Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 271: Bewitching Young and Dangerous

The reason why Wan Feng lamented how beautiful the world is is that from the perspective of music alone, the 1980s was a golden age, with dazzling stars and golden tunes. During this period, there will be a large number of classic golden tunes and representative figures handed down, whether it is u2 or Bang. Qiao Wei, or Mike Jackson, or the Louis Brothers who debuted in the mid-1980s, and a large number of bands that have sprung up after a rain, they have created a large number of works that can be recorded in history, most of which appeared in the late 1980s. In "Hedong" and "Warrior", they have set a huge amount of sales.

Especially the first two episodes of "Hedong" and "Warrior" have too many classics, frosty, dead dog, tonight, it depends on you, I found the mystery...

In Hong Kong and Taiwan, although most of the songs sung are covered, a large number of outstanding singers have emerged, such as Tan Zhang Zheng hegemony, Mei Ye Zheng Feng, until the four heavenly kings dominate the rivers and lakes...

For music, the 1980s was a peak era in which a hundred flowers blossomed, but after the climax, there was a trough. After this era, the music scene fell into a trough and became silent. Although two or three big cats and kittens appeared in the middle, no more Not the brilliance of the 1980s.

After entering the second era, it is even more of a nine-jin old lady-one generation is not as good as one generation.

After the last life in 2010, Xu Shi was out of the relationship between modern times. Wan Feng almost never heard a few ear-splitting songs again. The music scene was filled with too many **** songs, and he couldn’t figure out those very ugly songs. How was the composer embarrassed to make it? Do they sound embarrassing?

The windows of Luan Feng's room were open, and the music sounded out from the room like waves. Although the volume was not small when it reached Wanfeng, it was still clearly heard.

These leg shaking divine music is very easy to be enchanted.

Wan Feng turned his head and walked back. He wanted to remind Luan Feng and the others to keep their voices down. If this kind of music doesn't spread well, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

After entering the house, Wan Feng told him not to listen to this tape during the day, and it was okay to listen to it secretly at night, so as not to cause trouble.

Although Luan Feng was reluctant to give up, he still took down the tape, put it in a box and carefully stored it.

After the order, Wan Feng returned to Daobian and waited for the bus.

Yang Hong was surprised when he saw Wanfeng from afar. Didn't this guy have been to the street this morning? How come he is going again.

Stop by Wanfeng: "I still go to the streets in the afternoon."

"I forgot something in the morning, and I have to make it up in the afternoon." He climbed into the car while talking.

This time, Wanfeng did not get off the bus halfway but took the bus directly to the construction site.

When there were still one or two hundred meters away from the construction site, Wan Feng said and held the grass.

Outside the gate of the construction site, there are more than a dozen young people who are open-minded and look like good people. Among them, there are two or three people who are twenty-eight or ninety-nine at a glance.

There are people who Wan Feng knows or don't know, and it was the first time Wan Feng met those two people who were about the same age as Xia Qiulong.

Xia Qiulong was spraying clouds and fog against the wall.

Wan Feng jumped out of the car and took out a piece of seven cigarettes from his backpack and threw it to Liu He: "Dividing points for the brothers is not enough to tell me."

Coming to Xia Qiulong: "These are the direct brothers you have gathered."

Xia Qiulong grinned: "Don't worry, these are real brothers, as well as the brothers who saw blood when the eldest brother hit Jiangshan, the second and third, come here!"

The two people who were about the same age as Xia Qiulong walked in front of Wanfeng.

"These two are the first dead brothers of the eldest brother who started to mix the rivers and lakes. They squatted over the fence and swam across the street wearing high hats."

Was swam across the street? What year is this? Wanfeng remembers that the lowest street parade was seven or six years ago.

"After they got married, they didn't get out too much. Today I called them too." Then he patted Wan Feng on the shoulder of the two people.

"You two have been at home for a long time. Your wife and kids have a hot kang head. Maybe you don’t know who he is, Wan Feng, our little brother. If it weren’t for him, the old five and I would have explained to you in the small woods by the Hongshui River a few days ago. a bit!"

There are smiles on Wan Feng's face: "Second brother, third brother!"

The two guys looked up and down at Wan Feng and gave an hum.

"Brother! Wouldn't you tell us to introduce a brother to our acquaintance?"

"Little brother Wanfeng asked me to convene. To convene the most caring brothers, I don't know what this guy is going to do."

"Big brother, we don't ask questions about the world anymore, and we still have work to drag the family, if there is nothing serious, we will go back."

These two old thieves didn't look at Lao Tzu.

Xia Qiulong was a little embarrassed.

Wan Feng coughed, he should have said something.

"A big thing is not a big thing, but the two brothers are not interested in getting rich? If they are not interested in getting rich, then the two brothers can go home and guard the hot kangtou." Why don't you die from the heat!

The two old guys seemed to disagree: "You can make us rich? I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not that's your business, let's go over there and say, don't gather at the door of other people's construction site, if you don't know, think we are here to smash the place."

A group of people moved to the corner outside the compound wall.

Wan Feng carried a brick and threw it on the ground and sat under his hips. Xia Qiulong sat down next to Wan Feng. The rest of the people surrounded Wan Feng looked up and said, “The country’s policies are now more comparable. Loosening, the newspaper said two days ago: Encourage and support the proper development of individual economies, different economic forms can compete on the same platform, and all law-abiding individual workers should be respected by society. This is to acquiesce in individuals to do some appropriate self-employment. And will not be liquidated, can you understand what I mean?"

No one nodded and no one shook his head.

"Brother, what use are you talking about with these clubs? Just say what you are going to do? Brother believes you!"

Think about it, too, if the hooligans are educated, the world will not be messy.

"I got a batch of goods back, and I need you to go down to spread the goods, which means to sell."

The crowd looked at each other for a while and didn't know how to answer.

"Selling things is actually very simple. It means that you have to dare to speak and be able to talk. The popular point is to flicker. Flicker until he takes out the money to buy our goods. I know that most of you have never done it. Don’t be in a hurry. Slowly It will take a while to practice slowly."

"Brother, what exactly are you going to sell?" Xia Qiulong is confident in Wanfeng. His wife has made a lot of money selling Wanfeng's clothes. It has been a thousand yuan for more than a month. This is not a small amount. He now has a blind confidence in Wan Feng.

"Have you heard of electronic watches?"

The gangsters around nodded and shook their heads, half of them.

Wan Feng rolled up his sleeves, revealing a white electronic watch on his wrist.

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