In fact, the probability of turning into a criminal case due to various quarrels is not high, but after the base number increases, basically a lot will happen every day.

Just like the shooting cases in the Miri Empire, what everyone saw was only a few, and it became popular because it was special.

But if you count the cases that occur across the country, you will find that there are gun murders every day.

Although Dongyuan is relatively safe, there are tens of thousands of criminal cases every year, most of which are caused by conflicts over small things, impulsively picking up things at hand and smashing them randomly.

And there are only 365 days in a year.

As long as one criminal case or a slightly more serious case gets a hot search every day, supplemented by some eccentric remarks, it can shake people's hearts and fan opposition.

And sending these cases to the hot search, there is no way to deal with them, because they are "helping the police to handle the case", and they have the magic weapon of "I am doing good deeds", so they cannot do anything.

After all, they are indeed doing good things on the surface.

The Mirui Empire didn't dare to face it head-on, but the money they saved was used to play tricks.

Listening to Chen Siyu's statement, Qiu Baiyu frowned.

"A little disgusting."

No, don't feel sick and go back, no matter how you think about it, you don't feel comfortable.

Chapter 128 Going back in disgust, corrupting the empire

The Miri Empire has become weaker on the surface, but its secret methods have intensified.

So many military bases no longer needed to be maintained, so they began to think of ways to disintegrate Dongyuan from within.

Before that, they had been operating in Dongyuan for a long time.

Now, they're going to speed up.

They don't care at all whether the confrontation in Dongyuan is going to be a mess, waiting to step on the accelerator, or magic confrontation, they just want Dongyuan to become chaotic.

For this reason, they not only fanned all kinds of confrontations on the Internet and attacked the credibility, but also sneaked into the interior and meddled in various fields of Dongyuan.

Fortunately, the Internet upgrade plan proposed by Qiu Baiyu is currently progressing smoothly. By leading the Internet capabilities of the Mirui Empire, they can detect the methods of the Mirui Empire in time to prevent their internal penetration and corruption.

Through Chen Siyu's description and what he found on the Internet at the scene, Qiu Baiyu roughly knew what the Mirui Empire was doing now.

How should I put it, these small tricks are actually very difficult to be effective. If you want Dongyuan to become as magical as those countries in the west, you must wash away all the traditional concepts, but it is impossible to think about it.

But it's impossible, it's disgusting, it's really disgusting!

Qiu Baiyu was disgusted.

She decided to go back disgusted.

With Dongyuan's national policy of peaceful development, it is impossible to take the initiative to declare war or something.

But on the Internet, there is nothing wrong with doing something secretly.

The question now is how to disgust the other party.

Qiu Baiyu's first thought was to spread red thoughts.

But after thinking about it, I think it might not work.

The happy education of the Mirui Empire, as well as consumerism and identity politics, have long divided and corrupted the people at the bottom.

A hundred years ago, the red color was practiced because the whole world was directly oppressed, and the people were in dire straits.

But now, the social welfare security system of the Miri Empire is very strong. Even a homeless man, apart from having no house, can still avoid starvation.

Of course, it's another story if they want to smoke d.

The Miri empire is full of consumerism and hedonism. The capitalists continue to enjoy the happiness and satisfaction of the bottom people, which has already worn down their will. It may not be so easy to spread red ideas unless their capitalists give them the opportunity.

After all, I eat, drink and have fun every day, and live so comfortably, why do I have to do such thankless things?

After comprehensive consideration, Qiu Baiyu decided to choose another method.

The method used by the Mirui Empire in Dongyuan is reversed and used in the Mirui Empire.

Whether it's opposition, environmental protection, animal protection, ethnic minorities, or LGBT, they are all politically correct things in the Miri Empire. Although normal people are dissatisfied, they are powerless to change, and their voices are not strong enough.

"Then let's make these political correctnesses even more extreme!"

As the saying goes, extremes lead to opposites, maybe through more extreme methods, the Miri Empire can be turned into a red country?

Qiu Baiyu set his sights on Mi Rui's presidential campaign.

This is the big thing going on right now.

It is obviously in line with the political correctness of the Miri Empire to let an LGBT politician take office.

Qiu Baiyu screened all the middle and high-level politicians of the Mirui Empire, and quickly locked the candidate.

Miles is a female, transgender, same-sex sexual orientation, mixed-race Indian, with black ancestry, and is a member of women’s rights, animal rights and environmental protection...

Enough halos!

Just him.

Although according to the information I found, this guy doesn't have so much aura, and even transgender people are disguised, and his real gender is male.

However, these auras, whether he is real or not, can be used.

Although he is not very capable, but who cares about this?

What you want is not enough ability but enough aura!

Thinking about it, Qiu Baiyu began to operate on the Internet of the Mirui Empire.

First of all, let the incidents of discrimination against ethnic minorities and LGBT be exposed on the Internet, so that all white left groups can see it, and let the voice of political correctness expand——


Gladys was humming and enjoying afternoon snacks in her luxurious villa.

Next to her is a fruit laptop with some content she cares about.

Refugees from the south tried to enter the territory of the Miri Empire, but were stopped outside the border.

In this regard, she immediately became angry, and angrily spoke in a discussion group called "Let's speak for refugees":

"Those soldiers at the border keep people out of the border again, my God, come and see these poor children, poor women, they must have not eaten for a long time, so poor, we have to do something for them What!"

This discussion group was not established by someone with no power and influence, but was formed by the talented students trained by the institutions of higher learning in the Mirui Empire.

Together, they set up a number of organizations that focus on vulnerable groups, ***********, and then speak out for vulnerable groups on the Internet and offline.

Of course, it's just a voice.

However, each of them has a large number of fans, and those followers are all people who can really do practical things.

"You also found out? Those guys are too cruel. Look at the scars on these refugees. We must do something!" Someone responded.

"I saw it too, and it was even more shocking. They were beating these black refugees!"

"We must unite and speak out!"


People in the discussion group took action immediately, tweeting on their respective accounts, condemning the border police for mistreating refugees, and calling on everyone to stand up, boycott them and go to the corresponding border to protest.

These articles are accompanied by bloody masochistic pictures and tearful words, which are enough to arouse the resonance of any person with a conscience.

Soon, these articles were immediately pushed to the whole country of Mirui, letting many people know.

The popularity of this incident gradually increased, and was quickly noticed and reported by various unscrupulous media. It successfully made it onto the hot list the next day and attracted more people's attention.

There happened to be a city near the border where the incident happened. Immediately, many people spontaneously formed a parade, marching towards the border area where refugees were detained.

Their actions quickly attracted the attention of relevant high-level officials, especially those in the border area.

They were startled to see someone forming a parade.

"Contact the platform management immediately, suppress the heat of this matter, and don't let more people know!"

The administrator in the border area thought for a while and called his superior.

"Sir, what should I do?"

"When they arrive, release some refugees, focus on tracking some refugees, give them food and drink, and arrest two people to be convicted and punished."


The manager smiled knowingly.

It's the same old thing again.

But then again, how did they find out what happened here?


Damn, it's the end of the month again.

Chapter 129 I Can't Breathe

The refugee story didn't make much difference, because the border police were already familiar with such matters.

After the angry "righteous people" arrived at the scene, the administrators of the refugee management office immediately stood up and said that they did not mistreat the refugees. In those bloody scenes, their doctors were examining the refugees, and the blood bottle was accidentally broken and splashed. out.

Then several people dressed in doctor's clothes stood up and apologized to many "righteous people".

Their operation is quite a kind of idle tire prohibition, but the feeling of allowing doctors to make mistakes to cause abortion.

In short, the purpose of the "just people" has been achieved, because the people in the refugee management office apologized and released the few refugees who had been "accidentally injured".

These women and children refugees were carefully cared for by righteous people, brought to the city, and given permanent residence in luxury hotels. They were provided with various supplies by kind-hearted people every day, and they ate, slept, and lived comfortably every day.

As for the other refugees who have not been exposed, who cares?

The righteous have done justice again, and they throw a party to celebrate.

And Gladys is also very satisfied. As the first person to speak out, her account has added tens of thousands of fans, and she has also received funding from several "kind companies".

She is very happy, there are still most kind people in this world.

Soon, she discovered a new injustice, a white policeman abused a black man!

He put his knee on Brother Ni's neck, and that poor Brother Ni could only say in pain——

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