Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 625: Leave them nowhere

In the early 1990s of his last life, Wan Feng was working in an air pump factory. At that time, he still had a literary dream in his heart, and he was free to write some prose and poetry. He accidentally got it in a magazine called "Contemporary Literature" in Kyoto. What a second prize for an essay. Sui Meng Novel Network ()

Wan Feng remembered that it was the summer of 1992, so he saved 600 yuan and went to Kyoto. In that issue, there were probably more than 60 authors gathered across the country.

There was a Shenzhen policeman who wrote an essay called Boss and won the prize. This is the first time Wan Feng heard the word Boss on a formal occasion.

At that time, Shenzhen adopted the term "Fashionable Boss", and even the police put the boss on their lips, which shows that the name of Southern Boss has become quite popular.

In Hongya, Wan Feng's impression of the boss still remained in the kind of boss who drove the car with a whip.

Now he heard the term boss ten years in advance, and the title was still given to him.

Wan Feng is in a good mood, he has become the boss!

But being the boss is a secondary thing. Don’t let people make trouble in the market. The market in Wahou has just started. If bullying and extortion are happening now, it’s self-demolition of signs.

Therefore, Wanfeng absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

Facing the people around him who had not dispersed yet, Wan Feng thought it necessary to give a speech.

"Don't worry, no matter whether you are traveling from the south or the north, as long as you arrive at the Wahou Market, you will be our distinguished guest. If you are wronged, you will complain to the security team. I promise you will get the most fair and just treatment here. ."

Wan Feng's words received a round of enthusiastic applause. The safety and fairness of businessmen who are away from home are the top priority, and no one wants to be blackmailed or murdered.

Sometimes you don’t have to say too much, just say something.

Chu Guoyi was indeed irritated after Wa, and returned in a hurry on the third day after going back for two days.

He rented a twelve-flat cabin in a district, and then laid out the clothes he had brought.

Clearly marked prices indicate the wholesale and retail prices.

When he opened his business, Wan Feng personally showed up and congratulated him.

Wanfeng allowed Chu Guoyi to use the style of Fengfeng Garment Factory. Therefore, Chu Guoyi's clothes are almost a copy of some of Fengfeng Garment Factory's clothes, but the clothes have different trademarks.

Chu Guoyi followed Wan Feng's suggestion and named his product. This product is still a bit literate. He named his clothing brand Chu Feng.

There are still a few stalls selling clothing in the Wahou Market. Jiang Jun’s stall is completely retail and not wholesale. Therefore, a group of clothing vendors flooded into Chu Guoyi’s shop as soon as it opened.

Chu Guoyi went home in two days and hurriedly produced more than 40 pieces of clothes and more than 50 or 60 pairs of trousers. In more than an hour, he became a polished commander, without even leaving him a thread.

Chu Guoyi smiled bitterly at Wan Feng, "It seems that I should expand the scale when I go back. My output in two days will be gone in one hour."

"If you arrive at the Wahou market early, your scale will have been expanded long ago. You dare to sell such a thing here. You will have to produce at least hundreds of pieces a day."

"I will go back to buy machines and hire people!"

Chu Guoyi came to rent a house and sell clothes for more than two hours, and then rode a bicycle back.

Looking at the back of Chu Guoyi riding a bicycle, Wan Feng increasingly believes that the tricycle should be put into production as soon as possible. This is all potential users. This market is very attractive.

How many kilometers has the tricycle used for testing in the machinery factory run?

"Uncle Xiao, has Manager Pan from the County Agricultural Machinery Company come?" Wan Feng came to the machinery factory and stood chatting with Xiao Dexiang in the yard.

Xiao Dexiang shook his head, "It seems that I haven't seen such a person."

In this way, I didn't come, and I didn't come to pull it down. This is not because Wanfeng does not support the local economy.

"Why did you reject the buyer from the County Agricultural Machinery Company that day?"

"I went to the manager of the agricultural machinery company last year. You didn't see his arrogant look at the time. The heifer would be broken if he didn't give birth to her cubs, huh! Let him know that there is no good in knowing that the pen is no good."

Xiao Dexiang laughed, no wonder this kid just drove away the purchaser of the agricultural machinery company.

"How many kilometers has that car run?"

"More than two thousand kilometers, I haven't found any problems for the time being. I think I can try to produce it. It's just a rough thing and doesn't require your fineness."

Whether it's a tractor or a tricycle, it's rough, and it doesn't really need to be as fine as a car.

"It is still necessary to reach the limit of experimental requirements. Whoever spends money on a car does not want to buy substandard products, even if it is rough, we must ensure the quality."

"If the tricycle is mass-produced, what scale do we have to prepare? If it is big, we still have to recruit people, no matter whether it is a sand foundry or a mechanical worker, there are not enough hands."

Xiao Dexiang’s proposal reminded Wan Feng of one thing, "We can post advertisements in various towns and to recruit mature workers, who can be employed when they come. There is also a way to tell those who are outside. Buyers in, let them pay attention to some technical talents, whether they are retired or on-the-job, especially those who study engine gearbox rear axles, and tell them who can recruit a factory to give them a bonus of 20 yuan."

"What's your idea?"

"We must start from now to make preparations for the research of these equipments to lay the foundation for future agricultural vehicles. At the minimum, we must be able to make 1110 to 1130 series engines, and we must be able to make 480 or 485 four-cylinder inline diesel engines. ."

Xiao Dexiang is a little confused. It is understandable to do 1110 and 1130, single-cylinder engines with more than 15 horsepower, but what the **** are these 480 and 485?

"What do we study for an engine like the 480?"

"It will be used in the future, but it will not be used now, but there is no harm in studying it in advance."

Wan Feng didn't explain any more, Xiao Dexiang explained that he might not be able to accept it anymore.

In the future, there is a huge market for low-speed agricultural vehicles with annual sales of more than two million units. If you don't have your own engine and gearbox technology, you might get stuck at that time.

Diesel engines are not as sophisticated as gasoline engines. Wanfeng believes that as long as it can recruit talents, improve the technological level of the machinery factory, and add to the rebirth of its own personnel, it is not too difficult to build its own engine in a few years.

He didn't believe that he had drawn all the engine distribution structures he knew for them to study, but they couldn't make it.

In the previous life, the Shifeng Futian Wuzheng Juli Shuangli all started by building agricultural vehicles, and finally some of them extended to the automotive field. Wanfeng plans to take their path in advance.

Going their way leaves them nowhere to go.


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