Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 408 Being a Master in the Eighties (14)

No, you will.

Yuhua picked up the iron shovel in the corner of the room, held it horizontally in both hands, and really attracted Yao Shuwei's attention.


The voice is crisp.

The thick wood of the forearm of the shovel broke Yingsheng into two pieces, and the fracture was neat.

Yao Shuwei's mouth was wide open, and he couldn't close it for a long time.


Yu Hua threw the part with the shovel head on the concrete floor, leaving half of the wooden handle in his hand, Do it, or don't do it.

Yao Shuwei is completely unbeatable.

How did Lu Jianyong get the loan agreement and the two IOUs kept by the original owner? It was because of Yao Shuwei, the inner ghost.

Yao Shufang is fifteen years old, so it's not easy to fool her, so Lu Jianyong approached He Yongchao and asked him to coax Yao Shufang away.

For Yao Shuwei, the only male in the Yao family, the strategy of wooing and killing was adopted.

Yao Shuwei is greedy for food and loves to play. Lu Jianyong likes him and often gives him things alone. Of course, they are not worth a few dollars, but children like them. The most expensive ones are two little books.

Lu Jianyong himself has three sons, and he knows how to gain the boy's trust. In Yao Shuwei's heart, Lu Jianyong treats him like an adult, and even lets him taste whatever he smokes and drinks. This is because his parents didn't let him try. passed.

It can be said that when the original owner married Lu Jianyong, Yao Shuwei was the one who had the least objection.

In the previous life, the original owner thought it was Lu Jianyong himself who took the IOU and the loan agreement. After losing contact with Yao Shuwei, the original owner has been inquiring about Yao Shuwei for many years.

Lu Jianyong never let the original owner spend the money on this, and the original owner was unwilling, but Lu Jianyong laughed at her for treating Yao Shuwei as a treasure, saying that it was Yao Shuwei who found the things and gave them to him, and he only paid the price of two comic books.

At this time, Yao Shuwei has already done this, and gave Lu Jianyong both the IOU and the loan agreement.

Yao Shuwei is already in the fifth grade. It is said that he can understand IOUs and the importance of IOUs, but Yao Shuwei still does what Lu Jianyong said.

Therefore, Yuhua could only copy the IOU. If the original owner was present, there was no way to produce evidence that Lu Jianyong borrowed the money.

After Lu Jianyong got the money and the house, he thought of ways to make Yao Shuwei learn bad habits and teach him to smoke. He took Yao Shuwei to the wine shop when he had a drink, and sometimes picked Yao Shuwei directly from the school.

Because the school knew that Yao Shuwei had no parents, the eldest sister was in charge of the family, and Lu Jianyong was Yao Shuwei's brother-in-law, so he could ask for leave for Yao Shuwei just by telling the school.

Lu Jianyong bought flared trousers for Yao Shuwei, gave him money to burn his head, and encouraged him to play truant.

After the original owner sent Yao Shufang to high school, he realized that Yao Shuwei was about to become a bastard.

The original owner's axis began to face Yao Shuwei, and the person she followed every day changed from Yao Shufang to Yao Shuwei, following her, she discovered Yao Shuwei's weakness, she was hard-nosed but not soft.

The original owner began to educate Yao Shuwei with sticks.

The stick is easy to handle once picked up.

As for Yao Shuwei's dependent psychology, which is easy to succumb to the strong, if his parents are there, Yao Shuwei may become a mother boy when he grows up.

As soon as the original owner became strong, he replaced his parents and became the object of Yao Shuwei's psychological dependence and fear, so the original owner's stick education worked.

At this time, the original owner also realized the role of Lu Jianyong in it, and threatened Lu Jianyong's three children, saying that if Lu Jianyong encouraged Yao Shuwei to be bad, she would do the same to Lu Liang, Lu Yao, and Lu Guang.

Lu Jianyong beat the original owner, and the original owner fought him desperately.

Lu Jianyong never thought that the original owner was such a difficult person, so difficult to deal with, he dared not control Yao Shuwei.

The original owner broke up for several years. Rather than basically breaking Yao Shuwei over, it is better to say that Yao Shuwei worked hard to study the university he was admitted to in order to escape the control of the original owner.

Although it is just an ordinary university, at least I can leave.

Yuhua will not completely adopt the original owner's method, but she will also use stick education.

Yao Shuwei's mouth snapped shut, and he glanced at the head of the shovel on the ground, making sure it was the big shovel at home that he took a little effort to pick up, and then glanced at Yu Hua.

He didn't know how the elder sister became so strong, but he could see that if he said no, the half wooden pole in the elder sister's hand would come over.

...do it. Yao Shuwei pursed his lips tightly.

Go and clean the kitchen. Changing Yao Shuwei first corrected his life, and then he corrected his concept.

Wait until the meal is over... Yao Shuwei subconsciously shied away.

Xihua looked over coldly, Yao Shuwei changed his words, ...I'll go right away.

He took two steps towards the kitchen, saw the glass marbles scattered on the ground, squatted down to pick them up, and peeked at Yu Hua while picking them up.

Seeing that Yuhua didn't look relaxed, she quickly picked up the marbles, put them in her pocket, and ran to the kitchen.

After a while, the sound of ding ding light came from the kitchen.

Xi Hua didn't care how he washed it.

In the beginning, it didn't matter whether Yao Shuwei washed cleanly or not, the important thing was that he had to wash, so he got used to it first.

Yao Shuli struggled back with a round bamboo basket in one hand and a cloth bag in the other.

Xi Hua took the cloth bag.

Inside the cloth bag are three aluminum lunch boxes.

Two medium lunch boxes contain vegetables, one stewed vermicelli with minced meat, and one fried eggplant.

The oversized lunch box contains millet porridge.

There are no more flower rolls. I bought the steamed buns. Yao Shuli put the steamed buns into the steamed bun basket and took out a paper bag from the bamboo basket. She lowered her voice involuntarily and said, Grandpa Zhang gave this to me secretly.

Grandpa Zhang is the master chef of the cafeteria, Zhang Chuankui, and the immediate boss of the original owner.

Because of the birthmark on her face, the original owner's school life was not good at all. She was teased and booed wherever she went, and calling her ugly was considered a slight.

In this atmosphere, the original owner was unable to concentrate on his studies and failed to pass the high school entrance examination.

The Yao family's parents first gave the original owner a temporary worker quota and let him join the towel factory.

The original owner was assigned to the staff canteen.

The staff canteen is a good job, and the Yao family's parents often use their connections.

After the death of Yao Daqing and Song Juan, the factory not only provided a pension of 20,000 yuan, but also gave the original owner a regular job.

The original owner was used to working at home since he was a child, and he was also very diligent in the cafeteria.

Zhang Chuankui took a fancy to the original owner's spirituality in cooking and intended to teach her.

In the past, the original owner was a temporary worker, and Zhang Chuankui only taught her how to steam buns and other simple tasks. After the original owner became a regular worker, Zhang Chuankui taught her a few more things.

Zhang Chuankui was regarded as the original owner's half master.

The original owner didn't go to work in the morning, so Zhang Chuankui came to the house in the morning.

The tempting aroma came from the paper bag. When I opened the paper bag, it was a torn roast chicken.

The roast chicken is not big, weighing more than a pound, but such a big roast chicken is the most delicious.

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