Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 423 7.77 The Road Home (11)

The narrowest point of the English Channel is only 34 kilometers.

Under normal navigation, even a fully loaded slow-speed cargo ship can successfully reach the other side within 2 hours.

When the Golden Scale Guards searched the citizens on the shore to no avail, they rushed to all the ships on the pier and searched carefully twice, inside and out. A long time passed, and the ship finally set sail.

Alfred climbed out of the barrel. He ignored the smell of alcohol and always squatted by the window waiting for the appearance of land.

He was ready to jump off the ship and escape at any time.

Across the English Channel is his hometown of Wessex, but is Wessex safe now?

not necessarily.

Having been born in this country since childhood, Alfred knew how close Wessex was to the Principality of France. Since more than a hundred years ago, his great-grandfather "Kadewala" had begun to communicate with the Principality of France as a courtier.

The dragon eggs in the Kingdom of Wessex, the method of raising dragons, and the "Dragon Language Scholars" who can communicate with dragons all come from the Principality of France. Sixty percent of the goods sold by Wessex merchants came from this huge kingdom across the strait.

It can be said that the Principality of France provided considerable support for their current status in the English Isles.

Not to mention that the dramatic trial of adoptive father Rocky cannot be described as a "slap in the face". What he did was like riding on the neck of the Plantagenet family and swinging wildly.

Justice Ethan von Klein and Chamber of Commerce President "Diamond Flower" Durang died under their own swords at the same time. Nearly 100 nobles and non-commissioned officers who appeared in court died in the hacking of the Vikings.

Based on Alfred's understanding of the French royal family, they have already launched a new round of commercial sanctions against the seven countries in England.

Ecbert would not refuse any request they made at this juncture.

The Golden Scale Guard must know that the direction of their escape is Wessex, so they are very likely to focus on the key nodes of Wessex.

Although Wessex is his hometown, for the proud French Golden Scale Guards, once they catch him, they don't need to report to the Wessex royal family at all.

Even if they sent a large army this time, it was most likely in the name of purging the Vikings.

Once in the hands of the Golden Scales, Alfred would not be able to enjoy any help from Wessex.


When the endless coastline finally appeared on the horizon, Alfred did not hesitate. He jumped out of the ship's porthole and jumped directly into the icy water.

Compared with Vikings, his water skills are far from excellent.

Not only that, he couldn't move towards the dock. He had to make a big detour and find a deserted rocky area to land on land, so as to ensure his safety to the greatest extent.

Don't forget, his enemies are not just the Golden Scale Guards.

Among the split fire gangs, there is another group of aliens who obey the orders of the "sect master". It was this group of people who revealed their whereabouts in Versailles and nearly wiped out the Viking pirates in the city.

After swimming hard in the sea for more than an hour and drinking several mouthfuls of seawater, Alfred finally climbed up to a rocky coast.

After lying on the hard rock to recover his strength for a short time, he climbed up the cliff, found a cave and ate some fruits and dried meat plundered from the cargo ship.

The desolate coastline may seem empty, but you must not stay here for long.

Ever since the invasion of the Vikings began to drift down from the North Sea, even if Loki occupied two provinces and established the Vikings' own settlement, Ecbert still did not dare to relax his patrols on the coastline.

He tripled the number of coastline patrols, each with 200 cavalry, patrolling the Wessex coastline almost day and night.

Alfred didn't think his situation would be any better if he fell into the hands of the Wessex Patrol. The Golden Scales may use various "seemingly friendly" excuses to plunder themselves from Wessex.

As for his biological father, Ecbert, he was not qualified to stand and speak in front of the French.

(I have traveled such a long way and even successfully escaped from the Principality of France. Even if I rely on my legs for the whole journey, I am now less than 5 days away from the ‘Stone Forest County’!)

(There is no one within the borders of Wessex who is worthy of my trust! For these five days, it is safer to hide among the people. After all, returning alive and passing the news back is more important than anything else.)

After stamping out the campfire, Alfred slept one night in a dark seaside cave.

Before dawn the next day, he climbed up the cliff and discerned the way home by the direction of the setting moon.


For the next five days, Alfred turned on safari mode again.

In this hellish escape experience, he was able to escape successfully because of the hunting and survival skills taught to him by Buchan Bush.

During this long journey, the unarmed 15-year-old youth only relied on picking up tree branches, animal bones and stones to provide himself with enough food to survive while traveling through the dense forest.

Not to mention that along the way he had to evade the patrolling Wessex troops and militia at any time.

During the day and night, he finally arrived at the "Green Valley" province and the outskirts of Stonehelm Fortress on the fourth night, covered with stars and moon.

Exactly one year later, the once prosperous "Stone Helmet Fortress" is still in ruins.

Under the combined impact of the earth-boring worms and the Cyclops, the entire city has completely collapsed. Since the snow and ice melted away, spring has begun. Ecbert has been hiring farm workers to clean up the wreckage.

At this point, the work has been going on for two months, and there is still no sign of completion.

A large number of migrant workers pass through the ruins every day. Recently, there have been thousands more Golden Scale Guards. The "sovereign" knew that this important town near the Wessex border was his last line of defense to capture Alfred.

Once he crosses Stonehelm Fortress, Stone Forest County will be behind him.

Now, it is the land of the Vikings.

Alfred was hiding in the tree canopy a hundred meters away from the city, observing the movements of the migrant workers and the Golden Scale Guards for a whole day. They formed 5 shifts and patrolled near the official road day and night.

Throughout the day, less than 10 caravans passed through the cordon they set up.

All merchants trying to cross the border are subject to meticulous and comprehensive checks.

It is simply unrealistic to simply rely on disguise to get through.

The complex topography of Stone Forest County determines that there is only one way to reach the Falling Rain Highlands from Wessex. Towering into the clouds and beneath the stalagmites, there is an abyss. Even with Alfred's ability, it would be impossible to climb from the bottom of the slippery cliff.

Alfred sighed softly.

Odin loves to kill.

The last few hundred meters may only be overcome by force!

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