Nowadays, although it is covered with a gold sore medicine that stops bleeding, it seems that it is so shocking!

Although, he has seen all the big winds and waves in these years, he has long been accustomed to these injuries.

Just, I don't know how, seeing the wound on this young boy's arm, it still makes him feel a little shocked!

Or, this boy, his body is too thin.

Although, this juvenile martial arts is strong, he is in the eye.

Just now, I didn’t have to shoot him at all. This boy, alone, was enough to deal with the bear mountain.

Just now, bow down and look at the boy who is only in his chest. Looking at the injury on the juvenile arm, Huangpu was in the middle of it, but he even crossed the point. He didn’t know the distressed feeling...

Such an injury, I am afraid, have to rest for half a month, will slowly recover! ?

However, the most admirable to Huangpu is.

This boy, suffering from such a heavy injury, has a calm look on his face.

Unlike many big men around, the wounds are not heavier than this young boy, but they are sore and sullen.

This young boy, from the beginning to the present, his face, from the beginning to the end, did not reveal a half-hearted pain and pain.

However, Huangpu’s still feels that this boy, he is not painless, but he can bear it!

The more so, Huangpu’s heart is more and more curious about this boy.

After all, like this boy, his skill is so outstanding, and that looks, so beautiful, how he had never seen before! ?

Also, this boy is a skill!

The speed is extremely fast, and the tricks are so strange that it is hard to prevent!

I think that he has traveled so many places before, what kind of martial arts, he has never seen, but he has not seen it, like the young man in front of him.

Although, in the morning, this boy once said that his martial arts are all made by him. However, I don’t know how, Huangpu Yi always feels that this boy is hiding something from him...

The more so, Huangpu is more curious about this boy.

I only think that this boy has many mysteries.

The identity of the boy, the origin, the skill, and the strange familiarity he gave him...

These all make Huangpu auspicious and curious.

Perhaps, he should have a good investigation and investigation, the origin of this boy...

For the mind of Huangpu, Ye Zuo left does not know.

However, Ye Zuo Zuo felt it, and Huangpu fell on himself, with a burning gaze.

The man’s gaze, so hot, is like a fire, wherever it goes, it’s hot.

Feeling here, Ye Zuo Zuo immediately looked up and looked at the man in front of him.

On the top, it is the beautiful peach blossom that the man is full of exploration, but unfathomable!

Seeing this, Ye Zuo Zuo was shocked first, and even with a heartbeat, suddenly suddenly accelerated.

This man, very good, why look at her with such a look! ?

No, this man is aware of something! ?

Just in the heart of Ye Zuo’s heart, when the doubts were scared, the red lips were slightly open and I couldn’t help but whisper.

"Wang, how do you look at your subordinates like this??"

The left and left leaves of the leaves, the eyes that fell on Huangpu's body, were carefully carried out and explored.

Wen Yan, Huang Puzhen did not answer immediately, just quietly stared at the left and left eyes.

With the careful left and right left, the narrow black scorpion, first flickering.

Immediately, the red lips started slightly, and Shen Sheng said.

"No, it’s just that you are petite and thin, but you can’t think of it. It’s so painful.”

Huangpu’s opening is like a mouthful.

Wen Yan, the left heart of Ye Zuo Zuo’s original hanging, finally fell.

Goodbye to the arm that has been wrapped by Huangpu, the left and right corners of the leaves are not lightly hooked.

"Oh, it’s just a small injury in the district. Besides, man, husband, can't you bear this little injury?! How do you protect your country?"

Ye left and left, in the tone, all men should have pride.

It was said that Huangpu’s smashing in the middle of the day was a bright one, and it was a disguise that could not be concealed.

"Good! Say it well!"

Huangpu’s mouth is open, and the tone is full of praise.

I only think that this boy is really good!

Such a petite and thin boy, not only smart and courageous, but also a patriotic heart, really good!

Just as Huangpu’s heart was appreciative, Ye Zuo Zuo heard Huangpu’s words, and his mouth was just a light tick.

Now, looking at the face of Huangpu, without any slight doubt, she is relieved...

Just thinking in Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart, an anxious voice, but not far behind her –

"Ye left, how are you!? I just heard people say, you are hurt!? How is the injury!? Serious?! No wonder I just didn't protect you, I hurt you, it's all brother's fault... ”

Li Hong opened, people did not arrive, the sound first arrived!

In the tone, it is even more concealed and worried about anger and guilt.

After all, he has long regarded Ye Zuo Zuo as his younger brother.

Therefore, as soon as I heard that Ye Zuo Zuo was injured, Li Hong was even more anxious and anxious.

When I heard Li Hong’s words, Ye Zuo’s heart was shocked first, then turned around and looked.

I saw that Li Hong’s tall body was flying like her, coming towards her side.

On the face, it was even frowning, and only one flies were caught.

It is enough to prove that Li Hong is so anxious at this moment!

Seeing this, Ye Zuo’s face is a glimpse first, thinking that Li Hong is caring about himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Zuo left heart, could not help but be moved.

In order not to let Li Hong worry, Ye Zuo left a red lips, immediately smiled.

"Li brother, don't worry, I'm fine, but it's a small injury. Just now, Wang Ye has already bandaged me."

Left and left leaves open, face, eyebrow stretch, like nothing.

Hearing the words of Ye Zuo Zuo, Li Hong’s face was first stunned, and then his eyes swept away before he fell on Huangpu.

When I saw it, standing in the Huangpu Temple next to the left left side of the leaf, Li Hong’s face was a glimpse first, and then he said with a respectful opening.

"Wang Ye Wanan."

When I heard Li Hong’s words, Huangpu’s only nodded lightly.

Not to wait for Huangpu to say more, the Hongguang over there has already come.

"Wang Ye, the subordinates have already checked the investigation. The thief inside the thief has been completely subdued. The subordinates have also inspected it. Inside the thief, many young and beautiful teenagers and women are being held, and quite a few Gold and silver jewelry..."

Hearing the obscenity of Hongguang, Huangpu 珏 just nodded lightly.

Then, the eyes swept away, first quietly glanced at the left and left of the leaves, only slowly turned around, followed Hongguang to discuss things there.

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