Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 626: Take advantage of the public

The machinery factory now has more than two hundred employees. The existing personnel support the current production scale of tractors and other products. If a tricycle assembly line is added, it will be re-recruited from sand foundry to mechanical processing to assembly. A group of workers. Sui Meng Novel Network ()

Don’t expect to recruit people nearby.

Don't count on the workers in the city, they will definitely not come to the countryside.

Recruiting people from other places must at least solve the problem of accommodation. It just so happens that the dormitory building is now also topped off, and the interior decoration is lacking.

This kind of dormitory building does not need any exquisite decoration, it is almost enough, and it is estimated that it will not take long to move in.

Now that there is a place to live, the recruitment notices are posted all over the urban and rural areas of Hongya City.

The main job is to recruit workers for foundry sheet metal and various machine tools. Assemblers do not go to other places to recruit, and they can be recruited nearby.

In terms of remuneration, the basic monthly salary is 25 yuan, and there is a bonus at the end of the year. There is a total of 15 yuan for cooling fees for three months in summer, and a total of 15 yuan for heating fees for three months in winter. There is also a full attendance of three yuan per month. As a bonus, people who live out of town are reimbursed for commuting once a month.

Full attendance is calculated in twenty-five days.

Calculating these messes, a worker can earn three hundred and tens of yuan a year if he works full duty, which is basically equal to the treatment of state workers.

The treatment given by Wahou Machinery Factory is a huge temptation for rural people.

As a result, there was an endless stream of people who inquired after arriving at the Wa.

When they saw the scale and products of Wahou Machinery Plant and the development of Wahou, they started to register without any hesitation.

It is Xiao Dexiang who is in charge of recruiting workers. The recruitment of mechanical processing workers requires practical operation, and those who meet the technical requirements will be accepted.

After a few days of busy work, the car milling planer, insert grinding, drilling, boring, and sanding assembler sheet metal workers are all recruited, and this batch has recruited nearly a hundred people.

When all these workers were recruited, the first floor of the dormitory building had just been cleaned up. The machinery factory rushed to process a batch of iron beds on the upper and lower floors. Workers from other places lived in the dormitory on the first floor.

Fortunately, it's summer, it's easier to deal with.

After the Gushan Machinery Factory became yellow, the old machine tools were still idle. Wahou invested 80,000 yuan to buy all the idle lathes, and the three-wheel production line was thus established.

When this tricycle production line comes, even if the large courtyard of the machinery factory is fully utilized, there is no free space anymore. If there is anything to do in the future, the shoe factory’s equipment can only be moved out.

This is also something that Wanfeng has to consider. When the dormitory building is completely completed, Wanfeng is going to build a second-story workshop next to the west wall of the shoe factory and relocate this production line in the courtyard of the machine factory.

After all this was resolved, the three-wheeled prototype car also ran a distance of more than 5,000 kilometers without any problems.

Trial production of the tricycle project has started.

The reason for the trial production is that the car has not passed the inspection, and no one can buy a license without a certificate and production license.

Xiao Jun bought the first tricycle that rolled off the assembly line.

This cargo hired a driver to drive him a tractor, and at the same time hired a stevedore to load and unload the truck. The tractor was 25 yuan a month, and the stevedore paid 50 a month. Good weather guarantees three carts of bricks.

Assuming an average of 20 days of work a month, he can have a gross profit of 300 yuan a month, and if his wages and oil burn wear are removed, he can still have more than 100 yuan a month.

On the other hand, he bought three wheels for rent, one with at least 300 yuan in income.

"Huh? You want to buy a tricycle? The money you owe me for the tractor is still thousands or hundreds of dollars!" Wan Feng squinted at Xiao Jun.

"Hey, since I haven't paid it off, I owe another sum. I promise to pay it back by the end of the year."

Now he is confident that he can make a net profit of at least ten yuan a day, plus the tractor can earn more than 400 yuan a month, and there are still seven months by the end of the year, even if it doesn't make it.

"Grass, you owe money to the uncle, as if I deserve yours, but let me tell you, this car has not been inspected yet. You can buy it now, but you can't get the license plate."

"Haha, do you think you still need a license? As long as the commune agricultural machinery station has a good relationship, no one will care."

Xiao Jun told the truth. Before 1987, not to mention tractors or cars, as long as they were not in the city, no one would care.

At least in Red Cliff.

After 1987, with the increasing number of tractors running and transportation and the occurrence of some traffic accidents, the Agricultural Machinery Administration began to make some compulsory measures for tractors, such as compulsory ground license plates, installation of air brakes, and driving. The driver's license vehicle must have a driving license, otherwise it will not be given an annual inspection even if it is caught and fined.

It is impossible for you to sell a car that is not subject to annual inspection.

"You said I should buy a cheaper or more expensive one?"

There are two types of tractors off the assembly line in the machinery factory, one is a semi-enclosed type and the other is a fully-enclosed type.

The semi-closed price is two thousand and five the fully closed price is two thousand and eight, the difference is 300 yuan.

"If you rent out, of course it will be fully enclosed. When it rains, the sky will not stick to the rain, and you have to buckle a shed when you return to the car body. Whether it is an iron shed or a canvas shed, you have to buckle one. Prevent some freezing."

"Then I will buy a fully enclosed one."

"You buy a car and I pay for it, what's the matter?"

Wan Feng paid 2,800 yuan to the machinery factory, and Xiao Jun drove a temporarily new car.

"How much do you rent for a trip?"

"One piece to one piece five, depending on the quantity."

"In the future, we will make a unified trip and make five cents per person, and the extra five cents are five cents. No one else will do it anyway.

Xiao Jun nodded and drove the car out of the machinery factory and ran to the parking lot to put a sign on the car with two characters for rent on it.

Two minutes after the sign was put up, two old customers threw two big bags onto the car, and the three wheels drove away suddenly.

This transaction is really promising. Wan Feng can be sure that Xiao Jun's rental income will not be less than 20 yuan a day.

There are many people who can see this business, but it's a pity that most people can't afford a car.

More than two thousand, even if anyone wants to buy it now, they can't afford it, let alone other production team people.

This Wan Feng doesn't care, because he can lend money to Xiao Jun doesn't mean he can lend money to others.

The new group of people recruited by the garment factory have also started to work, and the eight-hour two-shift operation has officially begun.

The output has also increased to about 800 pieces in two shifts a day, but the supply is still in short supply.

If it doesn't work, you have to hire people to play three shifts.

But then we have to solve the problem of accommodation first. When the dormitory of the brigade is completely completed, will the workers be arranged to live in the building?

Take advantage of the public.

Liang Zhanghai couldn't say anything.


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