The incantations of the Patronus Charm and the incantation gesture Eric have done perfectly, and he has not missed the corresponding happy emotions.

But he just couldn't summon the physical Patronus.

Several times, Eric saw that the white mist he had summoned had begun to gather together to form an animal shape, but it still lacked the last step of change, and then dissipated again.

And it's worth noting that.

When Eric used the Patronus Charm, he could always feel the great resistance from the acacia wood wand.

Bigger than when he used other spells.

This is undoubtedly a testament to the great power of this wand.

The Patronus Charm is not an ordinary spell. To some extent, the Patronus Charm is equivalent to the wizard's soul reflection.

Every wizard's Patronus is different.

The patron saint is also equivalent to a part of the personality of the wizard.

The acacia wand may not respond to Eric's spells such as the Clear Water Charm.

But if it was a Patronus Charm that involved a part of the soul's manifestation, the acacia wand would trip Eric up hard.

Causing Eric to be unable to summon the physical Patronus.

Even without the presence of outsiders, the wand was able to defy Eric on its own.

Eric was not surprised by this discovery.

The most likely reason is that the wand has indeed had an owner, and it has not yet turned its back on its owner.

This caused Eric to be unable to use this wand to release the Patronus Charm.

Eric, on the other hand, was pretty sure he had chosen the wrong wand.

This wand is very powerful and has its own position. In time, if he can get the wand's approval, this wand will definitely become his most powerful help.

According to Eric's speculation, this wand must not be unowned.

Wands made of acacia wood favor gifted wizards and are fiercely loyal.

To be able to form such a strong resistance and resist Eric's magic power unconsciously, the former owner of this wand must be very powerful.

It is most likely a legendary wizard.

Just don't know why I lost my wand.

But for wizards with less talent, the spiritual power remaining in the wand would probably dissipate the moment they felt Eric's magic power.

Chapter 18 Wizards Are the Ones Who Dominate Magic

There was nothing clean about Eric's use of someone else's wand.

It doesn't matter whose wand he uses anyway.

If he wanted to use the magic wand perfectly, he could just go to Ollivander and buy another one.

The ability of wand adaptability can at least allow him to have an extremely high lower limit when using a wand to cast spells.

Eric chose the acacia wand simply because it was strong.

Strong enough that it can deny Eric the use of individual magic.

In other words, the lower limit of this wand is very low, but the upper limit is extremely high.

This is the essential difference between it and other wands.

Such a powerful wand would not be overlooked by any ambitious wizard.

Best of all, Eric stumbled across a way to barely control the wand after a few tries.

When using the wand directly to cast spells, although Eric can use some basic spells, the effects are very unstable.

The effect is good and bad.

The first time he tried the Illumination Charm, Eric caused a small spot of light to glow at the top of his wand.

In the next two attempts, Eric found nothing.

The next time, Eric could make the wand light up, glowing like a small light bulb.

Eric temporarily stopped trying, looked at several books spread out on his desk, and began to think slowly.

According to "Magic Theory", the function of the wand is equivalent to a converter. In layman's terms, it is to allow the magic power of the wizard to communicate with the outside world smoothly.

The wizards of the ancient centuries did not need a wand to cast spells, and the wizards at that time would use other methods.

Later wizards switched to magic wands, not because the traditional method of casting spells was not good, but the main reason was that the size and design of the wand determined that it was the most helpful spell-casting tool for wizards under the same conditions.

In theory, today's wizards can still return to the method of chanting long spells and using wooden canes as tall as a person to cast spells.

But that method of casting not only takes too long, but also reduces the power of the spell.

The longer the spell is, the better. Modern spells have simplified the process of chanting spells simply because this method is more efficient.

But in any case, an existence similar to a magic wand is needed to release the wizard's magic power.

The consequences of directly releasing magic power are uncontrollable and dangerous.

Eric was able to complete the burst of magic power purely because his magic power was strong enough on the one hand, and because his mind control was also strong.

Even so, Eric can't use magic power to directly exert the effect of the spell.

The overall performance of the wand can well help the wizard complete the casting process.

The big question now is how to keep this acacia wand stable.

If Eric doesn't understand what his purpose is, he won't understand what he needs to do to solve the problem at hand.

After all, Eric just needs to find ways to keep the wand in his hand stable so that he can output magic power smoothly.

His magic is powerful enough that he can cast it without even the power of a wand.

But he wants to learn the spell, and on the premise that his proficiency is not high, he needs to use a wand to release the spell.

If the proficiency of the spell is high enough, Eric believes that he can cast spells silently, or even cast spells without a wand, but not yet.

After thinking about it carefully, Eric found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding from the very beginning.

He really didn't have to rely on a wand to perform the spell.

If he is using an ordinary magic wand, under the ability of the wand adaptability, the ordinary wand will not resist him, and his use of magic is naturally quite smooth.

And this casting process can be split into two parts.

They are Eric's own magic power output, and then the magic power is released after passing through the wand. The combination of the two is a complete magic spell.

The process of magic circulation wand can also be split into two more detailed parts.

Respectively, the magic power passes through the wand itself, and the magic wand gives the magic power a corresponding increase.

In this process, the wand is equivalent to a passive magic corrector.

It is also the principle that wizards rely on magic wands to cast spells.

What kind of benefits the wand will give the wizard depends mainly on the wood and core of the wand, as well as the fit between the wand and the wizard.

Some wands are good at casting polymorphs, and some are good at jinxes.

Wands made of acacia wood are rarely produced, but they are proficient in everything.

Now if Eric doesn't need any help from the wand, and just wants to use the channel of the wand itself to release his magic power, it should be completely feasible.

For other wizards, this of course cannot be done, and it sounds ridiculous to refuse the magic boost provided by the wand itself while using the wand.

But Eric is different.

Eric picked up his wand again, and with a thought, he opened up the mental stance.

His world instantly turned gray and white, making the already monotonous Leaky Cauldron even colder.

The familiar ball of light transformed by his mental power reappeared at his feet.

This time, the target Eric chose for the ball of light was the acacia wood wand in his hand.

The ball of light sensed Eric's thoughts, and instantly sank into the wand.

[Acacia wood wand——]

[Ten inches long, made of acacia wood as a whole, the core of the wand is the tail feather of a white-tailed sea eagle. There are a lot of traces of magic power used inside the wand, but there is no self-awareness. 】

Exactly as Eric envisioned.

The inside of this wand has been used to another kind of magic power and the breath of the soul, so it will always interfere with Eric's magic release.

Eric focused all his attention on the wand, allocated part of his own magic power, and then channeled it in with one brain.

The majestic magic power is like a mountain, occupying the entire space of the wand with overwhelming power.

The wand in Eric's hand obviously sensed this and began to resist violently.

The force on the acacia wand was astonishingly strong, and Eric could barely hold it, using two hands to barely let the wand break free from his control.

Eric's magic began to wrestle with the wand itself within the wand itself.

If someone looks at it from the perspective of a bystander at this time, they will find that the magic power in Eric's body is constantly surging, which is obvious enough to change Eric's appearance.

Eric is now like a small fusion energy source, his face is flushed with heat, and white smoke keeps coming out of his skin.

Unaware of this, he still closed his eyes tightly, concentrating all his energy on suppressing the wand in his hand.

I don't know how long it took, Eric suddenly opened his eyes, with a sharp gleam in his pupils, raised his wand and shouted: "Call God to protect you!"

The next second, as a huge white creature appeared in front of him, Eric knew he had succeeded.

A wand is just a tool.

The wizard is the one who dominates magic.

Chapter 19 The Minister of Magic is in a bad mood

Part of the magic power was allocated to suppress the wand, and when this gap appeared, the magic power was quickly released through the wand itself.

In this way, Eric didn't actually conquer the acacia wand completely.

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