The girl couldn't hide anything on her face, and everything she thought in her heart was expressed on her face.

But she didn't say it.

"I called a lot of psykers from the ground and asked them to cooperate with you in guarding the lunar base and exploring the moon. As for how to make them familiar with the tasks of standing guard on the moon, as well as exploring and investigating anomalies, etc., you and Liu Hanmo and the others need to Go and instruct them, that's why I called you."

"For this kind of guidance... wouldn't it be better to find Team Chen?" Kong Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

"It would be better if he was still here. However, he was the first group of people to land on the moon, and he has been working hard for more than two years. If he doesn't go back to recuperate, there may be irreversible sequelae."

"That's right." Kong Xiaoyu patted his head, "Looking at how majestic he is all day long, he has forgotten that this is the moon. He is not a psychic, so he cannot resist for a long time like us."

Then she saluted, "Promise to complete the task!"

As long as it's not an experiment, then everything is easy to talk about!

"By the way, I'm going to follow them back and take charge of the overall situation on the ground. Before I leave, I have an experiment..."

"Ah, I suddenly remembered, I still have important things to do, please find Liu Hanmo!"

Kong Xiaoyu slipped out immediately with a 'shua'.



A few days later, the repaired transport ship left the moon base, and after several days of sailing, it slowly landed in the Qiquan Space Dock.

Since the engineering ship left Qiquan Space Dock and flew into space, people all over the country are paying attention to Qiu Baiyu, the chief engineer and chief project leader who initiated this project.

After the transport ship carrying foreign astronauts went to space, Dongyuan National Academy of Sciences and Dongyuan Space Agency jointly announced that the gravity generator led by Qiu Baiyu was successfully developed and used on the transport ship.

This news stated below that when the gravity generator is developed, combined with powerful artificial intelligence calculations, the spacecraft can take off smoothly, and every subsequent manned spaceflight will no longer need to withstand the acceleration process close to 8 times the gravity of the ground!

This is the most significant technological breakthrough of this century!

It is the beginning of manned spaceflight no longer restricting the physique of astronauts, and the whole people can spaceflight!

In the future, this technology will also be used for civilian purposes, such as in traffic accidents, to offset the received inertia, etc.

As always, the article uses a large number of tedious and formulaic speeches, expanding the content that can be finished in a few sentences to nearly [-] words, reaching a level that even the best web writers who are good at hydrology can't match.

This also shows the excitement and desire to show off of the civil servant who wrote the manuscript.

Fortunately, various netizens and news media will extract key points, refine them, and present them to the public.

This news, coupled with the announcement that Qiu Baiyu named the first laboratory on the moon base the Gravity Laboratory, directly made Qiu Baiyu's popularity reach an unprecedented height.

All previous doubts are gone!

Not only in China, but also in foreign countries, many people know that there is a "genius" in Dongyuan, and sour speeches are flooding social platforms on the Internet.

Now, Qiu Baiyu came back from the moon, and after Yang Ma first reported it, various media reprinted it one after another.

For a time, she became popular on the Internet again, occupying the headlines on various platforms.

"Congratulations on your safe return! I thought she was not qualified at first, but now I can only say she is so horrible."

"Genius is back! See Dragon King! (crooked mouth)"

"From the moment I confirmed her achievements, I decided to chase stars, the youngest and most beautiful scientist in the country! I will always single out Academician Qiu Baiyu!"

"Congratulations to Academician Qiu for his return! I would like to ask, is Academician Qiu considering opening a scarf account? I want to follow it and feel the traces of the moon up close."

"Moon Goddess Qiu Baiyu!"


Qiu Baiyu liked to read all kinds of comments.

She put herself in front of the public after consideration, and there was no mistake of accidentally exposing herself.

The main purpose of exposing yourself is to try to see how the national idol can improve the cohesion and happiness.

Generally speaking, if someone can be worshiped by the whole people, even if the country was still poor at that time, the happiness and cohesion will definitely not be low.

These cohesion will be reflected in national construction, increasing construction efficiency.

Qiu Baiyu wanted to see if she could do this.

Some of the things she has done before will gradually be revealed, and all projects and research launched in the future, except for some, will be announced to the whole country to let everyone know her whereabouts.

See if this can elevate influence to the point of national admiration.

Then look at the cohesion and happiness at that time. This kind of calculation and research is also beneficial to integration.

Of course, you will also take risks, such as being assassinated by other countries, especially after entering the cosmic age, by other alien civilization empires.

The premise is that the other party can enter the territory under her nose.

This hair is so white.jpg

Chapter 127 Changes Induced by Gravity Technology

The return of Qiu Baiyu is a big event for the people, and it is also a big event for the high-level people in Dongyuan.

Among those who came back, there were scientific researchers who conducted gravity manipulation experiments on the moon base with Qiu Baiyu.

They came back with Qiu Baiyu.

Come back to assist the country in the research and development of gravity control devices in other places.

For example, put it on a fighter jet, so that the fighter jet can no longer be restricted by speed, so that the pilot no longer bears the pressure caused by acceleration during the flight.

If this thing can be developed into a shock absorption and risk avoidance system, whether it is for military or civilian use, it will be a magical existence.

In particular, Qiu Baiyu also demonstrated the application of this technology on a transport ship.

Through the intelligent system, during the acceleration of the spacecraft, the gravity in the cabin is quickly adjusted, so that the people in the cabin do not feel the impact of acceleration at all, as stable as if they are on the ground.

While senior executives are ecstatic about this technology, countries all over the world are jealous.

It is not surprising that the article published said that this is the greatest invention of this century.

What happened on the spaceship, that is, the foreign "hillies" headed by Orff misunderstood space as a hologram because they didn't understand this technology, but "accidentally" leaked it out, making other countries laugh at it.

Not long after getting off the plane, the heads of the air force and navy headquarters of each military region came over to see Qiu Baiyu and asked if this technology could be developed into aircraft.

No, the Army is here too.

He is the top boss of the tank units in each military region.

As we all know, sitting in a tank is very happy, but most people don't enjoy it.

There were too many people, so Qiu Baiyu simply met all of them at once and invited all the big shots into the meeting room of the ground command center of Qiquan Aerospace Department.

Facing the expectant looks of many military leaders, Qiu Baiyu said helplessly: "I can understand everyone's desire to install gravity control devices on various vehicles, but this thing is configured in a complete set and is very large. There is no way to add conventional aircraft and tanks. There is still a chance for aircraft carriers, but there is no need to add this to aircraft carriers."

"Is it really not possible to add it to the plane?"

Both the Navy Commander and the Air Force Commander looked disappointed.

The Army sighed.

In fact, they had expected it.

After all, that is future technology that forcibly adjusts gravity!

If we only look at the conservation of momentum, we cannot achieve this goal with traditional thinking.

After all, the current simulation of gravity in the world still only uses falling to offset gravity to simulate a zero-gravity environment.

This technology, like nuclear fusion, is an epoch-making product.

Qiu Baiyu also obtained the antimatter production through the unlocked solemn technology, and obtained the gravity control device through the positive and antimatter.

"That's not the problem." Qiu Baiyu shook his head, "It's because I don't have so much time to help you miniaturize the technology like nuclear fusion reactors."

Many military leaders rekindled hope, "In other words, there is still a chance to miniaturize the gravity control device?"

"That's right, but the gravity control system uses antimatter. At present, this technology is very expensive due to the world's technical level and material limitations. It is used on aircraft and tanks..."

Everyone looked disappointed again.

If this thing is as expensive as an airplane or even an aircraft carrier, or even more expensive than an aircraft carrier, then putting it on an airplane or a tank would be a waste of money.

The air force commander's face was full of regret, but he still smiled and said: "We are here just to ask, not to say that it must be installed. If it cannot be installed, there is nothing we can do."

Qiu Baiyu stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "Commander, the layout needs to be opened. Although the entire gravity control system cannot be moved to the plane, the technology involved in this system will definitely inspire many scientists in our country. It’s not a problem to make some devices to slow down the impact of acceleration.”

As for the cost, there is no need to make it as thin as a spaceship flying in space, just make it whatever you want to make the driver/pilot and passengers more comfortable.

Everyone present except Qiu Baiyu looked at each other, and most of them shook their heads in confusion.

They have already seen that Qiu Baiyu deliberately teased them and surprised them.

As it turns out, she succeeded.

Every time she spoke, everyone present felt up and down.

"I have placed the complete drawings of the gravity control device in the National Academy of Sciences. Then you can send people to get the drawings and study them... By the way, this technology may be used for civilian purposes, but whether it can be used for civilian purposes depends on it. Scientists are capable."

That is to say, Qiu Baiyu will definitely pay attention to it at that time, and I will mention it at a critical moment, so that they can simplify the gravity control device faster, reduce the cost, and let this thing officially come out of the laboratory and use it in the military. Then turn to civilian use.

After talking with many bigwigs in the military department for a while, Qiu Baiyu left Qiquan and returned to her big house in Zihai City.

She has always hired someone to clean this villa, so after coming back after more than a year, the villa is still bright and tidy.

Qiu Baiyu lay on the soft sofa, covered with a small quilt, yawned and asked Chen Siyu who called over, "What major events have happened in the past year or so since I left?"

Now the moon base has installed a signal tower, which allows the engineers on it to contact the ground in real time.

But Qiu Baiyu basically didn't pay attention to it, and only occasionally browsed the videos.

She didn't pay much attention to the changes on the ground.

She wanted to see if she could get some surprises when she came back.

Chen Siyu opened the file folder in front of her, and read out the major events she recorded: "The Miri Empire has impeached President Barahi, and the Vice President Palesi will serve as the interim president. This year is their president. At the time of the presidential election, interim President Palasi will shrink our country's front and put offensive methods on the Internet to deepen the contradictions within our country."


"Aggravating the policy of confrontation and smearing, especially on the Internet, various cases will distinguish between men and women, and spend money to stir up support for female victims and suppress the popularity of male victims."

As he said that, Chen Siyu frowned slowly, "These foreign forces from the Mirui Empire are very cunning. They help the victims expose their affairs in the name of charity organizations, and at the same time assist the police in handling the case, but they cunningly create I'm talking about this situation.

"It not only deepens the confrontation, but also makes people distrust the police and the government, because there are hot cases every day, and the victims are all women."

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