When he rushed to the top of the hill, his coat was all wet, and his trousers were not spared from the thigh down. Fortunately, the leaves of the plants I saw were really what I was looking for... Sweet potatoes. I touched a sharp stone on the ground and began to dig sweet potatoes. However, it is not season yet. The dug sweet potatoes obviously do not develop normally, only a little bigger than my thumb.

He planed twenty or thirty at a time, found a low-lying place with water, washed it, and then rushed into the grass house.

The thatched cottage is very broken, with water leaking everywhere. Only one corner is dry. I dug a small pit on the driest land, dismantled some hay on the side of the cottage, put sweet potatoes in it, and then removed a simple door of the cottage, cut off all wood, spread it on the top and make a fire

Yes, I'm baking sweet potatoes. I believe I'm no stranger to living in the countryside.

Watching the stars turn into a big fire, I took off my coat and baked it, and then I just took off my pants.

I searched around in my bare pants and was lucky to find a tile plate, but it had broken one side and was very dirty. After thinking about it, put the broken tile plate outside, let the rain drop in, take it back when it is full, wipe it clean, and then wash it with the mineral water brought. After it is determined to be clean, pour in the remaining mineral water, put up a shelf on the fire and start to burn.

Stomach pain, drinking hot water is helpful. I have only this way. Anyway, fan pepper can't see it.

After smoking a few cigarettes, the clothes dried and put them on again. Then wait, wait for the water to boil, bring it down, feel it cool, and slowly pour it into the mineral water bottle. Unfortunately, my estimation is wrong. As soon as the water is poured in, the bottle deforms immediately, which seems to have a faint plastic smell and cold sweat.

The fire went out, dug some soil, buried the fire, and then continued to wait.

After about half an hour, I dug up the soil and dug out the sweet potatoes buried before. It's delicious... But I ignored a very important thing. I didn't have the tools to put the sweet potato back. Can you put it in your pocket? Shit. I had no choice but to take off my coat and wrap the sweet potato and the mineral water bottle together and sprint down the hill in the rain.

"Where did you die?" Just back in the car, fan chili yelled at me.

Without answering, I quickly opened my coat, put it flat on the passenger seat, and handed the hot water to fan chili.

"Take it. What are you doing? Drink while it's hot. "

Fan pepper looked at me, his eyes... Very complicated.

"You see, I'm like this. If you don't drink, I'll do it for nothing!" I can't stand this bad temper.

Fan chili hesitated and took over, glanced at my shirtless upper body, and blushed a little.

"What's that pile?" After drinking a few mouthfuls, fan chili pointed to the pile of sweet potatoes and asked. Fortunately, she didn't notice anything different about this bottle of mineral water. According to her strange nature, she is expected to hit me with a bottle.

"You don't know?"

Fan pepper shook his head.

"Sweet potato."

"Black potato!"

I smiled, broke one, wrapped it with a paper towel and handed it to fan pepper.

"It smells good." Fan chili took a small bite, nodded, and then took a big bite

"Hey, slow down." When I'm hungry, I stand aside. But... It's the first time in my life that fan chili can eat sweet potato so happily. Thinking of this, I can't help but show a proud smile, a smile with a sense of achievement.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I didn't laugh." I shut my mouth quickly.

"Do I look ugly?" Fan pepper stared, but gently.

"Not ugly."

"Oh." Fan chili continued to eat until he was full. "Why don't you eat it?"

"Forget it... I'd better keep it for you!" I looked, a pile of sweet potatoes had been eaten by fan chili, and there were three left.

"Have you eaten on it?" Fan chili pointed to the top. Now I suddenly realize that fan Chili's fingers are very delicate, each of them is fine and slender, and the nails are painted with a layer of colorful, psychedelic and beautiful patterns, even the joints are snow-white. And her palm. It looks small and soft. What does it feel like to drag it up?

Fan pepper reached for another one, broke it off and handed it to my mouth.

"Your stomach...?"

"It's all right!" Fan pepper continued to pass, his eyes gentle, like a little daughter-in-law who was beaten and scolded.

It's a very ambiguous question whether to eat or not. In fact, I'm so hungry. I'm just worried. Are you free to eat?


Forget it, eat, I bite hard

"Ouch... Ning Hao, you did it on purpose, didn't you? You fool. " Shit, I bit fan Chili's finger!

At noon, the heavy rain finally stopped, and the soaked road gradually began to recede.

From last night to today, I have kept in touch with my sister by text message. My sister knows my situation. What I know is that my father has awakened, my uncle is in the hospital, and has stayed all night. I wanted to find a car repair to help us, but no one was willing to do business in the middle of the night. It rained continuously this morning, so it stopped raining. My uncle is on his way now.

"Do you want to get dressed?" Asked fan chili.

"Dress?" I picked up the shirt soiled with sweet potatoes. "Boss, do you think this can still be worn?"

"There are two more in the trunk."

"Cut, I took the mineral water and drove it three times before and after. I didn't see it?"

Fan pepper stares!

"OK, you are the boss. If you say you have it, you have it." I got out of the car and was going to find it.

"Black bag, in the box on the left."

Sure enough, I found two shirts in the position mentioned by fan chili. They are the same style as the one wrapped with sweet potatoes. Obviously, they were bought at the same time. The reason why I didn't find it before was that the shirt was packed in a plastic box, and there were several magazines on the box, and the bag was black, which was difficult to notice.

Put on your shirt and see a tractor coming in the distance. It looks like your uncle. Driving near, it was really uncle, that familiar, black face with a slight smile and a very kind face. Uncle stopped the tractor and immediately jumped down from behind. An old man and a small man took a box of tools. It should be a repairman!

"Uncle." I'm a little excited to meet you.

"Oh, wait until you get impatient?" Uncle opened the tin box under the driver's seat, took out a bag of things, including mineral water, bread and even a pack of cheap cigarettes, and handed it to me, "if you're hungry, just eat."

I picked it up and handed it to fan chili just drilled out of the car.

"Is this...?" Seeing fan chili, uncle's eyes lit up and he felt very surprised.

"I'm old..."

"Friend." Fan chili smiled at his uncle, "you are Uncle Ning Hao, hello."

"Oh, hello."

Strange, fan chili suddenly became so easy to get along with?

While we were talking, the old repairman, the young repairman and the old repairman had already checked the car, and they found the problem. They found tools to lift the roof up, and the old repairman got under the car

An hour later, the car was repaired and started. I sat on it and tried it. It was normal.

"Master, how much is it?"

"Four hundred."

I took four hundred dollars out of my wallet and stuffed it into the old repairman.

"Haozi, if you take these two masters back to the city, I won't run this trip!"


Uncle left with his tractor

Two repairmen got on the car. I started the car and drove all the way to the city. I had been holding it in this broken place for a day and was finally relieved.

Just arrived in the city, two repairmen, an old man and a small man, got off the bus in a cross street.

"President fan, do you want to go to the hotel?"

"Nonsense, find an advanced one... No, find a mall first. I'll buy some clothes first."

Take fan chili to a department store.

"Come with me."


"Get out of the car, now."

Forget it. I'm not in a hurry anyway. Let's have a look!

And fan chili went into the mall. Fan chili wandered around and bought a pile of supplies, socks, towels, toothbrushes... Underwear, bras... Shit, I bought such intimate clothes in front of me. Thanks to her indifferent face, I felt embarrassed myself. Yi... Wow, fan chili is as big as 36C?

"Have you seen enough?" Fan chili found me craning my neck to look at her underwear number.

"Ah, I didn't look, I just..." I looked away in a panic, with a cold sweat on my forehead.

Follow fan chili and continue to stroll around, oh... Women's wear area.

"Is this good?" Fan chili asked me for advice with a set of navy blue business clothes.

"No, you should wear casual clothes, ladies... Women." Lady, it's very uncomfortable to use it on fan pepper.

Fan pepper asked.

"To say...?"


"I'm afraid you're in a hurry..."

"If you don't say I'm in a hurry now." Fan pepper stared again.

"When you think of a professional rogue wearing a beautiful dress in your company, you can't look for a bad look every day, even if you don't wear a professional rogue in your company? Who will notice if you look good? It's too late to hide. Your beauty is not something that ordinary people dare to appreciate. Anyway, I think you will be quiet when you wear casual clothes. For example, yesterday morning, I saw you wear casual clothes for the first time in the park. At that moment, I really felt bright in front of my eyes and was very shocked. In a word... "Speaking of this, I suddenly closed my mouth, because my mouth is very fucking ignorant of current affairs.

"It doesn't matter if you continue to evaluate." Fan chili had a strange voice and a cruel smile on his face.

"No, I mean... You look good in casual clothes."

"I hear it."

"Then..." without saying a good word, fan chili had kicked me in the calf. I bent over in pain. Fan chili took the opportunity to punch me in the back, and then flew again. My whole person was immediately down, my head roaring and dizzy.

It was so sudden that all the clerks in the women's clothing store were as dumb as chickens.

"What are you looking at? Wrap the clothes quickly, and then... Wrap that suit and that suit. "

I got up and all the shop assistants looked at me sympathetically. Alas, they must think I'm not a man. I was bullied by a woman and didn't dare to fart at last. Or, they will think that I am a cheap male public relations, and fan chili is a high-ranking rich woman. I was abused by her from birth. In fact, I also feel weak, but I dare not do anything. Fan chili is now a benefactor of our family. What did I do to hurt her? My mother estimates that she was the first to split me in two sections.

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