Nihonkoku Shoukan

Imperial Earthquake 1

Memory that gradually becomes clear.

You desperately escaped from the approaching enemy.

Soon, one dragon will head.

Is the enemy aware of us or not? ... I couldn't judge.

However, the imperial army guarding me was noticing the enemy coming straight ahead.

"Your Highness, please !!!! I'll get your attention !!!"

One soldier decides and goes out on a rocky mountain.

I ran desperately.

The next moment, a gunshot sounds.

A fire exploded from the enemy dragon, causing a large explosion.

"I was ... caught up in the explosion ..."

A large flame wall approaching my eyes was blown away, hitting my head and losing consciousness.

Even though you lose your memory, only the ears are clearly remembered in some places.

"No! Burns are so bad that they exceed the level of the field hospital!"

"Only emergency treatment can be done at hospitals in the country of Mu! There is such a burn area ... there is only Japan!"

The sound of the aircraft ... faintly warm and comfortable, and the white ceiling.

Gra Cabal's head began to rotate normally.

A woman in a white robe enters the room.

"Did you notice?"

I was called out.


The woman has a surprised expression.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

Soon, an old man in a white robe appears.

Probably a doctor.

There were several men in strong formalwear standing beside.

"Did you notice?"

"Oh, what happens to me?"

"I'm a doctor. I'm told to treat you at the request of the government.

In the current condition, there will be no other life. I'll do my best to treat it. ''

Kabar's question had many implications, but the doctor thought it was a condition and answered it.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

The previous body hurts.

A bandage is wrapped, but the pain nerves complain that they have been seriously injured.

"And ... what do those next to me need?"

A man in a suit waiting next to the doctor began talking.

"I'm Takada of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Ask for confirmation.

I guess you have outspoken your own words and the captives.

Even if you lie, you only become disadvantaged. Cabal speaks honestly.

"Oh, yes, what is it for?"

"The Government of Japan wants you to learn about Japan.

The war that has begun unfortunately.

I would like to talk about how to end this and measures against the postwar empire.

Would it be better for the wounds to be shallower than for the post-war period of the Gra-Barcass empire, ending with an overwhelmingly disadvantaged inequality treaty? "

What are you talking about? In a word too far from his common sense, Cabal settled.

The Gura Barcas empire, which boasts undefeated not only in the present world but also in the previous world.

The strength of the Empire is that it can mass-produce weapons that make use of its huge production capacity, even a battleship, and develop a physical warfare, as well as technology that overwhelms other nations.

It seems that the Japanese government and others are willing to beat us if only one base is dropped.

"It's humorous, a fool who doesn't know the true power of the empire.

You know what happened to the world's power leifols, what happened to the kingdom of Paganda, and what happened to the World Union Fleet, which also joined the world's strongest nations ... No?

If you know and think so, it is no longer barbarous. ''

"Oops ... I'm sorry."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, who thought in advance that winning was a definite route, and talked on the premise of this, reflect on their insidious behavior.

"We also analyze that the Gura Barkas Empire is so powerful that its power is clearly above the average of the nearby powers and the powers of this world.

We have a tongue out of the state's ability to suppress paganda, easily destroy Reyfol and have tens of thousands of modern troops stationed.

Gra Barcas is really strong in terms of control and governance. ''


Gra Kabal is pleased to be praised for his country.

Takada continued.

"But I want the Crown Prince to know about Japan's national power.

It's a good chance for you to know the enemy.

Knowing us, I hope you can think about how to interact with Japan and how to interact with the world. ''

"Yes ... but soon after that, Japan might be destroyed?"

"What do you say?"

"The people of our country like royalty.

And if you know that the prince, Gra-Kabal, has been arrested by another country, you will be angry like a fiery fire.

There is no doubt that the Empire will demand my safe delivery.

By the way, there is no meaning of the hostage.

Japan is a country that never gives up to those who take hostages, and this cannot be replaced by the Crown Prince.

If you do not agree to surrender, your country's overwhelming home fleet will attack your capital as much as possible.

It is a powerful home country fleet that cannot be stopped by the last World Union fleet.

Capital Tokyo returns to ashes. ''

Cabal continued.

"Even if we succumb to the demands of the empire and hand over, the fact that I am injured remains.

-Japan's attack on this world will be even more severe.

Mu and the Japanese nations that participated in the counterattack will be exposed to severe attacks unless they surrender. `` The distance from the empire doesn't matter, my fleet simply exceeds tens of thousands of kilometers. ''

"Well, if you didn't surrender, would the Gravárcas Imperial Navy lead?"

"Yes, because I'm the Crown Prince ... the main fleet's main force ... there is a fleet that has an overwhelming amount to prevent even in the world before us, the Kane God Kingdom.

No country can beat that amount before. '

"I am a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I do not know what kind of policy the Japanese government will implement in the future.

However, at the present time, your personal status will be restrained.

At present, it cannot be handed over to the Gra-Barcas Empire.

Well, there wasn't such a consultation yet ...

I ask you again, but in the view of Gra Cabal, is there a large fleet? "

"Oh, it will. And ..."

And even if you surrender, you are undoubtedly a member of the country that hurt the royal family.

Even if you surrender, there will definitely be a massive punitive attack.

Gra Cabal wanted to continue, but swallowed the word for his own safety.

"Yes, it would be better to know about Japan.

I'll guide you as soon as the injury is healed, so please stay tuned. ''

"Well, foreign tourism is also good."

Despite being captive, the imperial prince of Gura Barkas, Gura Kabal, was confident and behaving.


Gra Barcas Empire Imperial City Laguna Imperial Palace

The quiet meeting room.

An incredible report has shaken the empire in a gathering of the Imperial Secretary of the Presidency, Kurtz, three commanders of the Empire, as well as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, executives of the Imperial Ministry, great powers, and executives of the Empire of Gra Barcas. Was.

"... So Barkuls, the forefront base in Reyfor, fell into the hands of the enemy.

Includes information that Crown Prince Gra Cabal was accompanied by an enemy. ''

The reporter speaks while sweating.

In an unprecedented situation in which the imperial family was captured, the Imperial Secretary-General has a blue line on his forehead and is trembling with Wanawana.

"Why! Why the military couldn't defend it! It's not an imperial army like any other barbarians!"

The imperial provincial executives eat the military.

It was natural to protect, and it was something that should never happen, such as being attacked and outrageous, and the Crown Prince being taken prisoner.

"I'll do my best, but I've repeatedly asked the Imperial House to rethink the route because the front line could be covered with a small amount of material and it was dangerous."

The Army headquarters did not anticipate a 99.9% attack.

The Navy is closely examining the status of the elimination of the colonial escort fleet, and one of the reasons is that the Army was not informed.

I had opted for the information that the enemy was aiming for Barkuls, so I was against it just in case, but the visit was decided by the Imperial House Ministry almost completely.

"Wow! But it doesn't matter how much the barbarians come together!"

Because the military failed to guard! ! "

The negotiation of responsibility begins.

After a moment of silence, the Imperial Secretary of Justice, who had been silent a while ago, began speaking.

"Your Imperial Household understands that your Imperial Highness has been caught! What the hell! What a ... the frontiers are dangerous! Is at the forefront. Why couldn't we stop it! "

The anger of the Imperial Secretary, Kurtz, turns the face of the unstoppable executives of the Imperial Ministry and the army officials who allowed the invasion blue.

The Imperial Palace is far superior to each ministry.

"Is the information that your Highness was captured?

"There is no mistake because I got it from multiple sources.

There is some unconfirmed information that the Crown Prince was sent to Japan because he was burned and cannot be treated in the country of Mu. "

"Oh, what a !!

Everyone in the field trembles and becomes angry with the attacking nation.

"What do you do specifically?"

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs raises his hand at the question of Kurtz.

"If it is true that your Highness was caught in Japan, we will contact you immediately to confirm his condition and order his delivery."

"And what if you don't accept the delivery?"

I understand. The empire never responds to hostage operations.

This is the rule that the Empire has been passing through, and it must never be changed even if the Emperor is captured.

However, Kurtz asked as if he would confirm before the unprecedented situation that the Crown Prince was actually captured.

He continues.

"The savage nations of this world are too many to understand their own national power.

I would normally understand the overwhelming difference in strength. ''

Everyone nods.

Except for the navy cadres, no one knew of the terrible nature of the Japanese military yet.

A military executive speaks.

"We will intimidate the army and protect the Crown Prince safely.

If you do not comply, we will punish Japan with the full power of the Navy ... and turn the capital into ashes. "

Japan is strong. At least the Navy thought so now.

It is hard to understand whether the analysis is still correct.

The destruction of the colonial escort fleet, the interception of invasion units by Antares-type fighters, and the disappearance of the fourth mechanized division, the strongest empire, and the fourth division ... The fall of the Army's front line base, Barkulus.

Until this information was gathered, the Holy Military Empire had been considered an obstacle, but the tone of whether Japan was truly an enemy to watch out for was becoming mainstream in the upper army.

Research has shown that has a small number of ships.

Japan, who captured the Crown Prince in front of other government officials, is so strong that it is difficult to plan a strategy.

But no matter how strong, the ammunition is not infinite.

With the overwhelming fleet of the Gura Barkas Empire, it will disperse a small and daunting Japanese army and make a large-scale attack on the capital.

Military officials thought that it was possible even with slight differences in weapon performance.

"After the conflict with the World Union, we have already ordered more warships, so the strength is perfect.

Be sure to get your Highness from Japan! !

I can do it! ! "

Secretary looks at the three Imperial Army generals.

"Hah !!!! I will always get your Highness back!"

The empire's policy is decided.

The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Gura Barkas took immediate action.


Second Civilization Area Power Great Mu Ota Heights Embassy of Japan

The clear blue sky spreads out, faintly cool and dry wind blows.

The birds sing and the peaceful daily lives of the people begin.

Asada, who came to work a bit faster, brought morning coffee to her mouth.

Less flavor and delicious.

I read through newspapers in Mu country.

"Good morning"

"Oh good morning."

A subordinate who had already arrived was preparing for work.

"The war has begun, maybe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may not be playing for a while."

"I see ... I have an unpleasant premonition. I have a premonition that the rest is going to end."

"Please stop. I am transferred to this world by country, and Ambassador Asada may be able to guess again because Kang is getting nervous.

Especially, the feeling that the holiday will disappear is too good. Are you 100% sure? "

"Oh, did you wear it with magic?"

Asada and his subordinates start jogging and check their e-mails.


Open the received mail list and get stuck.


Leaky solitude.

"What happened?"

"Emergency notice has been issued. It is said that the Crown Prince Gura Barcas has been taken prisoner.

It's been more than a month ago .... It took a long time for treatment and the identification was delayed, so the notice seems to be now.

You may be hit by the Empire, so we'll decide on a call back to your homeland if we hear from you.

Asada held his head.

"The Crown Prince ... I'm sure you'll be hit by the royal family."

The phone on the desk rings.

I have a bad feeling.

"Yes, I'm Asada."

"I have an urgent contact from the country of Mu. A battleship of the Gura Barkas empire is holding a diplomatic flag during the war and moving north east on the continent of Mu.

The battleship is thought to be a Grade Atlas Star and is heading towards the capital, so even though the wartime diplomatic flag is being raised, the Navy of Mu is planning to make contact at 100km offshore.

The diplomats negotiate that Mu will send it to the capital, and if he doesn't, he will sink. '

"A wartime diplomatic flag ... unique in this world. I will keep in touch with the country of Mu and explore the aim of the empire.

You'll be busy! ! "

Asada dries the remaining coffee at once and goes to work.

After several hours……

"Ambassador Asada!"

"A subordinate who has contacted the country of Mu calls a loud voice."

If he felt a little noisy, Asada looked at his subordinates.

"This is a message from the country of Mu.

Emperor Gra Barcas is on board the Grade Atlas Star, the purpose of the visit is to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and this visit is to Japan! ! "


Aboard a battleship in the capital of Mu, and cut out if there is a requirement for Japan.

It is also surprising that the Empire and Japan are now in a state of war, and that the window for the war is the Embassy of Mu.

"My work ..."

Asada was prepared to be busy again, and arranged for Ambassador Gra Barcas to be called to the Japanese Embassy.

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