Nihonkoku Shoukan

The Great Empire 5

GSDF 1st Airborne Corps ……

One SDF member says:

"They can only think of a ghost, a cyborg."

Also, one SDF testimony:

"We conducted the training on the assumption that an enemy had entered the air base.

The enemy was the first Airborne Corps, this was the Air Self-Defense Force side of 200, and although it was only a few opponents, I was supposed to be a killer because of his eliteness.

However, when I actually tried it, I was able to take over the base without defeating anybody ... a real monster. ''

The dragon flies in the sky, and five Ground Self Defense Force C-2 transport aircraft fly.

A parachute descent was being carried out by the 1st Airborne Corps from the aircraft.

If there is an enemy moving on the ground, the dragon knight immediately burns it with a conducting flame bomb.

Soon, a large number of Mu transit aircraft arrived, and many white flowers bloomed in the sky.

After descending, Yagi, belonging to the Ground Self-Defense Force 1st Airborne Corps, moved quickly and secured himself.

The trained and trained movement was quick, and the trained muscles lifted heavy objects without difficulty.

There is no enemy in the vicinity, and the air bombs and fire bombs smell the burning nose on the ground.

Search for nearby enemies without shouting.

Nobody was standing, and the planned deployment was much smoother than expected.

"Check the entrance to the underground base, explode 18 seconds later. Team A moves forward to point B2. "

Instructions can be skipped without leaking sound by bone conduction earphones.

There was no sound, and they moved close to the door.


An unpleasant vibration occurs in the command room, and the explosion sounds.

"Door 12 is destroyed! ! !

"The enemy is coming! ! Be careful! !

"Nah ... what is it! ? This is awesome! ! No way ...

The radio continues to ring in Command.

"The 6th platoon lost communication !!"

"I instructed the 7th platoon!"

"What !!!! What happened !!"

Gra Kabal looks at Gaoggel anxiously.

"I'm collecting information now."

The Crown Prince Gra Cabal clearly pulls the leg of the order.

Base order Gaoggel cannot hide frustration.

"The 7th platoon lost communication!"

"The 9th platoon lost communication!"

"Damn it! The marching speed is too fast! Why so easily !!!!"

A gunshot began to be heard occasionally in the upper command room.

Obviously enemies are invading and the fear of death accelerates.

Imperial army soldiers are not weak.

Everyone can be said to be a highly trained elite.

If it is an aircraft or a tank, you can understand the overwhelming technology.

However, infantry may or may not have a gun at all ... it should not have been so different.

I don't even know how many enemies have been made, but domination continues.

"The 19th platoon lost communication!"

Despite some imperial soldiers lurking in the dark room, they rush as if no one was there.

"Why! Why lose at the infantry level !!"

Unable to catch up.

"Grace Kabar, attach some soldiers here. Please evacuate from the emergency exit now!

Hey! ! Bring me! ! ! "

Shortly after hearing Gura Kabar's response, Gaoggel decided.

The soldiers, as if repelled, pulled the Cabal's hand and began running to the escape.

Base command Gaoggel closes his eyes and makes a voice inaudible to anyone.

"Isn't this ever ... I don't have my life ..."

At the next moment, the command room door blows off with a roar and something is thrown inside.

Intense sound and light were generated, and those who were there were unconsciously holding their heads.

Gaoggel also falls down irresistibly.

Visual and auditory senses were lost .... Dark reality, Gaoggel with a butt mochi noticed.

"That !!"

A person wearing green clothes and a helmet points a muzzle at him and speaks in a cold voice.

"Raise your hand"

Fear of death never felt before. The man in front of him would trigger mercilessly if he didn't surrender.

"Did you ever ... surrender, don't shoot ... monsters."

Gaogell raised his hand.

On this day, Barracrus, the forefront base of the Empire of Gra-Barcas, was suppressed from command and ceased functioning as a base.


"Hah! Huh! Why !!!! Why the elite imperial soldiers lose !!!!"

The evacuation cave, Gra Cabal keeps running in the dark.

The heart beats violently as it bursts, and my breath died.

I feel stuffy.

However, imagine being caught by the enemy ... Many nations have a grudge against the empire.

If you understand that it is a prince, you may be split into eight.

The fear of death makes him run beyond his limits.

Breath expires, covered with sweat.

He thought.

"The front line doesn't know what will happen, reconsider! !

An adventurous face came to my heart trying to stop going to Barkulus.

"Don't go, when the royal family goes, you'll split your army in preparation for it."

My father, Gralux, was trying to stop.

Shake it off, push through your thoughts and reach the present.

I had the opportunity to return.

Proposals were also made many times.

But I came.

Believe that coming will be good for the country because of soldiers ... but the reality is that if you are caught in an enemy country, you may even be slaughtered.

No, it would definitely be used as a diplomatic card, even if it wasn't killed.

He scorned the enemies with the consecutive victories, barbarians in a different world.

If you have no ears to hear, regret or regret, time will not return.

"Hahhhhhhhhh ..."

He breathes out, is covered with sweat, his legs are hard to move, and complains that he is running to the limit.

Still, if you stop your feet, you may die .... Move by force.

The elite soldier has lost.

Evidence that some of the enemy units have more skill and equipment than ours.

I do not anticipate that myself and the empire, including the military, will lose the same number of soldiers in the first place.

If you do not re-analyze the enemy, you will have terrible results.

A painful but calm analysis is performed in one corner of the head.

"Your Highness! Here it is!"

Eventually, the soldier went up the stairs and opened one door.

"That !!"

Eyes that are accustomed to darkness and flashlights, the sun's light shines in, and the view is enveloped in light.

Grab Cabal got out of the door, gradually getting used to the light.

In the forest, about 3 km away from the base,


The view was obstructed by the trees, and I couldn't see the sky or the base.

Looking towards the mountain, there was a small rocky mountain.

"If there, can you look around ..."

Gura Cabal climbs the rock and takes action to check the status of the base.

The Imperial Army soldiers are soldiers only, and even if they understand their hearts, they couldn't cope with danger to the behavior of the royal family or could not act very much to suppress the behavior of the royal family.

Army soldiers climbed the crag and looked around.

"Eh ?! What's this !!!"

The base is wrapped in flames and burns.

He looked up at the base.

Dozens of medium-sized aircraft with propellers fly in the sky.

Hundreds of biplanes flutter and hundreds of dragons fly.

And oversized birds flew over a thousand, and paratroopers descended from the birds towards the base.

Weapons of all civilizations mix and enemies spread all over the sky.

It was just chaos.

"Is the enemy serious ?!"

Considering the area of the base, it was considered that the staffing was excessive and the enemy was serious.

"Okay, we have to survive first."

Gura Kabar and several Imperial Army soldiers have begun to survive.


Magical Reich Community Mu Country Dispatched Unit

Ballaster, a graduate of the 32nd Division, was terrifying on a large fire-eater.

It's not scary to charge as a soldier.

He was phobic.

"Setter-senpai, I'm angry ..."

He had originally been declared phobic, but had been removed from the airborne unit.

Of course, he did not have the necessary training time and was counted as an army force.

However, the incident occurs two days before the continuation of the operation.

Suddenly, his senior paratrooper, Setter, eats the food he brought in, as well as the luxury items, and wakes him up.

It's also a bacterial food, and it's hard to get a setter that has a high fever into the battle.

Because of the excessive force drop in the first place, ordinary troops will try to continue the operation with one person reduced, but this time it was an operation that the Allied Army and the powerful powers of the country had never been more enthusiasm.

Due to diplomatic considerations, he was unable to cut out from the personnel who requested the soldier as a Magical Reich community, but he had dropped several times and a white arrow stabbed a ballaster who had dropped several times.

Several training exercises, jumping from this big bird, pulling the string and adjusting direction well, just dropping into the enemy base, many soldiers have already landed on the ground, there is no danger That was so.

However, I am afraid of high places.

If you're already scared on a bird, jumping from there ... I was terrified by the previous training, but I have to do it again ...

"I will reach the descent point soon"

Three people descend from above the bird, and the squad leader takes command.

"3.2.1. Let's go!"

descend in order.

Immediately, it was his turn, and Ballaster never dropped.

The fear of falling, the gravitational acceleration that is faster than expected, increases his speed and accelerates until gravity and air resistance balance.

Because you jumped off in the high altitude, the ground slowly approached, making you feel as if you were flying.

"A little more ... ... now !!"

He pulled the string and opened the parachute.

You will feel that your body is suddenly lifted into the sky.


Those who went first are still descending.

"I ... I'm done !!"

Order to open 40 seconds after descent with the signal of the squad leader.

He was too scared to count the seconds quickly and only open the parachute.

"Oh, the squad commander later succumbs ..."

Demon squad commander, Geira ... A mistake on the battlefield was a fearful person who could be trained until he reached his soul.

"What? What? Why?"

Your parachute begins to be swept away by the wind.

It should have descended in the direction of the descent point, but it seemed to be moving away.

"Magi 5-8! ! What are you doing, head to the base! !

You can hear your wireless name and the squad leader's grumpy voice over the radio.

"Well, it's washed away by the wind !!"

You are shed in a direction unrelated to your will.

There was nothing I could do.

Soon, the earphones heard a radio signal telling them that they were being swept away by the wind.


"Alone, requesting support"

"Rookie ... I guess the Magicalaich community isn't quite as skillful as the stupid ... I'll say harshly later ..."…

Naniga, the squadron of the 1st Knights of the Magicalaich Community, looks around on Wyvern.

"That ..."

You can see that the parachute opened at a higher altitude than expected and was swept to the west of the base.

"At all ...?"

On the west side of the base, there appeared to be a figure on a rock.

He descends for confirmation.

The altitude was gradually lowered.


The gun is pointing here. enemy! !

The next moment, something grabs your cheek. Subsequently, gunshots echoed around.

Slight scratches on cheeks from front to back.

Naniga realizes that he may have died, and sweat spills out of his entire body.

Immediately soar and escape from rifle range.

Immediately, he gave Wyvern a command to invert and dive, and to launch a conducting flame bomb.

The dragon opens his mouth, and a fireball is formed at his mouth.

"Powered flame bombs ... fired!"

The Wyvern has magical power that is isolated from human magic, and a viscous fireball is ejected from its mouth.

The fireball quickly approaches the enemy and lands on a rocky mountain.

Caused an explosion.

The person holding a rifle is wrapped in flames.

There seemed to be several people near, but they seemed to be involved in an explosion.

The counterattack disappears and Naniga raises Wyvern.

"It's dangerous now."

In the future, he decided to pay more attention to attacks from the ground and increased his vigilance.


A ballast in the Magicalaich community, he was swept away by the wind and descended from the base into a forest approximately 3 km west.

The parachute is entangled by the branches of the trees, and the cloth breaks.

"I can't use it anymore ..."

Destroyed one equipment.

How much you get angry later ...

He turned on the radio while thinking about such things.

"Magi 5-1 from Magi 5-8, landed successfully without abnormal personnel, but equipment, parachute damage, current location ..."

He reports the current situation accurately.

"From Magi Joint Headquarters, Magi 5-8, a potential enemy soldier about 600 m southwest of the current location, possible attack, already attacking, possible enemy still lurking, head for investigation."

"Roger that"

Wireless communication ends.

"Well ... worst ... alone?"

Your self is bad. I know it, but it's an investigation of where the enemy soldiers, and even the mighty Mu, are hiding too much, and only one force.

It was an order to feel even the crisis of life.

He heads southwest as ordered.

While fighting with fear ... my hand was shaking slightly.

20 minutes later

It took only 20 minutes, but for 20 minutes he felt forever, he walked through a poorly scrubbed forest and slashed through the bushes.

It takes longer than expected because you were watching while watching the enemy.

You may be exposed to shootings as soon as you are located.

You went quietly and quietly.

The heartbeat is clearly heard and the breath rises.

Gasa! !

Sound of grass rubbing on the west side, wild animals ran through when looked closely.

"Well ... what is it ... threatening?"

Relieved moment.

"Uh ..."


Moment heard for a moment, he headed in the direction of the voice.

The smell of burning grass.

The Wyvern fire bombs from the friendly army may have hit directly.


We proceeded slowly and without sound.

Weeds grow in the deep forest and ground, but the grass is partially burnt.

"Uhh ..."

A man moaning on a weed a little away from the burnt grass has fallen.

"this is……"

Near the falling man, burnt remains believed to be Gura Barkas were scattered.

Only one person seemed to have a breath.

There is no damage to the face, but some of the clothing is burnt and scoured.

I seemed to be following a considerable burn.

"A survivor ..."

Looking at the clothes, apparently, unlike other soldiers, he was soooooooooooooooooze, but wore ornaments.

"I might be a high-ranking person"

Ballaster immediately reported on the radio and retrieved nearby weapons from the Gura Barcas.

One POW was recovered and a support request was made.

One stunned and injured POW is immediately taken to the railway town of Kielseki, where the front of the Mu country front is located.

However, the wound was deeper than expected, not at a level that could be managed with recovery magic, but beyond the field hospital.

Those who were injured were likely to be key figures, and were taken to a hospital in Ota Heights, the capital of the country of Mu, but were not at a level that could be treated at the hospital, so they were taken to Japan, the country that boasts the best medical technology among participating countries. It was.


Magical Reich Community Capital Avest

The Magicalaich Community, located in the southeastern part of the Second Civilization Area, has adopted a unique institutional system in the world, and each state has its own independent government function.

The union of the Magical Reich Institutes, a collective of these governmental functions, has been recognized as a nation by other nations, and functions as a nation called the "Magicalaich Community".

The fusion of magic technology and mechanical engineering, “Magic Mechanical Engineering” has developed, and it was one of the most visible from the central world.

In the capital of the Magical Reich community, Evest, the presidents of each state met together.

The sound of the clock ticking into the silent meeting room awaits the results of operations that can determine the end of the country.

The Great Empire of the Great Other World, the Gra Barcas Empire.

Even the United Nations Fleet, led by the Holy Military Empire, has rejected it.

The enemy is powerful, and no one can despise anymore.

"What if ... if I lose, what can I do ..."

There is a weak sound.

The second civilization zone, the unprecedented counterattack strategy with the power of the powerful Mu.

Participating in this is the total strength of the Second Civilization and Japan, which has more scientific power than Mu. If you lose in this way, there will be no way for the Magical Reich Community.

"If you win ... let's believe"

The meeting room is quiet.

"N? Mashin incoming call!"

Everyone faces the correspondent in the conference room.

"Read it out! The Second Civilization Allied Forces today launched an attack on Barracrus, an Imperial Army base in Gra Barcas.

Defeated many of the enemies on the ground.

In addition, it seems that new recruits have secured high-ranking POWs.

We recovered some of the empire's weapons in an operable state independently of Japan. ''

"Okay !!!"

Boiling meeting room.

"Well done !!!! It's very proud that our soldiers took prisoners of higher ranks. Let the newcomers receive the award. Transfer the weapons to the home research institute immediately! And mass production in Japan !! "

The newcomer Ballaster of the Magicalaich community received the prize without being dismissed.


Japan s capital Tokyo Prime Minister's office

Each minister gathered for an emergency meeting.

Recently, there have been too many meetings to decide where the country will go, so I was used to "emergency".

"That said, the coalition forces that flew from Kielseki completely seized Barracrus, the foremost base of the Empire of Gra-Barcas, and only one of the 1,623 POWs arising there was a POW in Mu. The transfer to the camp has been completed. ''

The other one is told that he is currently being treated at a Japanese hospital.

"The POWs relocated are obviously dressed differently from the other POWs and may be key figures.

In addition, I have nothing to prove my identity, and when I check with other POWs, everyone does not speak.

I'd like to wait for the POWs to recover and confirm my identity. ''

The ministers move on the agenda without any particular interest.

It was about the time the conference was about to end, with reports on future policies for the Empire of Gras Barcas and plans for operations by SDF officials.

One Foreign Ministry official enters the meeting room and listens to the Foreign Minister.

Even the face of the Foreign Minister who has a pale complexion becomes bluer.

"Huh ... Huh ... Is it true ... It is !!"

I heard it loudly.

"What's the matter, Foreign Minister?"

The Prime Minister listens.

"A prisoner of war in Japan woke up."

"Hey, did you confirm your identity?"

"Yes ... yes ... the prisoners were identified as the Imperial Family of Gra Barca," Gra Cabal "and the Crown Prince."


Each Minister who is shocked.

Shock information, diplomatically could be overwhelmingly advantageous.

Depending on the character of the enemy, you may be exposed to full-strength attacks.

The Japanese government got a strong diplomatic card, the venue was silenced by an oversized card.

"It's a fierce diplomatic card. If you use it incorrectly, it will be ridiculous. If you do not consider all possibilities and find the optimal solution ..."

The Japanese government has a headache.

The information was taken back to each ministry and agency and made a plan for the future.

Government suffering continues.


"where is here?"

Gra Cabal's consciousness gradually becomes clear.

The white ceiling, the white bed, and even the clothes you come from are white.

Have you come to heaven?

The consciousness is not clear.

A person who appeared in clothes that seemed to be formal clothes earlier, did he claim to be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan? ... He spoke to him in a polite tone, so he just conveyed his identity.

Did you carelessly ... I regret a little.

My head hurt and my brain wasn't spinning much.

"I can hear you somewhere here ..."

Kacha ...

The door was opened and a woman dressed in a white robe appeared.

The woman looks here and has a hatted face.

"Did you notice?"

The woman talks.

I understand that it helped.

He turned his head full rotation to grasp his situation.

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