Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Niece

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Xue Nongying came out of the study, but did not return to his yard, but entered the second door.

"How come at this hour?" Xue Sun was leading a couple of women-in-laws to discuss the matter. Hearing that his son was here, he was busy asking him to come in and asked in amazement.

"The baby has something to tell his mother." Xue Nongying nodded to her, said.

Xue Sunshi looked around for a while, and the others were busy backing out.

Seeing her dowry guarding the door, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"I just suggested to my grandfather to marry the Jiang family." Xue Nongying whispered "As long as Nan's mother and daughter are moved to this family, naturally they will not rob Ruan Qingyan with her sister!"

Nan is the favorite of Xue Chang. He has a son and a daughter. He is one or two years younger than Xue Nongying. Originally, after the posting of Xingbang, Xinke Gongshi went to the hall to thank the teacher. Although Xue Chang had a good impression on Ruan Qingyan, There are no particular ideas. However, when Xue Fangchao, the father of Xue Nongying, greeted the students on behalf of Xue Chang, he fell in love with him.

Xue Fangchao's daughter, Xue Nongqing, is fourteen this year. She has a beautiful appearance and a lively temperament. She is usually loved by her parents and brothers. When she was young, she grew up in a huā group, so you do n’t have to worry about everything, so there is no city. After exploring the details of Ruan Qingyan, the Xue Fangchao couple felt that Ruan's family was simple, and Ruan Qingyan was capable and suitable for his own daughter-after they were satisfied, they told Xue Chang and asked him to give his granddaughter a palm.

Originally, Xue Chang had no opinion, and he was about to show off with Ruan Qingyan—Pian Nan knew this and found a chance to see it for his daughter Xue Fangmi.

Xue Fangmi is Xue Chang's young girl, one year older than her niece Xue Nongqing, who looks after Nan's, is gorgeous, and has good poetry and painting, and is quite famous among the noble ladies in Beijing. Since she was eleven or twelve years old, the relatives have almost broken the threshold of Xue's family. It's just that Xue Chang is so fond of this old lady that she can't bear to marry her early, because this life-long event has never been decided.

In this way, the nephew was fighting for a husband.

Xue Chang couldn't sit idly. He could not be a confused person. Ruan Qingyan was the first of Xue Fangchao's prime minister. He did not **** the granddaughter's husband-in-law's choice because he loved his young daughter.

It ’s just that Xue Nongqing does n’t fight for herself. After Nan ’s mother and daughter noticed Xue Chang ’s attitude, Xue Fangmi found Xue Nongqing overnight and cried and said that she did n’t want to compete with her niece, but Nan ’s wife was married and she wanted to marry herself. Others are not as comfortable as Ruan Qingyan alone. By then, it is necessary to suffer and be aggrieved ... and Xue Nongqing is a prostitute. Even if you marry a family, you are not afraid to be underestimated ...

He also lied that he did not know that Ruan Qingyan was the person whom Xue Fangchao liked to Xue Nongqing. He had told several friends that this person was his fiance. If she could not marry Ruan Qingyan, how could she survive?

As a result, Xue Nongqing had no city government, her heart was soft, and she cried and begged, for fear that her little aunt would really go to death, and agreed to let Ruan Qingyan give her no words, and patted her chest to ensure that she would not ask her Things to tell anyone!

After that, Xue Nongqing really ran to find his grandfather and said that she didn't like Ruan Qingyan. She said so. Even Xue Fangchao and his wife stopped after arriving, and it was of course that Xue Chang wouldn't force Ruan Qingyan to her-if not Nan's mother and daughter were so proud of themselves that they revealed the wind in private, so that Xue Nongying knew the truth, for fear that their house would be kept in the dark until now!

Only if Xue Xueqing is a girl, she does n’t know where to learn the faith and righteousness. Although she knows she was deceived by her aunt, she says nothing and will not destroy her promise to explain the truth to Xue Chang!

She refused to say that Xue Nongying had no evidence, and hurriedly told Xue Chang, but she would be beaten by Nan's mother and daughter--this breath could only be stunned!

So today, Xue Chang wanted to arrange for him to go to his aunt, and Xue Nongying almost immediately thought of using his marriage with the Jiang family to recapture Ruan Qingyan, his sister's wife!

At this time, Xue Sun's listened to his son's passage, and he was very happy: "Really? It's just the Jiang family's miscellaneous, then the Nan's mother and daughter would be willing?"

"Jiang Yashuang is different from other children of the Jiang family." Xue Nongying explained, "He was raised and taught by the Qin Guogong couple, and he is the most self-contained. He still has several people in the room. It is said that he has not confiscated a girl --- Because he is very close to Mrs. Tao, Queen Jiang's favorite among all nephews is him. With this, Nan's will definitely be tempted! After all, she has been trying to be righted for many years. Ruan Qingyan can't help her! "

Xue Sun's heart heard a move: "Since General Jiang is so good, it would be better ..."

"Mother don't forget, Jiang Yashuang himself is well, that's what he heard, he can't make it." Xue Nongying said busyly. "Even if he is really good, how much do you forget the descendants of the Jiang family? Simple? My sister has always been good to others, and she has no heart. If she enters the Jiang family, how can she not be bullied ?! "

"Oh! It's because we spoiled her, and she's such a big person, she doesn't have any plans at all!" Xue Sun's hot head was poured into a basin of cold water by his son, and some sighed sigh. "Yi Qing'er's Disposition is indeed the best for her like Ruan Qingyan. "

But after thinking about it, I thought, "However, Xue Fangmi was married to Jiang Yashuang, and Nan's became more and more frivolous in the future. Shouldn't we be more angry with them in this room?"

Xue Nongying sneered, and said, "Mother, please rest assured. Since Jiang Tianzhang is holding on to his grandfather's position, how can it be possible for the little aunt of the child to marry Jiang Yashuang ?!"

Xue Sunshi said in surprise: "That's not ..."

"The grandfather also knew this, so he would inevitably hide it from Jiang Tianzhang-but first of all, he was here to solve Ruan Qingyan. After all, grandfather loves Ruan Qingyan very much these days, and everyone sees it. If he is suddenly left cold, My aunt promised Jiang Yashuang again, can outsiders talk about it? "Xue Nongying said," So my grandfather will definitely choose another person at home to give Ruan Qingyan, and then discuss the marriage with Qin Guogong in private! "

Seeing Xue Sun's face bewildered, Xue Nongying said, "So it is imperative for us to persuade my sister to promise to marry Ruan Qingyan, otherwise my grandfather would give him the sister in the other room!"

"But the position of your grandfather ..." Xue Sun said urgently. "This is what matters!"

Xue Nongying said, "Mother really thinks her grandfather has no choice?"

"What do you mean by this?" Xue Sun's knew that his son was always clever and alert, and he said slowly that as soon as he was a female prostitute, even her husband Xue Fangchao was often too late.

"Grandfather has experienced storms in two dynasties. What scenes have I never seen? How could he be embarrassed by such a thing?" Xue Nongying said in disapproval. "The reason why I asked my child to go to the aunt's house is to test the child!"

Without waiting for Xue Sun's questioning, he said, "How can the aunts play tricks that they can't hide from their grandfather? It's just that when grandfather is old, Nan's waiters are attentive and he wants to keep her decent; She didn't fight for it, she had to protect her aunt. But my grandfather still hurts our room, like this one: The child saw the grandfather's entrance exam, and took the boat to take Ruan Qingyan back for his sister! If the child does n’t look When he came out, he went to the aunt ’s house according to his grandfather ’s words. The grandfather also gave his aunt a lesson to let his aunt know that he could n’t have **** next time. The son favored a cousin like Ding—then the grandfather should try to make himself My aunt does n’t want Ruan Qingyan, but she ponders to be the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. "

"In short, no matter how the baby responds to his grandfather, his grandfather can take advantage of it and teach his family without sweeping anyone's face! Otherwise, the younger sister said that she didn't like Ruan Qingyan, and her aunt was too old to go to court. Why has n’t grandfather kept announcing this family thing and not letting his family know anything? "

Xue Sunshi sighed: "I naturally know that your grandfather is very powerful! But once you say that you will be married to the Jiang family, you will say that you can't make it, and then you say that your grandfather will think about it ... I'm confused! "

"Grandfather had to deal with this situation before. It ’s hard to say that the baby hasn't seen it. But at the moment, actually, dating the Jiang family is a raft." Xue Nongying said confidently. "According to the child's speculation, the grandfather would first let out the wind and want My aunt promised to assign Jiang Yashuang to win the support of the queen, forcing the queen queen to have fears ... Then the matter was resolved, and then Jiang Tianyu was used to declare that the marriage was futile! Retreat from the Jiang family to the present distance-so The marriage was destroyed by Jiang Tianzhang, and the Jiang family couldn't say that his grandfather used them for nothing! "

"So, the mother and daughter of the Nan family have a reason?" Xue Sun felt very happy.

Xue Nongying said: "Of course, my grandfather has been in China for so many years. How could it be because of the dispute between Ding and Yang? Besides, the truth of the child is that the reason why the grandfather made both Empress Gu and Empress Jiang dare not to be indifferent. Not the most important thing. The support of those who do not want to be involved in the dispute between the two post-secondaries is the real reason why the second post-secondary values ​​their grandfather! "

So how could Xue Chang easily give up his foundation to the neutral party for a moment of danger? !!

"Huh! I usually see what your grandfather used to do with the Nans, I said ..." Xue Sun said with a smile and interrupted by Xue Nongying: "Mother, you misunderstood again, who said grandfather took this time?" Auntie did the raft because it hurt her? "

Xue Sun's surprise: "This ?!"

"Our room had a bad relationship with Nan's mother and daughter. This time, the dispute between Ruan Qingyan has a huge gap." Xue Nongying said, "Now that my grandfather is here, I still barely maintain the face." Voice One low "Grandfather is also old, and of course I don't want my children to turn their heads against each other."

"So this time my grandfather took the opportunity to test the baby, so that Nan's mother and daughter took the initiative to return Ruan Qingyan to her sister, and then used the little aunt's life-long event as a cover to relieve our family of this time." Although this incident was planned by my grandfather, my aunt was ultimately disadvantaged. Can our family refuse to accept her? "

"I see." Xue Sunshi nodded. "Your grandfather just wants our family and Hele to stop fighting. I know what you mean. In the future, as long as Nan's mother and daughter don't find us in our room. Trouble, I will not take the initiative to embarrass them, lest your grandfather be sad! "

Xue Nongying was relieved and smiled, "In fact, there is nothing to dispute except this sister's affairs. The young aunt is a woman, and it is amazing that she is a dowry. As for the young uncle, he is used to that stubborn appearance, grandfather. He didn't count on him for a long time. The Xue family will always rely on our house to support us. We are now showing a greater degree, and my grandfather can rest assured. "

Elders can rest assured to be empowered!

Because Xue Sun's dowry was guarded at the door, the mother and the son had a good discussion with each other-but they didn't know that there was a sloppy little girl under the back window, and they also heard it with interest.

After a long while, in the courtyard of Nan's mother and daughter, the young Nan Nan who still faced the young girl gritted her teeth and took a silver comb on the dressing table: "What a big room! If I hadn't bought this small one who came to report today, Maid, we didn't even know they were sold! "

Xue Fangmi, whose appearance is similar to Nan's, is more flamboyant because of her young age, persuading her: "Mother, why are you angry? This is not what my father thought, how can we do it based on the big house?"

Nan's face was somber: "No! I'm going to ask your father, I said I'd give you Ruan Qingyan, why should I give Xue Nongqing that fool?"

"When did my father's decision change? It's no use if you go! This Ruan Qingyan's daughter must not be married!" Xue Fangmi grabbed her, and her jewel-like eyes flashed with pride. "But, the daughter marries No, the brothers and family don't wish for it! "

This time changing Nan's worried about her: "Don't be confused! Although your father is used to your sister and brother, but if you insist on not obeying his arrangements, he will also be angry at you!"

"Mothers don't need to worry, daughters have their own points." Xue Fangmi sneered, saying coldly. "Since the father doesn't want his daughter to marry Ruan Qingyan, then the daughter will follow his father's wishes and don't want him to be fine-just don't know that the daughter doesn't want to After he, he refused to ask Xue's daughter again ?! "

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