Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 424 7.78 The Road Home (12)

After slipping down from the big tree, Alfred's first stop was the temporary work shed where farmworkers lived.

The work sheds are where workers sleep at night and are almost uninhabited during the day. After entering the work shed and walking around, he passed through one simple migrant worker shed after another.

His ultimate goal is the overseer's tent located at the end of the camp.

Although Wessex farmworkers were paid to do their jobs, overseers still existed to supervise the work. Alfred chose to enter their shed because only the overseer's quarters might contain spare swords.

His first task is to get a weapon.

However, after surviving all this time, Alfred's good luck seems to have come to an end. He stretched out his hand to open the door curtain of the first tent, and when he saw it, he saw a golden-scaled guard lying on the ground, repeating the piston movement!

my day

Are these French people really as scary as the legend says?

The camp suddenly fell into a dead silence. The woman pinned down by the Golden Scale Guard looked at Alfred in horror. Alfred could see her Adam's apple vibrating rapidly. This was a sign that she was about to let out a shrill scream.

Making a decisive decision, he pulled out the Golden Scale Guard's sword with a swipe, stabbed it into his back, and nailed the two of them inside the tent.

The Golden Scale Guard and the woman fell to the ground and died miserably while maintaining their mating posture. Alfred could feel his heart pounding.

Fortunately, the woman didn't yell out that shrill voice.

This time it was really suspenseful.

The broadsword assembled by the Golden Scale Guards follows the most exquisite forging technology of the Arab Empire. This kind of steel, called "Damascus Steel", is the strongest weapon that can be bought with gold coins.

With his feet on the two corpses, Alfred pulled out his broadsword and wiped them dry gently. After searching around the room, he dug out the clothes belonging to the overseer of Wessex and changed out of his dirty clothes.

His inability to speak French was his fault.

He would not dare to wear the clothes of the Golden Scale Guard. To blend in with the crowd, he must choose English clothing.

After making all preparations, he gently opened the door curtain and prepared to escape. Unexpectedly, he was greeted by three other Golden Scale Guards!

"Vance, you damn thing is done, get out of the way, it's my turn!"

"I'm telling you, this girl is the most delicious in England. I'll give you a try today."

Just after his companion had finished cleaning up the woman in the camp, the Golden Scale Guard turned around and saw Alfred who had just opened the door curtain.

The two sides were at a standstill again.

The handsome-looking Golden Scale Guard saw Alfred's supervisor uniform and mistakenly thought it was the husband of the woman in the room who had come back to catch him.

He smiled awkwardly and was about to say something to lighten the mood, but the hound in his hand suddenly barked loudly.

The unprovoked irritability of the hound had already made Jin Linwei's heart break. At this time, when he saw the dead Jin Linwei lying on the floor in the room and the blood on the floor.

No matter how dull he was, he still understood what was happening in front of him.


"Brothers, draw the sword for me! This man is Alfred!"

Just as he shouted these words, a snow-white sword light penetrated from his mouth and emerged from the back of his head. The sudden burst of bright red blood brought all the Golden Scale Guards back to reality from their days of fishing at work. In a hurry, he tried to draw out his sword, but Alfred's attack had already cut down the other two Golden Scale Guards with one sword at a time!

The broad sword penetrated the scales and made the sound of gold and iron striking each other. The miserable howl that suddenly sounded in the camp caused more and more Golden Scale Guards to poke their heads out of the camp.

Most of the group were disheveled.

But the number is close to hundreds!


Agricultural workers employed by the Wessex royal family were not allowed to bring their partners into the sheds.

However, the soldiers who served as supervisors had no such concerns. The construction period of some large-scale projects may last for several months or even a year, and most supervisors will bring their wives to live and eat with them.

When they go out on duty during the day, the wife can continue to stay in the camp to wash and cook.

Alfred had no idea that French soldiers would be so popular in the eyes of Wessex women.

But if you think about it carefully, it's normal.

They eat the royal food of the "Porse family", and most of them have rich pockets.

Not only that, the French high-legged horse, with its gleaming gold-scale chain mail, plus a Damascus broadsword, was indeed much more handsome than the Wessex army.

Not to mention, these guys speak French. In the Dark Middle Ages, this was the exclusive domain of nobles. It seems that these people are inherently nobler than the English speaking English.

Almost no woman will refuse their request to "enter the scene".

The originally peaceful Overwatch Camp was like whack-a-mole when so many Golden Scale Guards suddenly appeared. Alfred was so frightened and angry that he had no choice but to flee immediately. However, the Golden Scale Guards rushed out of the room excitedly.

Most of the people didn't even have time to put on their armor. They jumped on their horses and were ready to surround Alfred with broad swords and bare arms.

His head is too valuable.

Edward Plantagenet's price for Alfred's capture was 100,000 gold coins, a castle, and 10,000 households. This is a huge wealth that countless French families may not be able to accumulate after 10 generations of hard work.

To describe it as reaching the sky in one step is not an exaggeration at all.

When Alfred rushed out of the camp, more than fifty Golden Scale Guards who were enjoying the women of Wessex followed him.

It is not difficult to see that more people are trying to join the chase.


Turn around and run north.

This route seems to be the shortest, but it is not advisable at all. This means that Alfred will face a large group of Golden Scale Guards who are setting up defenses in front of him alone.

There are pursuers behind him after interception. Even if he faces 1,000 pigs, he will fight to death.

The defensive ability of the Golden Scale Guards is completely different from that of the English mercenaries. They are wearing a full set of golden scale armor. To fight against this kind of armor, the most effective weapon is the two-handed axe that Loki is used to.

When the weapon is not heavy enough, he can only rely on the strength contained in his muscles.

Based on his understanding of his own abilities, once he loses the "Soul Breaker" and "Snake Gut Sword" and fights with the Golden Scale Guards. He can kill three or five people, which is considered an extraordinary performance.

In battle, the brain is as important as the sword.

When survival became the top priority, Alfred did not choose to fight hard.

He turned south and galloped towards the heart of Wessex.

A large group of Golden Scale Guards drove their horses and followed him. In the end, all of them were dispatched to join this grand hunt.

They could not see Alfred.

That was 100,000 gold coins and a castle galloping on horseback.

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