One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 815

"It's worthy of the existence of integrating the'Tao' into the Xianshu Chakra!" Xingtao exclaimed in his heart.

In the attack just now, if the Six Dao Immortals used only the six Dao powers similar to the Ten-tailed Human Zhu Li, there would be no way to block Xingtao’s sword energy; only by incorporating the "Dao" into it can Xingtao be blocked. sword.

"It's a pity... this time it came too suddenly, the Open Sky Sword was left on the body!" Xing Tao sighed softly in his heart.If the Heaven Sword is in hand, today's battle will be much easier.

"But even if the Open Sky Sword is not there, I will never lose!!"


Xing Tao emptied his right hand, and his terrifying spiritual power collapsed, turning into a golden sword and appeared in his palm.

"Sky Slashing Sword Art, the first formula!"

At this time, Xingtao was as sharp as a divine sword, and his sword intent was flourishing. He showed the ultimate horror of kendo.His eyes were like a sword, looking straight ahead, the sword in his hand swept across, the sword screamed, and a sword aura whizzed away.

Sword Qi killed and cut, sharp and sharp, a vacuum zone appeared wherever it passed, and it broke through the void in front of him quite easily, and cut straight to the opposite six immortals.

The Heaven Slashing Sword Art was originally a set of sword art derived from Xing Tao's unique skill-Zhantian Dao.This sword tactic is a forty-nine sword tactic formed by Xing Tao's vague "Zhantian Dao" trick.

This sword art was created by him at the beginning of the battle against the Juggernaut in the world of "Feng Yun", and then he created it after ten years of sharpening in the sword world. Finally, in the world of "Reaper", it was continuously improved and finally formed, with the ability to break the road. Supreme Sword Art.

The six immortals hovered quietly in the air. Seeing Xingtao’s Sword Art of Slashing the Sky, there was once again a hint of surprise in his eyes. The sharpness of this sword was definitely not seen before, especially the hidden implications. With the power to completely defeat the avenue of my own perception for thousands of years.

All of this can't help being treated carelessly by the Six Immortals.I saw the purple light in his reincarnation eyes flourishing, and the terrifying purple light blessed on the tin rod in his hand.

In an instant, this tin rod turned into a weird sword, like a double helix structure of DNA.

"Skymarsh Spear!"

The six immortals brandished the sky marsh spear and stab the sword cut by Xing Tao!


The jade rod of Qiu Dao held the Heavenly Marsh Spear with the power of the reincarnation eye. With such a simple stab, it looked as if the wind and the clouds were light, without the slightest power, but it was when the Heavenly Marsh Spear and Xingtao’s sword light touched The moment.

The two attacks stopped at the same time, as if the surrounding time was completely still.

At this moment, what the two competed is not power, but great.

This is the collision of the two roads.

The collision between the "Road of Reincarnation" of the Six Immortals and Xingtao's "Broken Kendo".

Silent, but it kept echoing in the hearts of the two.



In an instant, the face of the six immortals changed, and his sky marsh spear began to slowly collapse. The bright golden sword light cut all the connections on the sky marsh spear and flew toward the six immortals.

In the next moment, the golden sword light fell on the six immortals.


The purple light was flourishing in the eyes of the six immortals, and the whole person was suddenly cut by the golden sword light.

The sharp sword light seemed to cut his body completely in an instant, and even his beliefs and avenues would be bitter under this sword!

Chapter 116-The Power of Yin

In shock, the Six Dao Immortals did not hesitate, and immediately took the initiative to split the body in half from the middle, letting go of this sword light.

Originally, the Six Ways of Immortal were his soul and Chakra. These things didn’t have a fixed shape, but what shocked the Six Ways of Immortal was that even if he let out the sword light, the part of the body could not heal again for a long time. As if a strange force was preventing his body from converging.

"This could it be possible!!" The six immortals who were cut in half were full of horror, as if they had seen something unthinkable.

After so many years of cultivation, the Six Dao Immortal thought that his chakra was not as good as his mother Datongmu Huiye; but after years of intensive cultivation, he was absolutely certain that his chakra quality was better than his mother.

But now, such a powerful Chakra was cut directly by the opponent with the power of the soul?

How incredible is this?

Can the soul be so powerful?

"My Heaven Slashing Sword Art was originally created by destroying countless kendos in the sword world in the world of "Feng Yun", and later gathered the power of beasts in the world of "Reaper"... It originally contained the artistic conception of breaking everything. Among them. Although your power contains your own avenues, these avenues are really too few!!"

"The amount is too small, no matter how advanced the power is, it is useless!!"

The power of the Six Dao Immortals was not derived from his own cultivation, but was born from his own blood.From this point of view, he is a user of power, not a practitioner.Just like a soldier, he can fly planes and tanks; but I don’t know how planes and tanks come.

And the avenue contained in his own power was that after he later sealed Datongmu Huiye, he walked the world, felt the world and his own power, and gradually realized it, but after all, the training time was too short, and he paid attention to it when he was practicing. Such things as heart and mood are not heaven and earth, so the avenues that I feel are just some fur.

After the death of the Six Dao Immortals, they lost their physical body, and their souls have stayed in this gap between life and death, and there is no chance to understand the Great Way.Therefore, although he has lived here for more than a thousand years, he has not made much progress in his perception of "Tao".

"And... Compared with Dadao, my soul's power is completely another level to you, and it can completely offset any gap between us!!"

The chakra used by the Six Dao Immortals is a fusion of the four of "jing", "qi", "shen" and "dao"; while the spiritual power used by Xingtao is a pure fusion of "god" and "dao".

Although Xingtao seems to be a lot worse than the Six Dao Immortals, his own "God" and "Tao" are completely the product of another higher dimension than the Six Dao Immortals.

Therefore, Xingtao can rely on the fusion of "God" and "Tao" to defeat the fusion of the four "Jing", "Qi", "God" and "Tao" of the six immortals.

"Finally one of the most unstable factors in this "Naruto" world can be driven out!!"

Xingtao looked at the six immortals who had been split in front of him, and quickly rushed over, grabbing the half of the six immortals.

In the next instant, the palm of his left hand seemed to have turned into a black hole, continuously devouring the half of the body of the six immortals.

"What a weird power, not good!!" Liu Dao's heart was shocked. On this half of his body, purple reincarnation eyes flashed, and a blue ray of light broke out of his body in vain, circling a circle, and another Half of the body is fused together.

This is the soul of this half body of the Six Dao Immortals.

In order to save his life, the Six Dao Immortals had given up the power of this half of the body, and instead took the initiative to separate the soul.

And that half of the body quickly returned to the appearance of the Six Dao Immortals after getting this half of the soul, but now he is far inferior to his previous state in terms of aura or strength.

It's completely apathetic.

On the other side, without the support of the soul, the remaining power of the six immortals was completely absorbed by Xingtao without any resistance under the power of Xingtao.

"I took the initiative to give up half of my strength, and I have courage!" Xingtao smiled and looked at the six immortals on the opposite side, then looked down at his left hand, and saw a round of dark crescents appear on his palm.

This is the Yin Power of the Six Immortals.

"It seems that your half body contains the power of yin!" Glancing at the black crescent mark in his palm, Xing Tao raised his head again, and spoke lightly to the six immortals.

But in the next moment, Xing Tao's tone suddenly showed a sense of contemplation.

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