Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 2 Chapter 56: How are you going to die?

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Xue Xiangfu has his own calculations. In the Xihe Palace, there is a gloomy cloud.

Ever since Qiu Hongzhi accompany his newlywed wife Ding Qinghong back to the door, he has caught up with Yang Yishi and rushed into Ding's house. Since then, the palace has not been peaceful in the past few days.

Only then did Ding Qinghong invite Princess Yang to rest, and when she returned to the room, she wiped her tears: "Yang Yishi ran to the door of Ding's house to brag, but it wasn't me that forced it. Speaking of it, she was splashed on the day I returned. Blood, only once in my life, with such a great conceit, she never scolded her! The mother and concubine pointed Sang Huai every day and said that I wasn't ... even if Yang Yishi was her uncle's niece, she was distressed, do n’t I and my husband do not shout Did she say 'mother-in-law'? "

My sister-in-law Zhenzhen went to close the door first and came back to persuade her: "Mrs. Young, please ignore her, we have inquired before, Princess Yang is not the biological mother of the eldest son, and it is not pleasing to the eldest son. She is clearly angry. To you! "

"But she is the mother-in-law. I have to give her morning drowsiness every day. I have to listen to everything and laugh at everything—how can I ignore her?" Missing mother, but Mrs. Xue has always spoiled the juniors, why have you ever met the elders with princesses such as Princess Yang who had a nose and eyes? It was okay once and twice, and after a few more times, the grievances in my heart couldn't be said.

The helpless mother ’s family, Ding ’s family, is also in dire straits now. Ding Qinghong wants to send someone back to send a letter, asking her grandmother to send someone to visit her. By the way, it is impossible to beat Princess Yang!

Ding Qinghong became more and more sad the more she wanted to, she couldn't help sighing, "Why do I suffer so hard?"

Zhenzhen was about to answer, and suddenly heard the sound of the open door, she got up and asked, "Who?"

"Honger are you inside?" It was Qiu Hongzhi's voice. Ding Qinghong was busy welcoming with Zhenzhen: "Why is the husband coming back so early today?" Qiu Hongzhi is going to please Qiu Mengmin, even if he is newly married, he will go every day Read the book in the front study to show your hard work and hard work.

According to the previous two days, he should return to the room one hour later. Ding Qinghong's master and servant couldn't help wondering that he would return early today.

But listening to Qiu Hongzhi saying to Zhenzhen, "You go out first."

There are only two husbands and wives left in the room, he said, "Listen to someone saying that you don't look right when you come out from the princess. I don't worry, just come back to see." Concerned, "What's wrong? Is the princess embarrassing you?" Anymore? "

Ding Qinghong was aggrieved, and almost cried when he asked: "Yang Yishi's affairs ..."

"That's the daughter of the Yang family, she was troubled by the day we came home!" Qiu Hongzhi's face sank, and she sneered, "The princess actually blame you? Really deceiving you!" "I'm going to find my father!"

"Don't!" Ding Qinghong saw her husband defending herself, and most of her grievances had been dissipated, so she took hold of him. "In the end, it's our auntie, and it's all right to say something to your daughter-in-law, not to mention the two days of my father and father It is said that the complexion is not very good, so don't worry about him. "This new daughter-in-law asked her husband to go to his father-in-law to sue his mother-in-law before entering the door. Even if the father-in-law gave this face, it would be criticized for being unworthy!

Qiu Hongzhi did the same. She was taken away by her, and she changed her pity with a tender expression to comfort her. What about the newlyweds, after a long period of comfort, the account was pulled down—Jin Chan outside the door Annoyingly looked at Zhenzhen who was blocking the road: "I really have something very important to tell my grandson!"

Zhenzhen froze coldly: "The son is with Mrs. Young now, can you bother?"

"Okay! That's what you said!" Jin Chan bit his lip and hated. "When something happened, don't worry about me!"

Zhenzhen snorted: "How do I know what you're saying? Anyway, you didn't tell me, just rest on me!"

After a few words, Jin Chan couldn't help telling the situation: "The princess is now taking the order of the grandfather to pay the Ning Yi county master-the eldest son didn't even look at it, who knows that the princess will be full How many private bags ?! "

Zhenzhen was a little bit worried at first, but she was relieved when she heard the words, and said with a smile: "There is no record of the industry in the palace? If the princess wanted to be able to do something, she did it already, but she still needs to find a chance now?"

Jin Chan said angrily: "What do you know? Earlier Luao ... After the death of the grandfather's biological mother, the eldest son managed the house for a few days, and it was not long before he became married before returning the account key to the princess, in case the princess took this time Opportunity to do something on the ledger, what should I do ?! "

This could not scare Zhenzhen: "Don't try to find a reason to see the granddaughter-this can't lie to me, the ledger is so good at it? When the granddaughter is stupid? Besides, since the ledger is before the key The princess was returned, and the princess didn't say that was wrong. Is it interesting now? "

Jin Chan's purpose was spotted, but he didn't dare to break in, so he had to leave.

When she went outside, she heard the door squeak open, Qiu Hong's voice shouted and asked someone to come in to serve—it was sore in her heart, she couldn't help but want to turn back, but every time she saw Ding Qinghong when she passed the door, He had a distant attitude, and made it clear that he had to play affectionately to cultivate feelings with his wife. I'm afraid that it was also suspicious to lean on, and he lamented and left.

Jin Chan was flustered in his heart, and didn't know where he passed. When he returned to God, he saw Kang Lizhang, who was holding a handle fan and a handle fan. He was using the fan to chin, and thoughtfully stood not far away. Stare at yourself.

"Why is the girl in the table here?" Jin Chan asked her coldly when she saw that it was her.

Kang Lizhang did not return a word that was not yin or yang, but smiled happily: "What is the taste of falling out of favor?"

"You !!!" Jin Chan changed his face with anger.

"If I don't have the will to challenge someone who won't compete with you at all, but think about it, how can you mix it in the cousin's room in the future?" Kang Lizhang said lazily, "Don't talk about that Ding Qinghong Discussing your appearance with a few streets, just because her father is Ding Hanlin, and her grandmother is Xue Xiang's sister, what your cousin said will give her a decent look! You buy one or two silvers to make a bed-covered maid, and then work hard Serve a good cousin, can she compare with her? Also match her ?! "

Jin Chan shivered with anger and said, "Whatever is better than you! No one wants you now!"

In a word, Kang Lizhang also changed his face, but Jin Chan did not stop, and continued, "To say that the taste of falling out of favor, since the death of Lu's--doesn't Table Girl taste it before me ?!"

After saying this, I saw Kang Lizhang's intentions in his eyes, and there were no people around, and Jin Chan was a little afraid, so he took a step to himself, "I'm going to wait for someone. I'm no less leisurely than a girl, and say goodbye!" "Hurry off.

Only Kang Lizhang bit her lip and watched her go away very venomously ... For a long time, Kang Lizhang whispered: "Even a housemate doesn't take me so seriously, how can I live in the future? It might as well take a risk, maybe ... "Fiber Finger clasped the bluestone token in his sleeve," Tonight ... I must go to the north of the city! "

Ding Qinghong was aggrieved, Jin Chan was lost, and Kang Lizhang was resentful ... These days are gradually receiving the Qiu Lan of the industry, but at the moment it is not very good.

The reason was simple. Ruan Qingyan's injury was almost the same.

He was invited by Qiu Mengmin and his wife. The original intention was to test what was left behind by the toffee. However, Ruan Qingyan looked indifferent from beginning to end. After that, he buried his head and checked whether the things that the palace paid to Qiu Qilan had been tampered with, and whether they were really worth the book value ... I could not observe the words of Qiu Meng and his wife at all. .

"I think it was Lian Jianhai who reminded him when he went back." The preconceived Qiu Mengmins think so.

"Xiaguan didn't see his cousin for many days. I heard that she was injured and wanted to visit one or two." At about noon, Qiu Mengmin was planning to leave a meal, and Ruan Qingyan put down a booklet and said suddenly.

Qiu Mengmin groaned: "Ruan Hanlin, please help yourself."

I didn't see the clues all morning, and it was estimated that there would be no result if I dragged him for a meal. It doesn't make much sense to force him to stay like this.

So Ruan Qingyan went to Qiu Qilan's yard.

From the moment he received him to the door, it was like Qiu Qilan sitting on a needle felt, embarrassed and embarrassed to greet him into the main hall, serve himself with tea and water, and did not dare to sit at the end.

"Is my foot hurt?" Ruan Qingyan took the tea but didn't drink it, but held it in his hand and looked at her coldly.

Seeing Qiu Qilan's heart wailing again and again, he quickly hurled a flattering smile.

It took a long time for Ruan Qingyan to ask such a sentence.

Although his tone was cold, Qiu Qilan was sensitive to his concerns. I'm still distressed! Her spirits suddenly snapped up, and she quickly entered a pitiful state: "It's not all right yet. Take a few more steps. I always feel sore and ankles."

As a result, Ruan Qingyan said blankly: "Take the blame for it, it's a deserve it!"

"..." Should we be so proud? !! I really hear you care about me, OK? Qiu Qilan quietly swallowed her tears, turning her into a weak and desperate posture, and desolately said, "If my feet are really stomped, I ... I will not survive!"

Ruan Qingyan was furious when he heard that! But after the anger was full, the expression suddenly calmed down again, opened the tea bowl, took a sip, and put it back on the table. Then he asked, "Oh? How are you going to die? Jump into the lotus pond, or go to Go to the stone lion at the door, or call someone to buy arsenic to come back and give you bibimbap? "

Qiu Qilan secretly spit out blood: "Is it okay not to bring this? I have only used this trick twice, this is the third time-why is it invalid?" This is a must-kill! How can it be eliminated so quickly!

Seeing her silent, Ruan Qingyan said slowly: "So, I'll give you an idea ..." While he said, he untied a delicate dagger from his waist and banged on the table with a bang. "You stabbed me to death with this dagger, and then killed your grandfather in General's Mansion, and waited for the government to take you to proclaim the public, OK?!?"

Qiu Qilan shrank his head, very decisively "plopped" and knelt down to his leg, holding his knees and started crying with a headache: "I'm wrong! Cousin, I won't say such words again! Whoo ... Brother, you have to believe me, this time I really know that I ’m so wrong, and I ca n’t be wrong again-do n’t you scare me like this, oh oh ... how could I hurt my cousin and my grandfather? ... wow ... "

Ruan Qingyan looked at her coldly, only half a while before he was very tired and said, "Did you not hurt me and my grandfather? Grandfather doesn't know anything now, maybe. But what did you do recently, which is not toward me?" knife?!"

Finish bird! This tone ... still can't pass? !!

He softened his tears and snot to Qiu Qilan, who was struggling to wipe his robes, and thought desperately, "How do I mix it up ?!"

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