After Huangpu’s departure, Li Hong was even more worried about his heart. When he looked away, he looked up and down the left and left sides of the leaf.

"Leave left, let me lick, you can have other wounds on your body!? You don't know, I just heard that you were injured, worry more! You are my brother, if you have an accident, I don't know how to do it. It’s good...”

At the end of the day, Li Hong only had no whimper.

Hearing Li Hong’s words, and the slightly red-eyed eyes, Ye Zuo’s heart was moved and funny.

"Li brother, you are nervous, I am fine. Do not believe, you are!"

Ye Zuo left and said, and then, in front of Li Hong, slowly turned a circle, so that Li Hong can carefully examine.

"Well, you have seen it now, I finally know that I am fine!? I just suffered a slight injury on my arm, it is not a big deal."

Ye left and left, the tone is relaxed, as if this injury, for her, like a piece of cake.

However, when Li Hongqi went to the left arm of Ye’s left hand, the eyebrows still couldn’t conceal the worry.

"You still said nothing!? You look pale and look like this, it must be very painful!? No! After that, I will cook more soup and you drink, you have so much blood, just drink more. The soup of blood is good..."

Li Hong opened, like an old mother, mourning there.

Seeing this, Ye Zuo Zuo heard the words, and my heart was funny and warm.

It’s good to be protected by such care.


This time, the thief of the mountain squad is really a big win!

Or these thieves have always been arrogant in Dongyue Mountain. I never thought that there would be a day of ambush!

So this time, Ye Zuo Zuo, their pedestrian, except for a dozen of slightly injured guards, did not have any casualties!

For such achievements, Huangpu was quite happy, let Hong Guang and Sikong Yunfan both arrange the injured guards, and let other people hold the rest of the surviving thieves, waiting for tomorrow. Down the mountain.

At this moment, the night is deep.

Left and left of the leaf, due to the injury of the arm, arranged to go to the room to rest early.

Just, I don't know why, tonight, Ye Zuo Zuo can't sleep.

Or there is a wound on the arm, and the pain is incredible.

Although, Ye Zuo Zuo has been suffering from a small injury and a small injury, but she is not an iron-clad body, do not know the pain.

In particular, just now, the relationship that has just been injured, the paralysis of the arm that has been hurt for a long time, does not feel anyhow.

It’s just that now, when the time passes, the pain in the arm begins to slowly start to attack.

The pain of the child, the more painful leaves left and left brows close, sweating.

In addition, today, it is a hot summer day, Ye Zuo Zuo is hot and painful, uncomfortable!

Lying in bed, stunned and sleepless, in the end, Ye Zuo left is lying upset, simply do not sleep!

After getting up slowly and carefully putting on the shoes and socks, the left and left sides of the leaves gently pushed open the door and went out.

Here, it is the place of the cottage, the surrounding environment, it is even rough, not more than the palace, carved beams, rockery, every place, is a shot.

Even so, the cottage in the night, it does not have a flavor!

The night is like a practice, the moon is slanting, and the stars are faint.

Facing the cool night wind, Ye Zuo Zuo felt comfortable.

Thinking, tonight, in the room, so stuffy, can't sleep, it is better to find a place, take a cool look! ?

Thinking so in my heart, Ye Zuo Zuo is slowly moving towards the hillside not far away.

Thinking, waiting for you to lie on the hillside, you can enjoy the scenery while enjoying the coolness of the sky. It is really good!

I thought so in my heart, Ye Zuo Zuo Ren has already come to the hillside.

A buttock sits on the grass on the hillside, and the left left leeches glance around.

I saw that the purpose is the continuous deep mountain forest.

Around here, surrounded by towering trees for centuries, the foliage is flourishing, and at this moment, it is late at night, people can't see the scenery inside the woods, only the woods are dark.

In the sky, the moon is like a practice, the white moonlight, like a yarn like a mist, softly sprinkled on the entire land, plus the sound of unknown animals from time to time in the woods, making the night, more mysterious, 涟漪......

With one hand on the back of the head, the left and left leaves are not elegant, and the legs are squatting. At the end, the mouth is not forgetting to hold a small grass.

While enjoying the cool breeze, slowly enjoy the beauty of the sky!

Looking around, on the darkness of the sky, endless, starry, like a diamond splashing on the sky, flashing, smashing!

There is also a crooked moon, being starred by the stars, so beautiful...

Such a fascinating night can only be seen by this dynasty that has not been polluted! ?

If it is modern, the environment is so polluted, where can you see, such a beautiful scenery! ?

So, there must be something wrong, maybe, that's it! ?

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, lying on the soft grass, facing the cool night wind, gradually, Ye Zuo left only felt that a thick tiredness began to attack.

After reaching out and yawning, Ye Zuo left was tired.

The otter is not a slight fit, and I am planning to go to the local dream.

However, just as Ye Zuo Zuo is about to sink into his dreams, he is shocked by danger and makes Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart shake.

I only felt that a burning gaze suddenly hit me.

That feeling is like being a prey locked in a beast...

When I felt this strange feeling, Ye Zuo’s heart was shocked first, and the water slammed suddenly, and the squat was as sharp as a knife, straight to the dark woods not far away, 眸In the middle, where is the half-sleepiness! ?

Just looking at the deep mountain forest not far away, the left and left leaves are like a torch.

Although, at this moment, the night is deep, even if the moon is empty, it can not shine into the deep mountain forest not far away.

Looking at her from this position, in addition to darkness, it is still dark.

Even so, Ye Zuo Zuo still feels keenly, and a burning gaze is locked on his own body.

This burning gaze is full of danger!

Just as Ye Zuo Zuo was born with vigilance, suddenly, the sharp-eyed eyes, seeing a strangely shining eyelid, slowly appeared in the dark woods.

Such a strange eye, such a sharp, bloodthirsty, if there is no guess, it is...

Wild wolf!

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, the next moment, a large body, walked out of the dark woods.

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