Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1687: Four hundred seventy three

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Not long after having dinner with their own man this evening, the couple returned to the bedroom early and the man went to the bathroom to take a bath. Chi Shuyan suddenly received a call from Brother Feng when he heard the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

The tone of Brother Feng was very joyful and happy. The main thing she called to tell was that the Daliwan she had given Xiaoshan before was very useful. Not only that, Xiaoshan went to take care of the fight this time and pulled out an old adult murder case, and it ended. In short, Xiao Shan has done a great job this time. He has been busy dealing with this matter. After dealing with this matter, he has time to call Shuyan and thank Shuyan for Xiao Shan by the way. If it weren’t for Shuyan’s Daliwan, I’m afraid this would be really difficult and not so smooth. When Feng Yuanlin thought of the Shuyan giving Daliwan that Xiaoshan had said before him, it would have been so miraculous. Salivating, half complaining and half joking jealously said: "Shuyan, there is such a good thing as Daliwan, you never told Brother Feng, but it is cheap by others."

After talking, Feng Yuanlin also deliberately snorted. Chi Shuyan was very helpless and funny. He said that she was not partial, but the face she saw Xiaoshan in distress at the time. Of course, without her Daliwan, Xiao Shan this time She must also do meritorious service, but it is not as smooth as it is now, and she is just a handy help.

Chi Shuyan explained what was in her heart, and the provoked Feng Yuanlin snorted again: "Shuyan, why don't you put such a good thing on Taobao?" Halfway through, Feng Yuanlin thought of such a good thing. Even if Shu Yan was put on the Taobao store, he might not have his share. After all, he really didn’t have time to stay up all night with those guys every day waiting for Shu Yan to load the goods and then grab the goods. Feng Yuanlin immediately changed his words: "Shu Yan, I didn’t say anything before when Brother Feng, you must not put this good thing on the Taobao store and sell it to Brother Feng privately. This thing is really good for us!"

Chi Shuyan didn’t think much about it before, and now that it’s true after listening to Feng’s words, with this thing, Feng’s work efficiency will indeed be greatly improved in the future, not to mention this thing is really nothing to her now, but It’s a question that takes some time. Chi Shuyan nodded and agreed: "Cheng, Brother Feng, I have some more here. I will send it to you in a few days!"

"Don't... don't, Shuyan, will you be free tomorrow? Would you like to go to your school?" Feng Yuanlin said anxiously. He is really coveted and curious about Daliwan now.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to reply, Feng Yuanlin said again: "If those guys ask Shuyan in private for you to ask, don’t make money for those guys. I will keep them for Brother Feng. Shuyan, we are so Familiar, remember what Feng Brother said!"

In fact, Feng Yuanlin is not unwilling to give Dali pills to her subordinates, but Shuyan's hand stitches are too large, so I guess only one bottle is given to others. Then Shuyan will not have so many Dali pills, and she will have to bother to waste her time refining. Feng Yuanlin asked Shuyan that she was very familiar with her, and she had no face to keep her busy. It would be better to let Shuyan hand over the Dali pills to him. Then he would assign them one by one, and those boys would not dare to have any opinions.

When Chi Shuyan was answering the words of brother, she suddenly remembered that she didn’t have a few bottles of Dali pills, and simply said: "Brother Feng, or I will give it to you in a few days. some?"

Feng Yuanlin immediately refused: "It's okay. Give me a few bottles if you have a few bottles. Don't bother you for now. If it's not enough, I'll ask you with a face when I seal brother!"

Brother Feng said so, Chi Shuyan naturally agreed.

The two talked for a while. Most of them were Feng Yuanlin teasing the couple, especially after learning that Zhen Bai was taking a bath in the bathroom, Feng Yuanlin ridiculed and said: "The young couple is worth a thousand dollars for a moment, okay. I won’t bother you anymore. It would be better if I made a good nephew and niece anytime!"

Chi Shuyan just sat on the sofa and took a sip of water from the cup. After hearing Feng Ge's ridicule, he sprayed it out, embarrassed and stiff, and immediately changed the subject.

Feng Yuanlin, a lonely family member, did not ask for abuse anymore. Before hanging up the phone, he seriously asked about the progress of Xia Mingcheng and informed Yang Ji that all the people were very upset recently, especially the next few people in the next round. The atmosphere was very panic, he didn't know how to comfort people, only hoped that Xia Mingcheng's progress would be smoother and faster.

Chi Shuyan nodded and said, "Xia Mingcheng told me that there is some progress. It should be fast now. I will contact you immediately if there is news. I will go to see Yang Ji and the others when I have time tomorrow, and send Dali pills to Brother Feng by the way. In your hands!"

"Yes, then it's settled!"

The two of them said something before they hung up the phone. Chi Shuyan hung up Brother Feng’s phone for a short time, just wondering when to call Xia Mingcheng to ask if he was nervous, only to see the phone screen call, who called. Who is it if it's not Xia Mingcheng?

Chi Shuyan immediately picked up the phone and listened to Xia Mingcheng's anxious voice: "Master Chi, I have given the things you gave me to Yuan Yuan's woman today. She shouldn't doubt me."

Xia Mingcheng recalled the expression on the woman's expression when she delivered the things in the afternoon. She did not have the slightest doubt and was very happy, but the woman always wanted to include his words, and the topic was all about Master Chi.

Xia Mingcheng talked about the matter roughly, Chi Shuyan's eyes were cold, and his lips curled up: "Oh? It's fine if things go well! I'll trouble you!"

She was quite surprised that this happened so smoothly, but it’s better to go smoothly than not smoothly. As for Yuan Yuan’s woman who kept telling Xia Mingcheng her message, she believed that Xia Mingcheng would not be as stupid as a woman surnamed Yuan, but even Xia Mingcheng It's useless to reveal any information about her.

Xia Mingcheng also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Master Chi, are we going to end this matter?"

"Relax, don't worry too much!" Xia Mingcheng was the only person who was not involved. Yuan Yuan let others die one by one, except for Xia Mingcheng, but she didn't tell Xia Mingcheng about this, and she told him that she might not receive Yuan Yuan. That woman's affection, and this matter is too heavy for Xia Mingcheng.

With Master Chi's words, Xia Mingcheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was silent for a while, and then asked: "Master Chi, what else can I help?"

"Not now, I will definitely trouble you later!" Chi Shuyan said.

"to make!"

They talked for a while and then hung up the phone. Things are progressing. She is in a good mood. When she hung up, she couldn't help but smile a little.

It happened that Qi Zhenbo came out of the shower and wiped his wet hair. His eyes were sharp and slanted. He saw his daughter-in-law smiled and finished the phone call with others. His eyes sank inexplicably, his thin lips pressed tightly, and his mouth was more than With a quick brain beat, he blurted out in a low voice and asked: "Who is calling, in such a good mood?"

He didn't notice that his tone was jealous for no reason.

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