Both of them froze in place.

Eric's meaning couldn't be clearer, which was to prove to the two men that what he said was true.

For him, it is true that he chooses the wand, not the wand chooses him.

He picked up a wand at random, and he could bring out the greatest effect of that wand.

Ollivander stared blankly at Eric, as if looking at some kind of existence that broke through his cognition.

Eric didn't rush him, he just stood there quietly and waited.

"I understand……"

After a long time, Ollivander finally said, his voice became hoarse and lost its energy.

"Mr. Clapton, please allow me to apologize to you for my behavior just now." Ollivander slowly stood up from the floor, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Before this, I have never seen A wizard as gifted as yourself."

Eric smiled and waved his hands: "Don't mind, Mr. Ollivander."

"People are always unwilling to believe in things beyond their own cognition, which is an instinct that most people cannot fight against."

"I don't intend to prove anything to you, but sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves."

"These wands, I don't feel like they belong to me."

"...If this is the case, you should be able to become the person chosen by that wand, please wait a moment." Ollivander and his complex glanced at Eric, then turned and walked towards the back hall of the shop.

After a while, Ollivander came out with a beautiful cuboid box in both hands, and presented it to Eric.

"This wand was obtained by my grandfather by accident. The core of the wand is unknown, and it was not made by Ollivander's shop." Ollivander opened the box containing the wand lightly, and said, "Ten inches long, The weight is moderate, the overall unpolished, but the quality is excellent, both the feel and the wand itself are impeccable, completely natural craftsmanship, in our opinion, the person who made this wand must be extraordinary .”

"The only problem with this wand is that it's pretty much unusable."

Ollivander regained his composure, and he was the wandmaker who became passionate when talking about wands.

Eric looked at the wand in the box. The front end looked like a piece of uncarved wood. Only the handle could be seen with traces of processing and carving, forming a natural grip.

Ollivander introduced: "Do you know acacia wood, Mr. Clapton."

"No, I don't know anything about the wand-making process." Eric shook his head with a smile.

Ollivander nodded, and continued: "Acacia wood itself is a very magical wood, its output is scarce, and it is very troublesome to make, even in my shop, there are not many wands made of acacia wood. "

"Wands made of acacia wood are only accepted by gifted wizards and are arguably one of the top wand-making materials."

"But acacia wood has a fatal flaw, although it may seem an advantage to some, and that is that acacia wands refuse to be used by wizards other than their owners."

"This wand is made of the most magical acacia wood."

Ollivander gave Eric a deep look.

Eric said: "Oh? Then why do you think I can control this wand?"

Ollivander said bluntly, "Because the wand you tried to swing just now is also made of acacia wood."

"Acacia wood does have the characteristic of being loyal to its owner, but it takes time to cultivate this characteristic. The wand made of this wood also pursues talent and strength."

"In other words, if you can conquer the acacia wand, it will almost certainly be your best choice."

After Ollivander finished speaking, he spread his hand towards the box and gestured: "Come on, Mr. Clapton, this is what you are after, the most special wand."

"The source is unknown, but it must have come from a genius, possibly one of my ancestors."

"Its owner is unknown, it may or may not have been."

"The core of the wand is also unknown. We have never tried to take this wand apart for inspection, and we can't do it. Doing so is equivalent to destroying this wand. We can only ensure that it is not dangerous."

"Beforehand, I don't guarantee that this wand can be used, at least I can't use it, I can't use it to cast even a spell, but maybe you can."

"Because you are a truly gifted wizard."

Eric didn't hesitate, and took the wand in his hand casually.

A cold feeling soaked through his palm, vaguely, Eric only felt some kind of force resisting him.

That actually came from the magic fluctuations of the wand itself.

This time, Eric didn't feel the touch from this wand that he had experienced from other wands in the shop.

This wand, in natural rebellion against Eric's use of it.

Unlike the previous two wands, nothing happened when Eric picked up this acacia wand.

"Call for protection." Eric raised his wand and uttered the incantation of the Patronus Charm.

A puff of pure white smoke erupted from the tip of Erik's wand, trying to form a shape, but ultimately did not form a physical Patronus.


Eric waved his hand, and the white smoke dissipated.

But this also proves that with the blessing of the wand's adaptability, he can completely use this wand.

This feeling is very strange. When using magic, Eric tried to input magic power, and this wand kept pushing Eric's magic power out.

The two sides are competing with each other, and now Eric is slightly better.

Eric couldn't help laughing out loud, which was a kind of spontaneous joy, also from the heart.

Seeing the awed eyes of Ollivander and Old Tom, Eric smiled and said, "This is indeed a good wand, I want it."

Chapter 17 Patronus Charms Involving the Soul

Life at the Leaky Cauldron hasn't changed much.

Except that there is an 11-year-old guest upstairs.

Eric has been at the Leaky Cauldron since finishing his systematic mission at Ollivander's.

Eric has nowhere to go, let alone the orphanage.

He also didn't have any luggage to pack, so he just settled down in the Leaky Cauldron for a long time.

Old Tom accepted his presence without objection.

Old Tom really didn't know what to do with Eric.

On the other hand, Old Tom didn't want Eric to run around.

If the explosion of magic power in Lihen Bookstore is still within Old Tom's comprehension, then the scene that happened in Ollivander's Wand Store is completely beyond Old Tom's cognition.

At least as far as he could remember, he had never seen a wizard like Eric.

Strong, self-centered, and oblivious to everything around him.

People like this stay in the Leaky Cauldron, and if something goes wrong, at least Old Tom can guarantee that he will know it immediately.

In the past few days, in order to deepen his understanding of the magic world, and also to hide from the quiet, Eric stayed in the room and never went out except for eating and spending time with Old Tom to buy the remaining items on the admission notice.

He only did one thing these days, and that was reading.

Read a lot of books.

In the past few days, Eric has roughly read through all the first-grade textbooks given away by Flourish and Blott Bookstore.

The content of the first grade did not bother him at all.

Even if Eric has never heard of many concepts before, he can understand and absorb them after a little thought.

If it weren't for the need to use student loans to buy books, Eric would now go to Lihen Bookstore to buy textbooks for the second and third grades.

Surely Old Tom would not agree.

Eric spent more time flipping through the "Book of Spells".

There are hundreds of spells recorded in this spell book. It is a veritable spell book and quite worthy of its price of twenty galleons.

Among the hundreds of spells, they include the flying spells, disarming spells, lock-picking spells and other commonly used spells that Eric is familiar with.

There were also many spells that Eric hadn't even heard of.

Now that Eric has his own wand, he will naturally not let go of such an excellent opportunity to practice.

He didn't dare to try the spells he hadn't heard of, so he could only find time to practice the spells he was more familiar with.

With the blessing of powerful magic power, Eric has tried some of the spells he seems familiar with in the past few days.

The acacia wand didn't make it hard for Eric with these basic common charms.

It just releases resistance from time to time, affecting Eric's magic power output.

Of course, it didn't play the role that the wand should have, enhancing Eric's magic power output.

It sometimes just does nothing, providing an outlet for Eric to unleash his magic.

This is also enough, because Eric's own magic power is already strong enough.

In the past few days, Eric has successfully broken through many spells to the primary level of proficiency, and he can already query the effects of spells and the further process of casting spells in the system.

But taking these spells a step further will take time.

In addition, the process of practicing the spell by yourself was not as smooth as Eric imagined.

Especially since he didn't cast a successful Patronus Charm.

When using magic, all resistance comes from the wand in Eric's hand.

While still at Ollivander's, Eric tried to cast the Patronus Charm with this wand.

The Patronus Charm was not only the only spell Eric learned at the time, but his proficiency had reached the intermediate level, which can be said to have reached the level of the first glimpse.

If he changed to a different wand, based on the wand's adaptability, Eric was pretty sure that he would be able to successfully use the Patronus Charm.

His understanding of the Patronus Charm is very deep, and there is no problem in theory.

Intermediate proficiency is enough to support him in releasing a patron saint spell.

But the Patronus Charm did not form a physical Patronus in the store.

This amounts to a failure.

There is no physical patron saint, and the white smoke released can only have a deterrent effect. At most, it can only slightly prevent the dementors from approaching, but it cannot expel them.

Although this was already astonishing in the eyes of Ollivander who had tried to use this wand, Eric would not be satisfied with this level.

Eric tried the Patronus Charm several times in succession in the past few days.

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