Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1686: Four hundred seventy two

The matter was almost resolved. After the two of them left, Chi Shuyan also left first. Xia's mother originally wanted to send someone off, but was stopped by Xia Mingcheng. She went to send the master herself, and by the way, she talked about her recent progress with Yuan Yuan's woman. .

Chi Shuyan saw that Xia Mingcheng's work efficiency was good, and he was in a good mood. Xia Mingcheng once again thanked Master Chi for the Ni family's husband and wife.

Chi Shuyan waved his hand and said something politely, saying in his heart that the boss of the Ni family and that Miss Yao are a match made in heaven. There is a relationship between husband and wife. If it weren't for Yuan Yuan's woman to deliberately instigate jealousy, the couple should let it go and get married. She is filial and filial, and the family is very happy. She just brought back the fate that the young couple already had. Looking at the young couple today, they are rare and kind and good people. She doesn't mind helping more.

After telling this, Xia Mingcheng increasingly felt that the woman surnamed Yuan was not good at character. Without Master Chi, I am afraid that the marriage of his brother and young couple would really be broken up. Xia Mingcheng felt a little scared when he thought about it.

The two spoke for a while before Chi Shuyan took a taxi and left.

Not long after she left, the Ni family boss called Xia Mingcheng again, saying that he specifically thanked him. Xia Mingcheng didn't say much, but let him listen carefully to Master Chi's cherishment of the couple.

The boss of the Ni family listened to Mingcheng’s words from the left to the right, and felt very sullen. He didn’t know when his brother believed this. This time the Chi master helped his family so much, he didn’t doubt people much. He is a liar, but it is difficult for him to truly believe that others are really superior.

The boss of the Ni family felt that the master introduced by Mingcheng was very different from those who had been kidnapped in the past. At least he was doing things with his conscience, and he was not good at judging whether he was really capable or not.

The Ni family boss did not continue this topic, but suddenly asked: "By the way, I have just returned to China these days and I am busy with my daughter-in-law. I forgot to care about you and my sister-in-law. How are you two? Happy event? Do you want me to help?"

The sister-in-law mentioned by the Ni family's boss here naturally refers to Yan Liling.

It's okay that he didn't mention Yan Liling. When he mentioned Yan Liling, he poked directly into Xia Mingcheng's heart. His complexion changed suddenly and his complexion was very ugly. However, Xia Mingcheng was very reasonable and knew that the Ni family boss was abroad a few days ago. Xia Mingcheng is not good at irritating people. He tightened his brows and was silent for a while before breathing out: "She... is gone!"

The boss of the Ni family hadn’t realized what Mingcheng meant at first, so he wanted to ask again. When he just wanted to ask, an absurd thought flashed through the old Ni’s mind. The boss of the Ni family shook his hand, and the phone in his ear was almost too close. Before hitting the ground, he couldn't believe it and stuttered: "What... told her to be gone? Mingcheng, you wouldn't kidding me?"

He also met Mingcheng's girlfriend. How could the little girl not be there because she was young?

The Ni family boss flashed many absurd thoughts in his mind for a moment, and he heard Mingcheng's tone depressed: "Well, she is gone, I didn't make a joke with you!"

The atmosphere of the two froze for an instant.

The Ni family boss is very thankful that he is not chatting with Mingcheng face to face. If face to face, he doesn’t know what to say at this time. At the same time, the Ni family boss is also sure that Mingcheng really didn’t joking with him, his girlfriend I am afraid that she is really dead. I don’t know if she had an accident. The Ni family boss was very upset and worried about Mingcheng: "Are you all right? Mingcheng?"


"By the way, your girlfriend will be gone if you say nothing?" Isn't it a car accident? The Ni family’s boss blurted out. After blurting out, he felt that this question was very irritating. He quickly changed the subject and said, “Mingcheng, I’m actually calling this phone to ask you what your mother said to me in the last sentence. By the way, I have also seen the master named Yuan before. If I remember correctly, she is not an ordinary girl. When did she become a master when she had the ability?"

When her mother took him and his wife to see the Master Yuan, the eldest of the Ni family recognized people. Because of the relationship between Mingcheng, he had met with the Miss Yuan several times. When his girlfriend was playing hot, the little girl surnamed Yuan was still staring at Mingcheng intentionally or unintentionally with a little cover. He remembered that he was teasing the rotten peach blossom in Mingcheng and asked him to deal with it properly. Sometimes women's jealousy is quite terrible, this is still his experience.

He said a lot at the time, and he didn't know if Mingcheng had listened to his words.

The boss of the Ni family only asked inadvertently, but apparently he did not expect that his words also reminded Xia Mingcheng that the boss of the Ni family did remind him that Yuan Yuan liked him, and asked him to deal with the rotten peach blossom earlier, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future. At that time, Xia Mingcheng didn't think much about it and didn't think that Yuan Yuan's woman liked him.

But now, Xia Mingcheng thinks about what happened before, and the boss of the Ni family really hit him. Ren Xia Mingcheng regrets how much he regrets taking medicine at this time.

Not to mention how uncomfortable Xia Mingcheng feels at this moment, and can’t catch his breath. He doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, but solemnly again tells the old Ni family: "The last sentence my mother said to you, you must listen carefully. Let your mother stay away from the woman whose surname is Yuan!" After speaking, remembering what this woman did, Xia Mingcheng said quietly again: "This woman is far more terrifying than you think!"

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