Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 451 7.105 English Raiders (3)

Chapter 451 105 English Raiders (3)

The bright red blood road spreading on the beach seemed to have no end. The Viking pirates walked in three lines along the way, with huge footprints all along the way.

When we approached the French port city of Calais, as expected, the majestic city gate had been smashed into pieces by the giant. When the Vikings walked into the city stepping on the broken city wall powder, they finally saw a living person.

Perhaps this group of giants ate while walking, and when they reached the city, they were finally full.

Every year, when they launched their autumn raids, breaking through the city gates and rushing into the city was the most exciting moment for the Vikings. But this time they walked on the sand soaked in blood. Everything they could see was blood, and they had long lost the interest in killing.

The few survivors in the city are also described as haggard. They leaned helplessly on the ruined walls, staring straight ahead with empty eyes, as if their souls had been lost within their bodies.

Duke Mokrash stepped forward and stretched out his huge palms like cattail leaf fans to pull up a limp old woman from the ground. The old woman did not struggle as if she had lost all her bones. Even though her feet were off the ground, her whole body was still trembling slightly.

Ever since Alfred took on Loki's form, he had made no secret of his affection for him.

When Loki fell into the hands of the Illuminati, the adopted son had been seeking reinforcements in an attempt to rescue Loki from his enemies.

(Could this prince really be as powerful as imagined?)

The more he thought about it, the more Sartre felt that this might be the reason behind this mysterious ancient god invasion.

It is not difficult for two thousand giants to defeat tens of thousands of cavalry on open plains.

For them, it was easy to break through the three-meter wall of Calais. But the next city on this road, Versailles, has a wall that is 6 meters thick.

As for the city of Paris, it is surrounded by hard marble that is 20 meters high and 10 meters thick.

No matter how powerful these ancient gods are, it will not be easy to invade Paris.

After only staying in the city for a moment, the Vikings followed the giant's footsteps. The joy of conquering a French town for the first time was far less important than saving Duke Loki.

If they want to accomplish this feat, working with the Frost Giants will undoubtedly greatly improve their success rate.


Just because the Vikings abandoned the city doesn't mean that Vangelis didn't know the goods either.

When the high-flying Moa Knight flew back to the coastline of Wessex, nearly a hundred large and small ships were already ready for departure.

"Haha, it's just as I expected! All their troops have disappeared!"


"That group of Viking bastards bypassed the Port of Calais and marched directly to the city of Paris? They didn't take anything?!"

"Hail Mary! Thank you, Lord Christ, for blessing me with wealth!"

"Such a good thing actually happened to me!"

Vangelis paced anxiously back and forth on the flagship. He could feel his heart beating hard, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning at the same time.

Not for Duke Earl, who led an army of 10,000 to prepare to cross the river, the city had a permanent population of 120,000. With such a large population, the frost giants would be unable to swallow them all.

"I don't think the frost giant's purpose is simply to destroy, you see." Following the direction of Phoenix's finger, they could see a path formed by collapsed houses.

After entering the city, the giants did not wreak havoc. Instead, they trampled on the houses and headed south. Finally, they kicked the south gate into pieces and walked away.

"Isn't this an invasion of ancient gods?"

Most of the Viking Dukes were illiterate. Only Phoenix Coldstone, who grew up in the Mediterranean, had received a complete education. This allows him to think about issues more deeply than ordinary Vikings.

It is not unprecedented for ancient gods to suddenly appear and attack human towns. However, the landing of ancient gods generally lacks obvious purpose. This is just like ordinary people kicking the grass at will when they are depressed.

"I said, Lao Luo, what's going on? Are you scared?"

"Haha" Rolf kicked away the broken corpse in front of him, "You and I have been plundering for half our lives, but have we ever seen such a tragic scene?"

"The marble city gate, which was three meters thick, was trampled into stone powder!"

"Look at the vast majority of houses in this city that were flattened by giants, and all the residents in the houses were smashed into meat pies before they had time to escape."

"As for those who are lucky enough to walk out of the house, they will witness these 10-tall gods trampling on people for fun while grabbing the Boneless and stuffing them into their mouths!

Not to mention this group of defenseless residents, even if I witness all this, I will become like this."

Duke Mokrash shook his head speechlessly and threw aside the dementia old woman in his hand.

The Port of Calais is the largest city by the sea in the Principality of France.

They just do it casually and don't care at all what kind of turf is dead under their feet or how many roots there are.

"That's what I thought too." Sartre came over and said, "This is most likely an artificial trend!"

"Looking at the direction of travel from the footprints, they are most likely going to Paris!"

As one of the few Vikings who knew the existence of frost giants, Sartre once followed Loki and climbed into the empty frost castle in Jotunheim. He knew the existence of these giants, and also knew that they were released by Loki and hidden in the Tianduan Mountains.

The rough Vikings didn't know how much wealth was hidden in this port, but the old smuggler Vangelis knew the city well.

The 13 Tang Dynasty warehouses at the dock port store a large amount of goods ready to be shipped to the seven countries of England and the Visigothic Free City-State. That's silk, porcelain, tea, etc. shipped here in "tons".

The goods stored in these warehouses alone are enough for him to sell for 10 years.

This is just the warehouse of one company, "Izumo Trading Company".

In the city, there are also business houses founded by Arabs, Thuringians, French, and Visigoths. Their warehouses contained goods destined for the northern kingdoms.

The plundering of this city alone was enough to pay the royal family of Wessex in taxes for a year.

(It can be expected that when the giants enter the city, even if there are scattered small groups of troops in the city, they will be immediately annihilated by these big guys. Those who survive will not be able to fight at all.)

(Even if all my subordinates are militiamen, I can still handle it!)

How could you miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Even considering the worst case scenario, the Normans eventually lost the war, and then they can blame it all on those Vikings!

After all, there are also Englishmen with yellow hair in their territory!

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