"But as you said, I lack a lot of happiness that I should have. I don't have even one day of innocence." Fan chili seemed to be no longer the cold fan chili. Fan chili wouldn't say these words to me, "at that time, there were 21 of us, 18 girls and three boys. As I just said, I'm the loneliest, unsocial, and the smartest. The smarter I am, the easier it is to attract jealousy... "

"In fact, you can keep a low profile. Being too sharp is not a good thing."

"You don't understand." Fan chili sighed again, "in that place, you must fully show your wisdom, please teachers and those who need to please, because in that place, except these people, your peers will bully you. I don't like to start a struggle, but I've never been soft hearted in the face of struggle. I knew the cruelty of struggle when I was young, even if it was just a child's struggle. "

I was silent. I was tired of living for fan chili.

"You can think of it. Yes, I am an orphan. I live in that orphanage, that is, the primary school. At that time, the orphanage was dilapidated. Twenty one of us slept in one room. At midnight, children of the same age often harassed me. Sometimes when I fell asleep, the quilt disappeared; Sometimes I get up and lose my shoes; Sometimes there are even disgusting things like cockroaches and caterpillars in your shoes. Your new clothes will be painted inexplicably, and your new towels will be muddled with ink... In short, all kinds of fantastic means will take place in that place. It's hard for you to imagine that a bunch of children can be insidious to that extent. "

I'm speechless!

"I have only one person, maybe two, and a boy. He will help me and protect me, but the cost of maintenance is often very miserable." Fan pepper looked up at the twinkling pan stars in the night sky, "I will remember every time I am bullied. One day I want revenge. I want those who bullied me to pay ten times and one hundred times."

I looked at fan chili and was affected somewhere in my heart. I may not live well, but my childhood is at least full of happiness, and fan Chili's childhood? Young Ji has lived in the huge vortex of intrigue and intrigue. No wonder she is so indifferent. In fact, fan chili is also a kind man. This gesture is just a disguise to better protect himself.

"Once, a hole was cut in one of my new shoes. I like that pair of shoes very much, and this pair of shoes is the last gift from the first person who funded me." Fan chili was very sad. "After giving this pair of shoes, the person who funded me died... Incurable disease. The person who funded me is not rich, but she funded me for five years, which makes me feel that there is still a trace of family affection in this indifferent world. What I can't stand is that someone broke this pair of shoes. They don't know. Cutting this pair of shoes also cuts my heart. "

"And then?" I feel my voice is very bitter, because I suddenly have a very absurd idea to protect fan pepper all my life, but... Who am I? I'm nothing.

"And? Ha ha, then... "Fan chili suddenly looked up and laughed wildly," there is a boy who smokes. Others don't know, but I have seen him once. I also know where he hides his smoke. One night, while everyone was asleep, I quietly took out the prepared paper from under the pillow and lit a cigarette with the boy's lighter... "

"And then?" A bad feeling flashed through my heart.

"Then, a strong wind suddenly blew that night, and the house we lived in was very dilapidated, with many holes. When the wind blew, the pile of sparks immediately burned the wardrobe. Then the mosquito net... Many things burned... I was scared silly. In fact, I just wanted to burn their shoes... "Speaking of this, fan chili didn't say any more, with a real sadness in his eyes.

"Mr. Fan, I'm sorry. I always thought you were a cold-blooded and ruthless person and a bad person." When I first entered Feiya, I really thought fan chili was very bad. Therefore, I cursed her and her ancestors for 18 generations. Now think about it, in fact, my scolding is groundless.

"I'm a bad man... I burned him!"


"The only person who cares about me, I saw a red wood pressing on him with my own eyes." A tear slipped from the corner of fan Chili's eye, "I killed him."

I don't know if I should comfort fan chili. This kind of thing probably can't be comforted. Can't I say to her: This is the will of heaven, and the destiny is irreversible? Or: you deserve to die. Shit, this is the fucking basket poked by fan chili. Fan chili may have his grievances, but it's undeniable that she set the fire.

"For some time, I had the same dream almost every day. I dreamed that he was killed. You don't know how painful this feeling is. I almost confessed! But I know in my heart that once I admit it, everyone will hate me. I can't admit it. I can only keep it in mind all the time and try my best to make up for it, but I can't make up for him, only the orphanage. "

"Mr. Fan, it's good for you to have this consciousness." Knowing your mistakes can make a difference.

Fan pepper smiles bitterly!

"I believe his spirit in heaven will be pleased to see the face of the orphanage now."

"What's the use of comfort when people are dead?"

"But many people still live in dire straits. You gave them a hand."

"I understand the sufferings of those people, they need help, and... My starting point is just to make up for it."

"Even so, you are great." Everyone has kindness more or less, but not everyone can turn his kindness into practical action, use his kindness to repay the world and contribute to the society. Fan chili did it. Although it was the idea of making up for guilt that did these things, objectively speaking, fan chili did!

"Great?" Fan pepper sneered, "you mean great? There are many great people in our ancestors, such as king Qin Shi, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Zhao Kuangyin, Genghis Khan and Zhu Yuanzhang. But what is behind the greatness? In the end, who succeeded and who failed? In fact, this is not the case at all. Any acquisition must pay a price, and the price is often unknown and hurts people's hearts and humanity. There is a saying that makes a very helpless explanation: one will succeed and ten thousand bones will wither. "

"Hehe, maybe!"

"Don't be surprised. I often read these books to learn tricks, deal with people and protect myself."

"Don't you feel tired?"

"Living itself is tired enough. What if you're a little tired?"

I'm speechless. Fan Chili's words seem to have some truth, but this truth doesn't seem to make sense... Oh, I think of a word: non mainstream.

"It doesn't make sense to say that."

I shook and said it was meaningless. It would only increase sadness

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the air was getting colder. We went back to the car. I sat in the front row and fan chili sat in the back row. Fan pepper is very quiet. This kind of silence is different from the silence in the past. Even if it is quiet, fan pepper gives people a feeling of thinking. And now it's quiet... It's lovable. I stick it to the window and look at the stars outside. My eyes blink. Frankly, fan chili is more charming than ever

"Have you seen enough?" Fan pepper suddenly said.

"Ah? No... no, I didn't look at you... "

"Do I look good?"

"Ah...?" I couldn't react. I didn't expect fan chili to ask such a question.

"Do I look good?" Fan pepper went on.


"Good?" Fan pepper sneered and pointed to his face, "the more beautiful, the more poisonous, remember!"

Generally, girls ask you "do I look good?" most of them blush. Even if they don't blush at that time, they blush later. It's really rare for fan chili to sneer. Yes, I've seen Chang Su Su's sentence in the story of relying on heaven to kill Dragons: the more beautiful a woman is, the worse her heart is. But that's different

"Mr. Fan, why don't you sleep first."

"Not sleepy."

"Don't worry about sleeping, I'll watch."

"It's because you look at it that you can't sleep at ease."

I was speechless again. This strange woman, who had just established a good feeling for her, was destroyed by her own hands.

I don't know how long he was silent. Fan pepper seems to have fallen asleep and breathed very smoothly and evenly.

After making sure the doors were closed, I closed my eyes. I was just talking about the night watch. Do you need to keep a fart in this ghost blind country? Besides, I'm almost sleepy. I've left my bed early in the morning and ran around so many places all day. I'm not an iron man. In addition, I'm afraid?

I don't know how long I slept. Suddenly, I was knocked on my head and woke up in pain.


"Vigil." Fan pepper is strange, "well guarded."

"Oh, sorry, too tired!"

Fan chili has no words.

Looking outside, the sky has begun to turn white, but... It seems to want to rain. I took out my cigarette and just wanted to light it. From the inverted mirror, I saw fan Chili's eyes trying to kill. Shit, I didn't intend to die early. I had to get out of the car to smoke, but I just got out of the car and suddenly it rained heavily. I quickly threw away my cigarette butts, got into the car, closed the door and shouted bad luck

I looked at the time. It rained for more than two hours, but there was no stopping trend.

"Take the gum." Fan pepper said, accompanied by a sound.


Fan chili took the gum and didn't speak. His stomach muttered again.

It rained for more than an hour until the whole mud road began to soak, and the rain was so small!

Suddenly, from the inverted mirror, I saw fan Chili's face pale and wanted to die. I was shocked.

"President fan, are you okay?"

"Stomach pain."

"What should I do? Do you have stomach medicine in your car?"

"No." Fan chili talks very hard.

Dead, dead, will stomach pain die?

I tried to start the car, but I still couldn't start it!

walk? Shit, the road is still soaked.

I looked around and saw a yellow mud hill on the left. There was a broken thatched house on the top of the hill. No one lived there. My eyes stayed on a raised open space on the right of the thatched cottage. I vaguely saw the leaves of some familiar plants, but I didn't dare whether it was... Anyway, I had to have a look.

"President fan, is there an umbrella in the car?"

Fan pepper shook his head!

I took out my lighter, put it into the cigarette box, closed it, carefully wrapped many layers on the edge of the cigarette with a paper towel, didn't put it in my pocket until I felt safe, got out of the car, took out a bottle of mineral water from the trunk, and was ready to sprint to the top of the mountain

"Ning Hao, are you crazy?" Fan chili opened the door and looked at me suspiciously.

"Stay in the car, woman."

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