Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 405 7.59 Judgment of Heretics (7)

The bloody scene that suddenly occurred in front of them surpassed the understanding of everyone at the scene.

A murder suspect brought the 'dead man' he was suspected of killing. Instead of trying to exonerate himself, he crushed him with his own hands in front of the judge.

What kind of operation is this? !

Before entering the Inquisition, Ethan knew that the Viking Duke might be difficult to deal with today. But even in his wildest dreams, he couldn't have imagined that this was happening.

There are people in the Western Continent who dare to despise divine authority like this!

You must know that in the "Inquisition", only the "torture acolytes" have the role of flogging others, and no heretic has ever dared to be as lawless as Loki!

The sudden burst of thick blood in the courtroom completely blinded him, and his brain was in a sluggish state. The only thing he could think of was to first protect the safety of the descendants of the "Plantagenet Family" on his right.

The two exquisite princes and princesses were frightened.

The face and glory of France can be put aside for the time being, and we can first control this Viking demon who kills people in public.

Ethan secretly signaled to the torture acolytes to take control of the situation, and 30 Chosen Ones under the "War Path" gathered around holding thorn flails.

However, Loki was prepared for this scene.

Pulling up the withered body of the deep diver, he took out the broadsword and ax hidden under the body, and threw them to Alfred and Wenzov behind him.

"It's never been my style to just surrender!"

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

After saying this, he used his backhand ax to directly cut in half the two "Torture Acolytes" who were trying to get close to him!

The bright red and rich blood filled the court, officially announcing the beginning of a massacre!


Alfred held the broadsword tightly, and the spiritual energy in his body was running. The divine power belonging to the Hurricane Berserker gathered into his hands.

He created two whirlwinds to temporarily block the steps of the torture acolyte, and then jumped in front of Justice Ethan von Crown!

Ethan had never encountered such a thing in the Inquisition. Before he could even shout, the cold silver broadsword had already penetrated his chest!

With a soft banging sound, the "Soul Breaker" ignited silver flames after absorbing spiritual energy. Alfred without hesitation pulled out the broad sword from Ethan's chest and immediately exploded a black blood hole.

Justice Ethan died!

In the bloody rain, Alfred fell from the sky with a flaming sword! "Soul Breaker" easily penetrated the soft head of Durang Sauronis on the other side.

The high-temperature silver flame instantly solidified his soft brain into a ball of dark red mud!

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Within 10 seconds after the war started, Alfred, who was riding the wind, had hacked to death all the big shots in the court who were giving orders.


On the other side of the battlefield, most of the 30 torture acolytes had died under Loki's axe.

Weapons like the Thornlinka can inflict maximum pain on defenseless prisoners when interrogating them. But a 1 on 1 actual battle with a steel ax

The wooden chain can't exert any power at all.

"close the door!"

"Hurry up and block the door for me!"

The first person in the audience to realize what was happening was the French mercenary soldier sitting in the audience!

Faced with the sudden change, what they were thinking about was not to escape or ask for help, but to close the door first and isolate Lan Bixue and Jinlinwei from the court!

The mercenaries breathed in the hard-won bloody breath thickly and greedily.

This is the flavor of opportunity!

There were only three Vikings with weapons in the court, but the number of mercenary soldiers who came to court was nearly a hundred.

Don't forget, although the judge and the president of the Chamber of Commerce are dead, the prince and princess of the "Plantagenet Family" are still sitting there!

If these three lawless Vikings could be captured alive, this would be a huge opportunity to show their faces! The mercenary soldiers have even begun to dream of being promoted to noble positions, being rewarded with castles, land, and even entering the palace to meet the saints!

How could such a God-given opportunity, which was rare in a century, be given to those Golden Scale Guards who had made countless contributions? !

"Brothers, for the honor of France!"

"Capture these three heretics alive!"

"We will sacrifice these three people to Edward Longlegs, put them on the cross and set them on fire!"

"Surround them!"

"Don't hurt their lives! Catch them alive!"

A row of crisp sounds of drawing swords sounded. The mercenaries completely ignored the screaming jury members and trembling residents, and surrounded the three Lokis in a pool of blood with their handheld weapons.

However, as soon as the encirclement was formed, the mercenaries in the back row had already joined the fleeing team.

There is no other reason. The fragile decorative rapiers in their hands cannot resist the slashing of the violent giant axe.

Just after a face-to-face encounter, the three centurions rushing at the front have been chopped into six even pieces. Loki turned around, and his five long legs were cut off by silky smoothness, and two heads flew high into the sky!

The sharp ax ruthlessly cut through all obstacles on the way forward, and the thick blood has stained the entire court into a bloody hell.

But this was only the beginning of the killing.


As the mercenary soldiers fell to the ground, the Viking pirates who were waiting at the back of the court and followed Loki to the court also began to obtain weapons!

"Hey, I didn't expect these stupid geese to take the initiative to close the door and let us kill them!"

"Then why are we being polite?!"

In sharp contrast to the panicked French audience were the Vikings under Loki. They calmly picked up the weapons from the pool of blood and casually killed the French nobles scurrying around them.

Those who got the bayonet wielded the bayonet and slashed at the risk of their lives. As for the Vikings who didn't get the weapon, this situation couldn't stop them at all.

He casually picked up a broken leg and arm from the floor, peeled off the flesh and blood and took out the leg bone. The arm bone was still a reliable blunt weapon in his hand.

"This group of nobles even go to court to watch the excitement with wallets hanging on their bodies and gold chains around their necks!"

"These are a bunch of walking fat sheep! I've been staring at their money bags all morning!

"Thank you Odin for sending them to us!"

"Thank you Frey for this perfect day!"

The decorative rapiers that French swordsmen used to compete with each other were not the weapons commonly used by Viking pirates, but this did not prevent the Viking pirates from quickly mastering its use.

"Come on!!"

“Don’t be afraid, there are many of us!!”

The commander of the mercenary army roared feebly, but after a moment, he found that his brave subordinates seemed to have been squeezed into a bottomless meat grinder.

What’s even more frightening is that a thick crimson fog began to fill the courtroom!

In this dark mist, he couldn't see Loki's position, couldn't see his subordinates, and couldn't even see the sword he was holding in his hand!

However, the Viking Duke opposite him looked like a ghost!

He ran nimbly within the red mist, and almost every time he swung the axe, the shrill red flash could take away a row of limbs! The stumps and severed arms belonging to the nobles refused to be separated from the body, and thick blood flowed out, turning the already dark red blood mist into as black as ink!

Boom, boom, boom!

The Golden Scale Guards were trying their best to hit the locked iron door. However, these two doors were designed to be extremely strong to prevent heretics from escaping from the court. The commander of the mercenary army buried himself in the blood and meat paste on the ground, and like a crawling maggot, he finally approached the two iron doors that he had personally ordered to close.

He used all his strength to pull out the door bolt, and when the heavy door leaf was finally pushed open.

Tang Guo's swordsman "Lan Bixue", whose body exuded green spiritual energy, finally flew into the court with a long sword in his hand!

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