"It's not something you people can just ask, or do you think I'm too talkative?" said Arthur coldly to Ron in front of him.

Ron was a little surprised to hear Arthur say this, but soon he had a bad feeling that came to him.

Monassin was directly passed to the front by the two merfolk behind him.

The expression on Monassine's face suddenly became ugly, but he didn't ask Ron for help, after all, this matter was also a matter of course for him.

Ron frowned, he didn't want these people to hurt his friends, so if they did do something like that, he wouldn't let them go easily.

He looked at Arthur in front of him and smiled, then said to him in a somewhat cold tone, "King Arthur, what are you doing now?

Ron's policy is a roundabout policy, as long as this Arthur can send his friend back, then he has no problem saying anything else.

Arthur has always been a mermaid, his thoughts and feelings are relatively simple, although they have strong combat effectiveness, but on the one hand, his thoughts are always much behind the cunning humans.

"Are we friends? But I don't think you look like you think we're friends at all. Arthur looked at the people in front of him and said with some anger.

Although their thinking is a bit backward, Arthur is still their king after all, so the way of thinking is not too simple.

Otherwise, Arthur would not be qualified to be the so-called mermaid king.

Ron smiled at him, then said, "Do you want to know what's going on on Lost Island? I'll tell you if you let him go, you should know that we humans won't break our word." "

Hearing what Ron said, King Arthur actually had some entanglements in his heart, after all, Ron said what they really wanted.

"It's okay to let it go, but all three of you must stay here at the bottom of the ocean until you give us the answers we are satisfied with. "

King Arthur watched as Ron made this condition, and Ron nodded.

In fact, if he can put forward this condition, it is estimated that he also put it forward after thinking a lot, otherwise, it would be too much to just put forward one condition.

"Ron, you don't have to compromise people for me, if they want to know, you can't tell them, or we'll all be killed by merfolk. "

Monassin said to Ron a little anxiously, as if he knew the merfolk very well.

When Ron heard this, he felt that something was wrong, it was the first time he had seen mermaids, why was he sure that merfolk would kill them?

Isn't that a bit inconsistent?

Although Ron was puzzled, he wouldn't ask right away, he looked at the merfolk in front of him and smiled.

But he could clearly see that these people and the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking, which also proved that what Monassine said was true.

If that's the case, then you really can't easily tell everything about it.

After all, he also wants to leave a way back for himself.

"My friends have already said that, so I won't tell you all of them, so let's say you let them both go halfway, and then I'll say I'm leaving the next half by myself, what do you think? King Arthur. "

Ron was finally able to negotiate a condition, and Arthur thought about it for a moment, and finally nodded.

Anyway, these two people don't matter, as long as Ron stays here, they can let Ron tell them everything about Lost Soul Island.

"We went to Lost Island and encountered a lot of strange things, but the most important thing was that we also got an important thing in Lost Island, and now that thing is on me. Ron said nonsense.

After going through so much, he also figured out just now that the reason why those mermaids kept asking him about Lost Soul Island must be because there was some treasure on Lost Soul Island or something.

Sure enough, after Arthur heard Ron say this, his eyes never left Ron's body.

However, Monasin and the others looked at Ron's face with an unbelievable expression, and they wondered in their hearts when Ron had done this without telling them.

When the other merfolk saw that expression, they thought they were shocked that Ron had told the secret at once, so they were even more sure that Ron must have the treasure he brought from Lost Soul Island.

However, Ron didn't say anything, he looked at the mermaid in front of him and asked seriously, "I've already told half of the secret, when are you going to let my friend go first?"

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