Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 412 7.66 The truth of history

When Loki walked into the throne room, it was like entering the Inquisition again.

On the left and right sides of the hall stood two rows of expressionless, stupid humans, some old and some young, male and female. When Loki walked in, everyone stared straight ahead with the same expressionless expression.

The only person in the hall who looked like a living person was Edward Plantagenet, King of France, sitting firmly on the throne.

"Every journey has an end. It seems that I am finally close to the end of this journey." Holding the ax in both hands, Loki said calmly to himself, "I just don't know, I should call you Edward Plantagenet." , or 'Lord Sect Master'?"

"Or is your real name - 'King of Earth and Sea' Mutu?"

After hearing this name for the first time from the mouth of the Yorkshire gatekeeper, three long years later, he finally came to the rightful owner.

Although the man in front of him was a well-dressed middle-aged French man, after seeing everything in this strange palace, Loki was certain that there must be an old lizard under his skin.

Loki had seen him in the Obsidian Pyramid without any skin on, his true appearance.

Among the members of the Illuminati, he is the only one who can take over an entire palace as his own, and he is the only one with such a terrifying scene.

"Young man, you are a rare talent." Mutu stood up and stepped down from the throne. "I still want to kindly remind you that there is no harm in cooperating with my "Illuminati" on this continent."

"Instead of wielding an ax to kill people every day and living in fear and joining the Illuminati, what's the harm in standing with the most advanced and wealthy country in the world?"

"The life of a mortal is just a few decades in a hurry. Wearing gold and silver, commanding tiny ants to carry food for you every day is a lifetime, rolling in the soil, struggling to survive is also a lifetime.

Mortal, why do you live so tiredly? ! "

"Haha" Loki chuckled, noncommittal.

"Brother, don't think that if most people in this plane don't recognize you, I must not know you either!"

"I come from an era where I am bombarded by TV media and Internet messages every day! The faces of the 12 masters of the Illuminati are as close to me as my parents!"

"Because in my time, you guys have completely given up on pretense!"

"You guys are in the news almost every day!"

In the 21st century, the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati are already an open secret on the Internet. The heads of the Kennedy, Lee, Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Morgan families were all members of the Illuminati.

Their true faces have long been exposed in the spotlight for the world to worship.

"You are not a great big shot! Even in the 21st century, you are just a rich tycoon! In front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Red Country, you are still a bastard who refuses to retaliate!"

"You sit in such a prominent position in the Mediterranean, but you end up like this. You have nearly half of the resources of the Western Continent and millions of years of wealth. But in this life, you are actually connected to the highest center of power in the Western Continent, 'Constantinople.' You can’t even get in!”

"You have so little ability and you still have the nerve to discuss cooperation with me here?"

"Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant?!"

Mutu narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

After a while, he smiled instead of angry and shook his head helplessly.

"Young people are high-spirited. I can assume that you have not suffered any setbacks in your life."

"Your brain does store a lot of information that does not exist in this world, but don't forget it! If only one of us can survive, I will survive after all, so that you can see me again in the future. name!"

"Hey, that's a good question."

Loki carried the ax and continued forward.

"Since time traveling, I haven't thought clearly about one question, and that is whether I am standing on the same timeline as before!"

"If this is a parallel plane, why do the names of Qin Shihuang, Nuwa, Odin, Alfred, and even the Illuminati, all written down in history books by later generations, appear in front of me one after another?"

"If I were to stand in my own timeline,"

"Why is the history 1,200 years ago completely different from the records in the history books?! Did the chosen ones, ancient monsters, dragons, and giants all really exist, or were they all tampered with and erased from the history books? "


"Erase from the human mind by you guys!"


Is the knowledge imparted from TV, books, experts, and courses necessarily true?

This may not be the case.

However, when everyone agrees on it, treats it as "knowledge" and passes it on to future generations, even if it is false, it will also become true.

Because this has become an established law in the world.

Human civilization has experienced many incidents of "burning books and entrapping Confucians". When a large number of residents who originally knew the truth were killed, and the classics that recorded the information were burned. The winner standing on the ashes can write a set of "new knowledge" that is beneficial to his own rule, and promote it to everyone as a theorem.

An outstanding example of this is the "theory that leaded gasoline is harmless."

Scientists discovered the dangers of leaded gasoline in 1924, because during this time, up to 350,000 tons of lead were emitted into the atmosphere each year through burning gasoline. These lead can enter the human body through breathing and skin, causing great burden on the nervous system.

Ultimately, affecting the intelligence of every newborn baby on earth.

But the media is controlled by oil companies.

Lead is a vital "anti-explosion agent" synthetic raw material in gasoline. In order to reduce costs, oil companies bribed scholars to write academic papers and conduct overwhelming publicity. They believe that lead has existed in the atmosphere since ancient times and, like carbon dioxide, is a naturally occurring substance in the atmosphere.

It has nothing to do with burning gasoline.

In 1953, a lone hero "Claire Peterson" firmly believed that 95% of the lead in Atmospheric City came from burning gasoline. He went deep into Antarctica to dig out ice from different eras of the earth. Through careful comparison, he finally determined that before 1924, there was no lead in the atmosphere at all.

He confirmed that it was all just a conspiracy by the oil companies to try to destroy humanity for profit.

But it's of no use.

His opponent is "Shell Oil Company", behind which is the monopoly giant "Rockefeller Group". They continue to use all available means to control the media to confuse public opinion and then control society.

It wasn't until 1986, the same year that cheaper explosion-proof agents came out and the Clean Air Act was introduced as a beacon of democracy, that leaded gasoline finally receded from the stage of history.

In the face of the mastermind behind everything, all talk of morality, kindness, and "for a better tomorrow for mankind" are all nonsense.

Any unstable factors that can threaten their reputation and profits will be ruthlessly extinguished.

In the same way, even if someone discovers the remains of dragon bones and giants on Earth, members of the Illuminati can still easily cover up the facts by manipulating public opinion and the media. They are half slander, half threat, and can easily accomplish their goals.

In the case of Claire Peterson, the "Rockefeller Foundation" only left him one sentence: "Shut up or get out."

Get out, meaning expel him from UC. The end of his professorship and the closure of his laboratory made him lose his reputation from a respected professor to a homeless man who could only do manual labor.

Claire was undeterred by the threats. He still persists in his cause of struggle.

But does this work?

Nothing useful.

The monopoly consortium continues to use leaded gasoline to pollute all mankind for 33 years. It wasn't until cheaper anti-explosives came out that their profits wouldn't suffer that they banned the product.

This is just a beacon of democracy.

As for the rest of the less developed countries in the world, it took until after 2000 to completely ban leaded gasoline.

Human beings can only accept "what part of the truth the rulers want them to accept." This is the reality that living within this ethnic group must face.

When the vast majority of people cannot leave their homes and conduct archaeological exploration in person, they can only passively receive indoctrination from so-called documentaries, books and media.

And all of this may be fake.


"That's all, there's no point in talking more!"

"Now that we've come this far, what else can't be solved with the ax in our hands?!"

Loki picked up the ax and strode towards the sect master.

After several battles with lizardmen, he had accumulated sufficient confidence in his heart. Because everyone who appears in front of him, regardless of breed or grade, is a weakling who cannot be weaker.

It is true that they can wear human skin and change their voices, but they also have smart brains and long lifespans.

But none of them showed any outstanding performance in "combat skills".

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Illuminati can always retreat behind the scenes. Only when firearms and other hot weapons appear, and all human forces are brought closer to the point of uniformity, do they dare to take off their disguise and come out to the public.

The Tang Dynasty in the dark Middle Ages had just realized the power of gunpowder.

At this time, the most advanced mechanical technology in the Eastern Continent still belongs to the various "ejection cold weapons" produced by the Mohist school. We are still far away from the emergence of firearms.

Without fear, he raised the ax and swung it at the sect leader without fear!

The sect master looked at him with a smile and did not make any resistance. The big ax roared and cut through the air, cutting smoothly into the skin and bones of the sect leader.

One strike of the ax almost divided his body!

The neck, head, and half of the shoulders hung crookedly on his waist. What was strange was that even so, the sect leader still had that strange smile on his face.


Why didn't the green scales belonging to the lizard man appear in his body?

Blinking his eyes hard, Loki once again confirmed that the person in front of him was a seemingly ordinary human being. There was no skin color belonging to the lizard man in the blood that was constantly flowing out and the pale bones.

Is this guy a real human being?

Or maybe the lizard people at the master level have transcended the mortal body and evolved to another level?

"Young man, you are indeed right!" The head that was almost touching the ground said with a grin. Before he could pull out the ax from the broken bones, several figures were seen approaching from behind him at high speed.


Before he could turn around, he only felt a cold blade piercing his waist. The brief pain was followed by a constant soreness and numbness, which was the feeling caused by the poison on the blade.

"You are mine now!"

His consciousness quickly became blurry, and he saw several figures approaching him without knowing when.

Those were all soul boxes that were standing blankly on both sides of the hall.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of the soul box.

This kind of humanoid doll that has lost its intelligence has only one purpose.

They are containers for the sect leaders to realize "soul travel".

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