Chapter 210

Looking back, Su Cheng was quite satisfied.

In just over two years, he has built such a big world. This is an unprecedented development speed.

In the past, who didn’t develop little by little, there is no such freak as Su Cheng. Not only is the technology excellent, the most important thing is that he has money, and he uses the money to spend a lot of space and time.

With the Renren game platform (Minecraft), there is a profit point, and then the establishment of, and then use innovation to accelerate the development of Renren, and finally accelerate the development through mergers and acquisitions.

In terms of hardware, it relies on the technical support of the R&D team, and the database is even better at Aurora. If it is not for the echelon of talents and the water bottle is still a bit low, then Cornerstone Technology may now have launched a Jedi assault on Oracle.

However, there are current benefits now, and after another year, Oracle’s damage will be even greater.

This is especially true in the chip field. Su Cheng has achieved one-stop production and sales, and no one can get his neck. As long as the mobile phone is officially launched, the chip field will occupy another commanding height and can start a charge on the PC side.

The tentacles have been extended from software to hardware, not to mention that Renren also has a research institute. After the cooperation with Warwick Bluestar Technology and HiSilicon, the research institute has also begun to cooperate in research. The project is 4g.

Su Cheng has already applied for patented technologies that can be applied for. Even now, he is acquiring patented technologies everywhere in the world in order to compete with Qualcomm.

Because the most leathery part of the Bluestar chip is that this is a new structure. Although there are some traces, this is the new structure, so Qualcomm does not collect much tax.

However, tax is still to be paid after all.

And Qualcomm tax does not mean that it is collected according to patents. It is collected according to the overall price of a mobile phone. For example, if a mobile phone sells 1,000 dollars, then he will charge 50 dollars in patent fees.

This 1,000 dollars includes the cost of manufacturing, promotion and distribution. It is like a big star who wants to take 10% of the movie box office, which means that the movie box office is 100 million, and his income is 10 million. This kind of rake is the most ruthless.

Therefore, Su Cheng’s target list also has Qualcomm’s name.

And this company is still a company that must be acquired.

To put it simply, Qualcomm has mastered all the CDMA technologies in the world. You must know that the current 3G, 4G and even the future 5G are all packet switching technologies. Qualcomm is the first company to develop CDMA, so it has a lot of communications. patent.

Although Su Cheng has acquired a part of the patented technology, it still can’t compete with Qualcomm. The patent is really too leathery.

The patent stick is staring at it all the time, so it must be acquired. The current market value of Qualcomm is just over 20 billion. It is very simple to say that his real fortune is still in the mobile Internet era.

However, it was later slammed by Nvidia, and the market value has not risen.

It’s okay. Su Cheng is for those patents. As for technology research and development, I really haven’t been afraid of anyone. What’s missing is just the previous foundation. So whether it’s Qualcomm, Oracle, or AMD, it’s all about making up for it. Previously undernourished.

After planning the future on the notebook, Su Cheng looked at the other side of the notebook.

It suddenly occurred to me that the game show was held in Chengdu, and this time I can find out how my back-hands are developing.

When Qin Weimu was called, the two were also vigorous and resolute, mainly Su Cheng was in charge.

Get on the plane and fly directly to Rongcheng.

Before getting on the plane, Su Cheng sent a message to Wanchi, Jiang Jiaqiao, and Jiang Lai. He should be prepared to understand how far his industry has developed.

Only in this way can we continue to improve in the next plan.

When the plane arrived in Rongcheng, it was already dark. After an appointment with a few people for dinner, Su Cheng went directly to the hotel.

Fortunately, the game show lasts for a week, and there are still 3 days left. Now that he is back, Su Cheng is going to accompany Su Su, and then visit the two elderly people.

However, let’s finish the important things first.

When I came to Jin Jiang Hotel again, Jiang Jiaqiao felt very emotional. How long has it been since? I still remember when they were sitting here to eat and chat 2 years ago, but now, Su Cheng’s industry is in full swing.

And I also have a career that I can always develop and strive for.

However, despite this, they have never revealed on the surface that Su Cheng is the company’s largest shareholder and founder. After all, this is a dark game, so Su Cheng is still very careful.

As early as the beginning of the establishment, the equity was divided, so although he holds a part of the shares, but very few…


“Su Cheng.”

“Let my sister see, how handsome is our big baby?”

Su Cheng is a little embarrassed, this sister is really unabashed, but she used to have a very good relationship with her own physical mother, and she is developing very well now, otherwise she would not give her the alphabet.

“It’s alright, it’s 36 years old. What about sister or sister, you really are, you are not a child anymore.”

Jiang Jiaqiao scolded her on the sidelines, and Jiang Lai ignored him, “Hey, that means I’m married, otherwise I’ll be serious, hey!”

“Sigh!” Su Cheng was a little puzzled.

Jiang Lai smiled, and Jiang Jiaqiao also smiled.

“Don’t you know, your mother often told us at the time that she would marry you to Jiang Lai when her son grows up.”

Su Cheng: Fuck!

What the hell?

Isn’t this exactly the same as a piece of news in a previous life? Two female girlfriends are good friends. One got married and gave birth to a son, while the other one waited until the son grew up and married him. Now the girlfriend will kiss him, and he should be called mom directly.

Jiang Lai laughed at Pickup, “Hey, that means I can’t wait, you think, I’m an old girl in my early 30s, what should I do if I can’t marry again? So I got married in 2002, I knew it, I had to wait. yours!”

Su Cheng shuddered, sister, no, auntie, don’t do that!

While talking, Wanchi is here. As a decadent young man, the 31-year-old Wanchi looks okay, but this guy is the most tired of the three.

“Boss, here I am!”

Su Cheng was a little surprised, “Why are you acting like this? What happened?”

Wanchi was a little embarrassed, “I went to Neimeng yesterday. We are building a breeding base over there. We are preparing to make raw materials to raise pigs and cows by ourselves. The ingredients are also fresh, so we are a little busy.”

Su Cheng patted him on the shoulder, don’t look at this guy’s decadent look, but Su Cheng couldn’t be too satisfied with him.

And don’t look at him and Future Technology’s Wanxin, whose names are similar, but the two really have nothing to do with each other.

Wanchi is from Shancheng and Wanxin is from Kyoto. How could there be any intersection?

“Thanks for your hard work!”

Su Cheng gave him a big hug and patted him hard on the shoulder.

Wan Chi was still very moved, all the fatigue disappeared in an instant. .

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