Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 411 7.65 Forward Traveler

The sect leader sat quietly in the throne room in the center of the castle.

He caressed the piece of skin that had just arrived on his body. This is his identity disguise in this life.

Yes, he is the King of France, Edward Plantagenet, nicknamed "Long Legs".


To be fair, he was not completely unprepared for what was happening in front of him at this time.

In his 200 million years of life, the "sect master" witnessed the rise and destruction of seventeen rounds of civilizations on this planet.

After each round of civilization completely dissipates, it will go through a period of life reshaping that lasts for hundreds of thousands of years. However, once life is created, it is extremely difficult to erase. Creatures that survive the ashes of destruction will always find a chance to rise again from the destruction.

Round after round of new life will build a new civilization among the ruins.

The sect leader has seen them send powerful creations into the void, has seen them open portals, and has also seen them take up weapons and bravely resist life from outside the earth.

However, the Lizardmen's mission remains the same.

In a long life of 200 million years, the "Clan Leader" and the 12 "Clan Masters" had only one goal - to lead the tribe to survive.

To this end, they have evolved to be able to wear the scales of other creatures, control sound rays, and extract part of the host's memory.

There is only one ultimate secret in this starry sky.


Until everyone else dies.


In a long life of 200 million years and 17 rounds of different civilizations, this is not the first time that the sect master has encountered "reverse travelers" who were transported by chaotic time and space.

In fact, human civilization has already recorded many records of time travellers. When each of them comes to this strange land, they will think that they are the sons of destiny, the ones destined to change the rules of the world.

The most famous one among them was Wang Mang (BC45-AD23), the founder of the new dynasty in the Eastern Continent 800 years ago.

He is the most radical of all time travellers.

The founding emperor of the new dynasty usurped the throne and seized imperial power after his arrival. Subsequently, he reformed the currency, abolished serfs, developed banks, futures, built a tax bureau, and even established a never-before-seen department, the "Wujunsi Shishishi", to be responsible for assessing prices, regulating the market, handling credit loans, and collecting taxes. all matters.

(Note: Wang Mang most likely traveled back from the New Heavenly Dynasty. Because all the functions of this "Wujun Sichang Secretary" are exactly the same as those of our Heavenly Dynasty's "Development and Reform Commission" (Development and Reform Commission).)

It is impossible for a mortal born and raised in 45 BC to understand so many reform plans.

In terms of power, he was decisive and decisive, and sat on the throne through bloody usurpation. But then, he also helped the world, completely abolishing the serf system, not hesitate to offend the princes and nobles, prohibiting land trading, and improving the state ownership of land.

Unfortunately, the rule of the new dynasty only lasted for 15 years and then disappeared.

This is a typical time traveler.

When he came to another world, he used the knowledge that did not exist in the world in his mind to try to change the world and make all his ministers operate according to the established social rules in his mind.

However, this kind of people, without exception, were all counterattacked by their subordinates.

Loki is not like them.

Born in cold and poor Scandinavia, he didn't get off to a good start as a time traveler.

It can even be described as “quite difficult”.

The vast majority of time-travelers with the same resources as him would die miserably in various accidents before reaching adulthood.

However, he miraculously survived.

Frankly speaking, he is not the chosen one with great talent.

Like most time travellers, he made many mistakes. He once did not believe in gods and tried to change his destiny by relying solely on science, technology and advanced production systems.

However, all of this ended with the appearance of Old Wade.

Ever since Walder brought him into the "Sinking City", some primitive power in his body has been activated. He began to unleash his primitive desire to kill, embrace his identity as a pirate, and expand his power without any bottom line.

In a way, it was the Illuminati who created such a demon for themselves.

Of all the time-travelers that the sect master had faced, Loki was the one who dealt him the heaviest blow.

He blends so well with this plane.

He has completely regarded himself as a native pirate lord, and has almost given up all the aura of a time traveler. Now, his goal is to uproot the Illuminati from the Western Continent.

I have to say, he did a pretty good job.


The "sect leader" must control the number of vassals entering the palace.

Because he is actually the only living person in the Grand Palais in Paris.

In this huge royal estate covering hundreds of hectares of battlefield, 95% of the courtyards and terraces were empty, except for the enchantment circle he carefully arranged.

The so-called "Porse family" is just a cover-up set up by the Western Continent leader of the Illuminati.

Even many internal members of the Illuminati are completely unaware of this secret.

The sect leader protected himself very well. He has to do this because he has ruled this land for thousands of years!

Unlike Loki who travels backwards in time.

Mutu, the "King of Earth and Sea" with a lifespan of 200 million years, is a "forward traveler".

He hid in the civilization that ruled the earth for 17 rounds, like a cockroach in the cracks, surviving tenaciously.

During these long years, the Lizardmen and Leviathan hid at the edge of the world, watching with cold eyes as the rulers of the Earth transformed the planet one after another.

Some of them came from nine days away and quickly adapted to the environment after falling into this planet.

Some were born and raised here, evolving from humble four-clawed creatures to the top of the food chain, surviving the coming of alien gods one after another, and eventually dominating the planet.

Of course, hundreds of different groups of extraterrestrial beings descended on this planet at the same time, setting off a long war that lasted for 100,000 years. Eventually, the powerful gods died, and the survivors quickly lost interest in the planet.

On the contrary, the humble followers survived.

After the era when giants and dragons ruled this planet, human beings, a small ethnic group, finally ushered in their own spring.

The lizardmen smelled an opportunity.

They successfully blended into the crowd and established an organization called the "Illuminati", secretly controlling the direction of human civilization.

Mutu's home court is in the Western Continent. The Northern Continent, Eastern Continent, and East-West Continental Bridge were managed by other "sect masters", so he didn't need to worry about them.

He just needs to take care of his home court.

According to his observation of the first 16 rounds of civilization, human beings must first be ‘enlightened’ and then learn etiquette.

Only by knowing etiquette can we know how to be grateful and reverent.

Most of the "reverse travellers" have survived two lives, and at most no more than three lives.

But Mutu has survived 17 rounds of civilization! Regardless of his knowledge, qualifications, or memory, he is far superior to all the characters in this era, even most of the outer gods.

130 years ago, while still wearing the garb of "Charlemagne-Carolingian," he launched a Renaissance movement.

He was using the wealth he had accumulated over hundreds of years.

He knew that this game, which was extremely inconsistent with the background of the times, would immediately reveal his identity. Therefore, after becoming famous, the Carolingian dynasty declined rapidly.

In its place is another skin, another surname.

Regarding the secrets that he has ruled this continent for thousands of years, except for the 12 sect leaders, even the peripheral members of the Illuminati have no way of knowing.

But today this secret is about to be broken by Loki.

There was nothing he could do.

Because of this enemy, he could only solve it with the help of the Grand Palais in Paris, which he had built for thousands of years.

This is his home court.

Standing here, there is no possibility of failure for him.

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