Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 452 7.106 English Raiders (4)

Chapter 452 106 English Raiders (4)

Just like newlyweds, they have to go through a period of different lifestyles.

When two completely different ethnic groups live together, the cultures of both sides will inevitably merge with each other.

Historians of later generations cannot explain why in the 15th century, when the Age of Discovery had fully arrived, a civilization such as the Queen of England would issue "private licenses" to her courtiers and tacitly allow them to become evil deeds on the uninhabited sea. pirate.

All of this stems from the moment when the Vikings landed on English soil.

Those who are close to vermillion are red, those who are close to ink are black, and the Viking pirates who committed murder and swindled goods can be called the source of all evil in the Middle Ages. Seeing this group of "allies" marching onto the land of wealthy France, the militiamen who abandoned their land and responded to the omen were already eager to give it a try.

At this time, coupled with the fact that their leader is an old smuggler who only sees hot goods, everything is moving closer to this unpredictability.

"Boss, would you like to report to King Ecbert?"


Carrying a woman on your back is not conducive to searching, why don't you give her to me first, and I will help you ask for the money later! "

Vangelis took the girl with one hand, grabbed a dozen gorse leaves with the other and handed it over. After the militiamen left happily, he ordered his men to put the girl into the boat and take care of her.

He naturally recognized this girl whose whole body was shaking like chaff due to extreme fear.

She is the eldest daughter of "Leicester Poli", the lord of Calais.

Just two years ago, when he was still paying protection money to the Polly family, he knelt down in front of her at a birthday party and kissed the back of her hand. Now that the city has become like this, it is unknown whether anyone in the Poli family will survive, let alone pay any ransom.

Only 3 hours later, everything in front of me was quickly spiraling out of control.

At the same time, 1,000 ships of various colors are quickly being filled with various trophies in the ruins.

Fangelis was surprised to find that when the militiamen completely transformed into ferocious beasts, even the sword cultivators from the Eastern Continent were not afraid at all! Facing the Touriku swordsmen guarding the warehouse of "Izumo Trading Company", tens of thousands of militiamen swarmed forward without fear of death!

Even though the flying swords traveling at extremely high speeds could easily kill hundreds of people, behind them, thousands of people still roared loudly and died generously!

Vangelis jumped off the bow of the ship excitedly. He drew out the broadsword he was wearing with a swipe, raised it high, and roared loudly: "My dear Wessex brothers, what are you waiting for?!"

“Are the 10 sacks for everyone just decoration?!

Hurry down and pretend for me!

See the locked door smash open!

Anyone who dares to resist will have their heads smashed with your sticks! Pierce their chests with the swords and guns in your hands!


Don’t forget to tell the public that we are all from Normandy! Remember? ! "

One after another, people rush into the city. They are like a nest of scavenging cockroaches burrowing into the ruins of the house, looking for all the wealth that can be looted.

The sudden army of giants absorbed the attention of all the French troops. The small group of militiamen who survived were no match for the new bandits.

Because they have a huge numerical advantage.

The chosen ones under the five faith paths of the Holy Bishop are not much better than mortals. In the face of an extremely disparate number of people, they are quickly beaten to a pulp by pitchforks, bamboo poles, and even wooden sticks.

A single farmer is as docile as a sheep. When they are in a group, they will get into violent fights after being drunk. But now in a group of 100,000 fellow farmers, when the people around them raise their butcher knives, the word "killing" Mass hysteria spreads rapidly, and docile good people immediately turn into insane demons under the stimulation of blood.

The remaining French residents in the port immediately faced disaster.

The precious porcelain and glass have been shattered into slag, but the "Emperor's Flower Silver Coin" and "Borse Leaf" in the purse have been preserved intact.

Walking in the city, watching the English militiamen who were instantly "Vikingized", even the well-informed Vangelis didn't know whether his move had opened Pandora's box.

They discovered that the Wessex people who usually worked hard and bowed to them turned out to be like crazy tigers. They walked together in groups and madly slaughtered all the survivors found under the ruins.

The sacks I carry with me also come in handy quickly.

After lifting the collapsed roof, when the militiamen rushed into the room, they were surprised to find that all the wealth of the French had been preserved intact.

Those who 24 hours ago were worried about the future are now flushed and breathing heavily.

They walked vigorously through the ruins of the city, murdering and robbing without changing their expressions, and putting all valuable items into sacks. What's more, they even carried the surviving French children on their shoulders.

"Hehe, boss, look at this girl's delicate skin and tender flesh, and she is also wearing silk from the Tang Dynasty!"

"She also has a two-headed green dragon embroidered on her body! If nothing goes wrong, this should be the daughter of the 'Poly Family', the lord of Calais Port. Take her back! We can ask for a large ransom!"

"Are you stupid? This kind of thing depends on a tacit understanding! When I transport tons of goods back to Wessex, that old guy won't even have time to thank me!"

"Maybe he has to get rid of me and help him sell it! I know what Ecbert is thinking about writing better than any of you!"

"Everyone is coming up, right?! All the ships

Yang Fan, set sail! "

Excited sailors hoisted various sails, and the wind-fed ships sailed quickly across the sea. Fangelis stood on the bow of the ship with his head held high, watching the land on the other side of the strait gradually appear in front of him.

Once, he was a rat hiding in the shadows of this majestic city, making a living by wandering on the edge of the law.

And now. He has a huge fleet of 1,000 ships under his command. The fleet carried 100,000 militiamen, and everyone was ready to go ashore and plunder.

"Hey, this is what it feels like to be a pirate! No wonder these Viking bastards enjoy it every year!"

"This feeling is much more comfortable than being the grandson of those noble gentlemen in fear!"

The information provided by the Moa Knights was correct. Along the way, Vangelis's fleet did not encounter any obstacles. Two hours later, 100,000 militiamen stood neatly on the dock of Jialai Port.

The eyes of the militiamen in front of them were red, and the corners of their eyes were full of greed and cruelty.

If you remember correctly, this 18-year-old boy was worrying about the corn that had just been sown in the field a few days ago. Unexpectedly, less than 3 hours after entering the city, he had already turned into this.

"Okay, brother, you did a great job!

The sword cultivator had no choice but to fly high into the sky, but don't forget that Vangelis brought dozens of dragon-killing ballistae along with the ship. Dozens of iron arrows were fired in a volley, and the swordsmen barely used their swords to smash the steel arrows, and then they quickly exhausted their strength.

However, by this time the whole city was filled with a flood of Wessex militiamen. Several sword cultivators tried their best to move around among the ruins of the city. Before exhaustion, a large number of militiamen died under the flying sword.

But there are still 98,000 people looking for them. When they finally lost even Feitian's spiritual power.

What greeted them were thousands of ferocious beasts with their fangs exposed.

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