Arthur looked at Ron's expressionless face, and there was something strange in his heart, because he had just sensed in his heart that this man wanted to meet the human chef they had captured.

But now with a blank face, does he want to see it or not?

It's hard to guess what human minds are, so Arthur didn't guess there, he just looked at Ron in front of him, and then asked seriously, "Do you want to meet the chef we caught?"

Ron hesitated when he heard Arthur say that, what would happen if he refused?

Although he thought so, Ron nodded honestly.

Seeing Ron's appearance, Monassin also had some curiosity in his heart about who this human chef was.

Wait until they bring people up. Ron realized why he wanted to meet the human chef so much.

Isn't this Ilsa? If she's here, where has Reilly gone?

Ron looked at the man in front of him, his eyes had betrayed himself, and Arthur looked at Ron with some curiosity.

Then he asked seriously: "Could it be that you also know this person?"

Ron nodded, he had to keep these two people safe no matter what, so the most important thing was to pull these two people back into his camp first.

Arthur wasn't a fool either, Ron already had two friends here, what was the purpose of their visit?

Arthur smiled there, then looked at Ron in front of him, and said in a somewhat serious tone: "Ron, you friends, do you want to come to us for a day trip?"

Hearing Arthur's tone, there was something in Ron's heart that he was vaguely angry just because he had heard it from this tone.

After all, this was not what Ron had in mind, he had already left a letter for them not to come down.

But if they don't listen to themselves, what can be done, but now is not the time to argue with Arthur about this.

His purpose now was to stabilize Arthur's temper, so he looked at the mermaid in front of him and smiled.

Then he said, "These people have been to Lost Soul Island with me, you don't want to know what happened on Lost Soul Island, they can tell you too." "

Hearing Ron's words, Arthur's original anger slowly descended.

They have a purpose for them now, they just want to know what is going on on Lost Soul Island.

So Arthur looked at the two men and smiled at them as well.

Then he said to Ilsa, "I'm really sorry for doing such rude things to you before, but we don't know that you are Ron's friend, and we hope you can forgive us." "

Although the mermaid apologized, Ilsa didn't decide to forgive the man, and she looked at Ron's face with an ugly expression.

Then he came over to Ron's ear and asked, "When are we going to leave this place?"

Ron frowned, he had come and gone, how could he leave so easily?

It's just that he is curious about where Reilly has gone, and he can't leave Ilsa alone.

If that's the case, then he's too unresponsible.

So Ron wanted to ask Ilsa a question about Reilly, but he was afraid that Arthur was here.

He gave Ilsa a look, and Ilsa knew that Ron was asking him about Reilly.

Then he replied, "He's fine, but he's probably sleeping now." "

Hearing Ilsa's words, Ron smiled, sure enough, it was Ilsa's style.

Arthur was a little inexplicable when he heard them say this, why didn't he hear anything if he was deaf just now?

But as a mermaid, he won't say anything about his weaknesses, after all, he's a noble species, and he doesn't know how much more noble he is than Ron, so he won't show weakness to Ron.

He glanced at Ron, and then said, "Since all of you are here, you can explain to me what happened to you on Lost Soul Island." "

Ron was stunned for a moment, were they already on track so quickly?

Although Arthur was talking solemnly there, Ron could also feel the person next to him tremble slightly.

It's as if there's some fear of what those merfolk say, but what the hell is going on?

Why would Monassin be afraid that people would know about it? Besides, he'd shown a different attitude towards this place before.

Although Ron really wanted to know things, he couldn't show it too clearly now that Monassin was here.

"Lord Arthur, can't you tell me why you're so attached to Lost Soul Island?"

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