.

"Xiao, Xiao Shui is the bad guy who wanted to kill me. Not long ago, when he was playing in the river with a few friends, he suddenly had an accident and drowned."

"Just now, I was just sitting at home playing with toys, and suddenly the sound of Xiao Shui appeared in my head."

"He asked me to go play with him, but I knew he had drowned, so I didn't dare to go play with him. But for some reason, my body seemed to be out of my control and just wouldn't obey my orders."

The more the little boy spoke, the more fear grew on his face, and finally it became difficult to breathe.

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