One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 814

"So... how do you completely eliminate the scattered chakras?" Six Dao Immortal asked.

"Just gather all the chakras, that's it!" Xing Tao said.

"Chakra is the power that connects various fetters. It is absolutely impossible to concentrate chakras on a single individual and enlarge them." Six Dao Immortal said slowly, "My mother was like this at the beginning. After she calmed the world with her own power , Her power made her feel conceited, and at the same time, people began to fear the existence of that power."

"Mother was originally called the goddess of Mao. Later, unknowingly, people feared mothers as ghosts." Six Taoists said solemnly, "If the power is concentrated on one person, that person will lose control and eventually become degenerate. A slave to power! I saw the shadow of my mother in you, confident and powerful..."

"Your mother is just a weak person! She floats in the flattery of everyone, and begins to be arrogant when she has power. This is completely the appearance of a weak person!" Xing Tao said, "The real strong does not possess unparalleled divine power. It’s not the supernatural power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea; it’s a person who can truly recognize himself, the world, and carry out his beliefs."

Chapter 114

"Your mother lost her eyes by the praise and powerful power of everyone." Xing Tao said, "Lost her own original purpose, unable to recognize herself and the world, so she is a completely weak person. A loser!"

"She was the existence that could guide the progress of this world, but it's a pity..."

Xing Tao shook his head.

Datongmu Huiye wants strength and power, prestige and prestige, but unfortunately, she herself has no vision, blindly follows the ancient system, did not use power in the right place, and did not have enough thinking about the future world. There is no idea of ​​breaking the ancient system, so in the end it can only end with a cup.

Hearing Xingtao’s words, the Six Dao Immortals were silent for a while, and continued: “Perhaps, the method you came up with is correct and can bring the world into a relatively peaceful environment; however, this method is really cruel. Once these punishments are set on the world, the wishes of countless people will be restricted in the future, which will cause countless troubles!"

Xingtao glanced at the six immortals and sneered:

"Six Ways, you are too obsessed with the emotions between people, but you missed many beautiful and wonderful scenery in this world. Compared with this objective world, the so-called emotions are nothing but a drop in the ocean. There is only experience. There are too few things in order to worry about these feelings, love, and so on!!"

Xingtao has always felt that many people in this "Naruto" world are crazy.

Uchiha will destroy the world just because his goddess died?

There are also all kinds of disgusting inheritance wills. How they live is their own business. Why must you inherit your wills?

There are also those needed and needed.Please, don't be so narrow-minded in your thinking. What if you are not needed by others? No one stipulates that you can't live without others. Why do people need you?

All in all, in this world, a large group of mentally ill patients has a large group of self-centered fools who are forced to be active in this world and spread their disgusting thoughts.

Everyone lives in the sorrow and pain of the past, and then takes revenge on the world.Few people will think about the future; few people will think about how to change the inherent system that causes grief and pain.Everyone is like a lonely depression patient, living in their own world.

The Six Dao Immortals looked disapproving, he absolutely did not agree with Xing Tao's ideas.

In his view, the needs of the spirit are far beyond the needs of the body. Even if you do something wrong for the mental trauma, it is understandable and forgivable.

However, although he does not agree with Xingtao’s ideas, he will not argue with Xingtao about this kind of thing. Instead, he said: “Perhaps the path you choose can solve many problems. However, there is an important factor. After Carat is gathered together, how can you be sure that you will not be lost like my mother in the future?"

"This kind of know it only after you have to do it!" Xingtao looked at the Six Dao Immortals, "Well, give me your power, don't force me to get it myself!"

With Xing Tao's words, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense.

The six immortals stared at Xingtao for a while, and sighed, "There is war everywhere, even if it's me, a dead person!"

Of course the Six Dao Immortal couldn't give his power to Xing Tao, he still wanted to keep it for his son.

Are the six immortals really selfless?

Absolutely not!

From the time he was alive that he entrusted his power and Ninzong to his son, and after his son died, he took the power back, it can be seen that he is actually a very selfish person.Except for his two sons, he doesn't necessarily treat other people very seriously.

The six immortals have been spreading chakras all their lives. Couldn't there be any disciple in the world who has a stronger mind than his two sons?Absolutely, no matter how good a person's IQ and vision are, it is impossible to surpass the world.

In this world, only power can surpass the whole world.And as long as the Six Dao Immortal found one of his disciples who was more mature than his two sons, and then imparted the power of the Six Dao to him, there would be nothing left.

But he did not do so.

In fact, it is his son, grandson, great-grandson who wished to inherit Ninzong...

In fact, he didn't think of other people at all.Otherwise, in the original book, why did he give his power to Naruto and Sasuke again?They are not the most suitable candidates. When it comes to taking over and using the power of the Six Ways, it is obvious that Uchiha Daido, who has become the power of the Jumeito before, is more suitable.

The reason is simple. Naruto and Sasuke are the reincarnations of his son.

This is also the case now. This is to be reserved for his son as the power to change the world. How could it be given to Xingtao?

In the final analysis, the Six Ways of Immortals are also a cronyism, not a person who is only capable of appointing talents.

"Generally speaking, a person who has died has nothing to do with him, but you still retain such a powerful force. This is not like a dead person!" Xingtao took a step forward, "When you died, since If you choose to leave with such a precious funeral, don’t blame future generations for stealing your tomb."

As Xing Tao said, he raised his foot and walked over to the six immortals.

As Xingtao approached step by step.A kind of continuous power, like the mountains and boundless power, passed from him, rolling like a tide, and people have a taste to worship.It's like a big mountain uprooted on the ground, it is so majestic, majestic, and imposing like a rainbow.

The heavy coercion, like the top of a mountain, squeezed towards the six immortals on the opposite side.

Facing the murderous pressure of Xing Tao, the Six Dao Immortals also stood up from the posture of meditating in the air before. There seemed to be flames burning on the white robe. Nine Taoist jade suddenly appeared behind him, and a pair of reincarnation eyes also appeared. A ray of light burst out, staring at the stars in front of him.

Chapter 115.

As the six immortals got up, a terrifying aura rose up on the whole person at the same time.In an instant, this imposing manner went up crazy, shaking in all directions, colliding with the imposing manner of Xing Tao.

The two auras continued to spread, and finally collided. In an instant, the white space was like water waves, with silk ripples. The world picture scroll that the two had evolved before was also constantly distorted and shattered in the collision of the two auras. ...

"Very good power and aura. Six, I look forward to your next attack!!" Xing Tao chuckled, the spiritual power in his body surged, and with a wave of his hand, the golden light changed into a ten-meter-long line. The sharp sword aura seemed to cut open the world.

Xing Tao is in the state of the soul body at this moment, so the moves he uses are the moves he cultivated in the world of "Reaper".This sword is impressively the product of the perfect combination of "Broken Sword" and the power of the soul.

The momentum of the Six Dao Immortals was completely unstoppable when Xing Tao's sword aura was encountered. All the power seemed to be like tofu, and the golden sword momentum was like a broken bamboo, directly slashing at the Liu Dao immortals.

"What kind of power is this?" A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the reincarnation of the six immortals.

This kind of spiritual power from the soul cultivation system of the "Reaper" world has surpassed the experience of the six immortals. He has never seen such a power in the cracks of this world.

"But no matter what power, in front of my tin rod, it is completely useless!!" The six immortals condensed their eyes, waving the tin rod in their hands and directly facing the sword of Xingtao.

Xing Tao and the six immortals.

One is the existence of soul evolving to the extreme, from virtual to reality; and the other is the existence that has integrated its own "Tao" into the Xianshu Chakra.

The two attacks collided in midair at the same time-


The tin rods of the six immortals collided with Xingtao’s sword. At the moment of the collision, countless souls and chakras burst out. These two powers were entangled and spattered like sparks, gold and black entangled with each other. .Round, as bright as fireworks, the sound is transmitted in bursts.

The actual confrontation between the two is not the same kind of imposing competition as before. At this moment, there is no ripple in the surrounding space, but a stormy sea. The gap between this ninja world and the world after death is almost bound by the two. A confrontation was completely destroyed.

After the blow, the two simultaneously withdrew a certain distance back, staring at each other.

After the blow, the Six Dao Immortals also noticed Xing Tao's state at the moment, and was secretly shocked: "Who is he, whose soul can reach this level from the virtual reality!? Such a soul...Even my mother does not. It must be comparable. I have been monitoring the Ninja World for so many years and have never seen this person. How can there be such an existence in this world?"

At the same time, the other side.

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