Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 404 7.58 Judgment of Heretics (6)

The identity of the time traveler is Loki's biggest secret.

But actually thinking about it carefully, he has already exposed many flaws.

A Viking born and raised in Scandinavia could speak fluent English without any teacher. It is also possible to seamlessly communicate with the proud Tang people in Chinese that belongs to the Tang people.

This cannot be explained by the word "common sense" at all.

Not to mention that an 8-year-old wild child drew drawings that did not exist in this world and studied how to build a ship every day.

Whenever a "Fire Chuan Gang member" passes by in Hanshui Village, this is special information that can be sold at a good price.

Last spring at Wanghai Fortress, this secret was revealed by Ulysses. Loki neither admitted nor denied it.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the old man would use it as a weapon to bring him down in the "Inquisition".


If I hate my father-in-law, it's not that much.

On the contrary, he was somewhat in awe of this forbearing old man.

He really understood the four words "able to bend and stretch" to the extreme.

Although Loki has tried his best to help the world, to Ulysses Elam and to all the people of England, he is still an invader.

The accusation issued by the King of Mercia - plundering the territory, occupying the princess, and killing the people.

He couldn't escape any of them.

"Your Honor, I plead guilty."

When Loki said these words, the noisy court was silent again.

Not only the onlookers and Justice Ethan, but also Ulysses Elam, who had not yet left, cast puzzled looks at him.

No one in the room knew Loki better than he did. My "son-in-law" is not a person who knows how to give up easily.

In order to drive these Viking demons away from the English land, Ulysses was even prepared to die in Paris. He had already calculated everything secretly.

When Loki said the word "confession", he never expected it.

"Defendant 'Duke Loki Starrag', do you want to admit the crime you committed against my French nobleman 'Andre Jarvan'?"


"I haven't done this yet. I want to plead guilty to a crime that is more serious than this charge!"

"My crime is that I was born in poor Scandinavia!"

"According to your wishes, we Vikings deserve to starve to death and freeze to death in a cold and poor place!"

"In order to maintain your dignity, we must huddle on the edge of the world, sell the lives of our people to serve as your bodyguards, and be your servants forever!"

"Your Honor, do you know what's the most ridiculous thing?!"

"The funny thing is I actually fucking tried to be 'civilized'!"

"I restrain my subordinates and let them kill as few people as possible!"

"In order to enter the civilized world, I even dug dragon bones, trying to please you with rare goods and adapt to the business rules you set."

With a muffled sound, Loki kicked open the lid of the heavy coffin, revealing the corpse of the dead evil god inside.

"For this trial, I even brought the body of the 'Deep Diver' to try to argue that I was not the one who caused these evil gods to cause harm to the land!"

"Like you, I have taken up arms and fought bravely against these strange creatures that endanger the world!"

"It's no use!"

"It's really useless!"

Holding out a finger, he pointed at everyone.

"Today, all the 'civilized people' in the 'civilized society' have made me understand a little more clearly."

"From beginning to end, you have never treated us as equals!"

"The fairness and justice you talk about are all fucking bullshit that whitewashes peace!"

"If I sit at the poker table honestly and according to your rules, I will never have a chance to win in my life! Because you have already ingrained in your mind that we people are born losers!"

"In this case, I have nothing to pretend to be."

After waving behind him, Alfred handed over the squirming sack.

Loki opened the bag and took out a bloody figure.

"Who is this?" the crowd of onlookers discussed incessantly. They were not far away from Loki, and the reason why they couldn't see clearly was because this man's face was so miserable.

"Look at this outfit, it's a plain gauze and light dress! This dress is not cheap."

"This is a nobleman, right?"

The audience was talking a lot, and Ethan, who was sitting in the upper seat, narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

After so many years of trying heretics, he has only seen prisoners who broke down and howled in fear in court. He has never seen prisoners who wanted to commit murder in court because they were afraid that their charges were not long enough.


"I am Baron Andre Jarvan!"

After saying these two sentences, the crowd broke out into an uproar again. Ethan tried to stabilize the situation, but "Diamond Flower" Durang, who was sitting on his left, stood up tremblingly.

Although this man's face was covered with bloodstains, his familiar eyebrows and voice were infinitely closer to Andre's.

(How could he be in Loki's hands?!)

(After the operation to capture Alfred failed, didn’t he escape with the suzerain?!)

Loki grabbed a handful of his hair and pointed his face towards the audience.

"In front of the young and old men in Paris, tell them what crime you have committed!"

Loki's right hand clamped hard on his neck, and murderous intent if it was real came out ruthlessly from his steel-cold palm. Andre knew that he was facing a volcano that was about to get out of control.

If he didn't want to die immediately, he could only cooperate with all his strength.

"I colluded with the evil god to harm the residents of Yun Province."

"anything else?"

"I joined the Illuminati and abandoned my faith!"

Locking Andre's neck with one hand and lifting him up like a chicken, Rocky turned his miserable face to Judge Ethan.

"Your Honor!"

"We stand in the Inquisition and have brought you the biggest 'heresy' in Paris! He confessed to all crimes. But M. Andre"

"I ask you not to forget."

"I am the Viking Duke of Normandy!"

"You colluded with the evil god and killed the French workers and English agricultural workers in the 'Yun Province'. All of these things have nothing to do with me!"

"But you beat my subject's only daughter at will, sent warriors to chase her all the way into my territory, and then shot her through the womb with a bow and arrow, causing her to lose her fertility forever!"

"I hereby sentence you to death!"

After speaking, Loki stretched out his hands and grasped Andre's head firmly!

Baron France let out an unbearable high-pitched roar, but Loki was indifferent to it. He mechanically tightened his palms. In the process, he could feel the bones in the head being broken into pieces.

Just 3 seconds later, the whole head exploded with a "bang" like a crushed watermelon, and blood, flesh, brains, and bone fragments burst out all over Loki's body, making him look like a demon crawling out of a pool of blood.

Reaching out to wipe off the blood on his face, Loki opened his two bloody eyes and looked at the stunned Judge Ethan von Klein.


"I am the murderer of Baron Andre Jarvan!"

"I admit I'm guilty!

Dear dignitaries from the civilized world

Cleanse me from my sins! "

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