Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 453 7.107 English Raiders (5)

Chapter 453 107 English Raiders (5)

That night, when 1,000 fishing boats of various colors returned to Wessex loaded with cargo, the scouts from the six countries waiting on the shore were dumbfounded.

A piece of fine silk for 10 gold pounds was packed in a sack made from worn sheets. Next to it was stuffed with high-quality tea bricks from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. The fallen debris of the tea bricks were covered with oil like dust. on the silk, but the maids responsible for unloading the goods did not notice these details at all.

Their eyes had already been attracted by the hundreds of sacks filled with French copper leaves and imperial silver coins.

The task of carrying these "clutter" can only be left to women, because the only remaining men in the kingdom need to handle heavier items.

Box after box of heavy wooden boxes stuffed with gorse leaves. The farmers who stayed behind had already removed at least 20 boxes from the ships.

This is only a small half of their total income!

The most important thing is that this is only the city of "Calais Port".

Among the 21 provinces in France, there are hundreds of large cities no smaller than Calais! If every city had this kind of wealth hidden in it

Praise the Holy Lord!

What are we waiting for? !

The scouts rushed all the way back to the country. Among them, Mercia, which is the shortest distance from the English Channel, was naturally the first to get the information. At this time, Ulysses Elam disappeared, Elizabeth Elain married, and Ulysses' brother "Lancero Elam" sat on the throne again.

After a failed coup last year, although he was ostracized by many established nobles in the country, the emerging nobles of Mercia, especially the naval commanders, still loved him.

This time he took over the golden eagle scepter that symbolized the throne again, and he was actually quite uneasy. He didn't know how long he could sit on the throne this time.

Because no one knows where Ulysses went.

On the mahogany throne, after listening to the scout's report, Lancelot sat alone in the throne hall.

The people of Mercia describe him as "mediocre, but hardworking".

Yes, this is a very hard-working person.

In order to win allies, he would not hesitate to put aside his feud with the "Blood Pigeon Clan" and become brothers with this group of Viking pirates as if no one else was around.

In the field of power, he knows that his abilities are limited, so he has only one way to survive - to stand with Ecbert all the time.

On the grassland, the hyenas following the lions are always the strongest. In human civilization, shepherd dogs that rely on humans to survive are much more comfortable than their counterparts living in barren mountains.

He knew that following Ecbert like a follower would be shameful to many established nobles.

But so what?

If he could also plunder resources from the land of France, no one would refuse the gold and silver he put in his pocket!

To say the least, Mercia didn't have much retreat at this time.

The massacre that occurred in Yun Province was directly related to them. If the resistance of the Normans failed this time, Shilin County and Yan County would fall into the hands of the French, and Mercia would not be able to escape the fate of being sanctioned.

Even as mediocre as Lancelot, he could see the hidden dangers in this country. He knew that now was the moment when he had to make a decision.

Without hesitation, he immediately sent a carrier pigeon to summon his vassals.

One day later, all the vassals of Mercia gathered in Oxford City. They only stayed here for a brief afternoon. Before nightfall, they had climbed on horseback and hurried back to their county capital under the stars and the moon.

Three days later, the vassals had organized all the militia in the county overnight. According to Lancelot's statistics, at least 200,000 militiamen have been mobilized and are rushing to the coastline of Yun Province in stages.

The Mercian navy suffered few serious losses during last winter's Viking invasions. On the coastline, 100 giant ships and 300 hastily modified fishing boats are ready to go.

They will transport 200,000 militiamen in batches to the land of the Principality of France.

Compared with Wessex, Lancelot has one more thing in mind.

He asked all militiamen to take off the short shirts commonly worn by farmers and replace them with simply modified animal skins used at home to keep out the cold.

At the same time, everyone should not carry their customary swords, but instead use large axes for chopping wood.

In this way, they can all disguise themselves as Vikings.

To the outside world, just say that I am from Scandinavia!


Seven days later, when Mercian warships also began to transport gold and silver back to France, the other five countries could no longer sit still.

In the eyes of the kings, France at this time has simply become a treasure house full of gold, which can be plundered at will after entering! Although the small force still caused casualties to the militiamen, France's most powerful weapon that shocked everyone, the Dragon Knight Legion with 300 flying dragons, disappeared without a trace for unknown reasons.

Without the fire-breathing dragon and Pegasus, the kings were surprised to find that the country did not seem so invincible. Even as long as a certain number of militiamen are gathered. Most of the scattered armies can be eliminated simply by relying on these mobs transformed into marauders.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually not surprising.

This is the consequence of relying on business for a long time.

In the Principality of France, which is ruled by the Chamber of Commerce, merchants have long discovered that the most powerful weapon is not the army that destroys everything, but commercial sanctions.

By manipulating the prices of daily necessities, they can easily obtain the chips they want without spending any resources. Because at this time, under the influence of the "Carolingian Renaissance", the people of the Western Continent had long since broken away from the savage-like lifestyle of eating hair and drinking blood.

Even the Vikings who lived at the end of the continent needed to do business with them and exchange what they had. Business has become an indispensable and important part of all people's lives.

To take a step back, even if business no longer poses a threat and the two countries really come to the point of war, the flying dragon knight can easily resolve all troubles.

Most of the wars that occur within the kingdom can be resolved by relying on three or five dragons rising into the sky. Even for some small countries, seven or eight dragon knights flying into the sky can wipe their country off the map from south to north.

In this case, the troops maintained by provincial officials were not much different from the furnishings.

Their greatest use is to wear exquisite costumes on board ships during festival ceremonies, and to march in goose-stepping formations in the square to show the residents the majesty of soldiers. Except for normal daily drills, the vast majority of soldiers have never killed an enemy with their own hands since the day they joined the army.

After a brief discussion, the kings of the country joined in this battle that was no different from picking up money.

In the following month, ships of various colors lined up in a straight line and shuttled through the English Channel one after another.

Faced with this situation, the lords of another country not far from the strait, the Visigothic Free City-State, also discovered anomalies.

When did England get so many more soldiers? !

These beasts carry France's wealth like robbers every day. Are they not afraid of the dragon's counterattack? !

After 10 days, the dragon disappeared without a trace.

Twenty days later, the laughing English militiamen had made three round trips, but there was still no trace of the dragon.

Another 10 days passed

The first Visigothic raiders landed on French soil.

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