Ding Ning smiled: "I also received the invitation yesterday."

Xiao Sa: "don't you take it out for us to see and fight?"

Ding Ning stuck out his tongue and obediently went into his room. After a while, he took the invitation letter for the opening ceremony of the art exhibition issued by the National Art Exhibition Organizing Committee.

Everyone was already very happy. Even li man said he would go to see it. Anyway, it was still early, and everyone didn't think there was anything wrong. The opening ceremony will be held on Sunday two weeks later.

Xiao SA called home again and asked about the specific itinerary of Xiao Ling, Ding Hong and master Ding Ning, crazy Cheng. Only then did she know that Xiao Ling was afraid of delaying her study and would not arrive until Saturday of that week. After attending the opening ceremony on Sunday and watching the exhibition, she would return on Monday.

Xiao SA said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Stay a few more days. I'll show you around. There are many beautiful things in the capital."

Xiao Ling said dismissively, "I'll go to college in Beijing in two years. I'll have a lot of time to see it. What's the hurry?"

Xiao Sa: "little girl film, cow force coax!"

Xiao Ling smiled: "I learned from you. Mom scolded me every day for not learning well, so I learned to boast with you!"

Xiao Sa: "don't make mom angry!"

Xiao Ling: "who provoked her? I'm afraid I can't hide from her every day! Brother, please, please advise mom not to stare at me like a thief!"

Xiao SA scolded, "you silly girl! Mom cares about you! Worry about you! Why don't you understand mom?"

Xiao Ling Dudu said, "who understands me? Forget it, you and mom are on one side. I'm too lazy to tell you!"

Xiao SA still wants to scold her. Xiao Ling has hung up the phone.

Xiao sprinkles this anger! This dead girl doesn't pay attention to her brother more and more!

But it's funny to think about it. Girls have to be arrogant!

On Monday, the school sports meeting was over and normal order was restored.

Li man refused to delay her study and had to follow Xiao SA back to school. Xiao SA had no choice but to take her, get out of the car and carry her to the girls' dormitory. When she took her schoolbag, she carried her into the classroom.

Li man was restless again, lying on his back, with one hand around his neck and the other hand gently pinching Xiao Sa's ear.

Xiao Sa: "aunt, don't make noise!"

Li man didn't stop: "your ears are so soft and comfortable!"

Xiao SA scolded, "dead girl! Do you feel comfortable when I pinch your?"

Who knows, Li Man's head stretched out: "you pinch."

As soon as she stretched out her head, two soft balls in front of her chest pressed on Xiao SA. Xiao SA naturally felt it immediately. When her heart was hot, she dared not pinch her and said, "stop fooling around! Do you believe I threw you away?"

Li man smiled: "don't believe it!"

Xiao SA stared and had no choice but to find a step to go down: "forget it, you're hurt and don't bother to worry about it with you!"

Li man changed his other hand and pinched his other ear.

Xiao sprinkled an itchy, and his backhand slapped li man on his ass: "dead girl! Are you finished?"

Li Man stretched out his mouth and breathed straight into his neck: "I'm not finished with you."


It was su Xiaobei who looked for him next. He said that his literary thoughts had dried up recently and wanted to make an appointment with Xiao SA to talk about her supernatural novels.

What's all this, huh? Xiao SA was in a state of bewilderment. What Xiao SA didn't expect was that Zhu Minghui, the tutor of our class, came to him and handed him a file bag containing papers. After reading it, he asked him to put forward his opinions and suggestions.

Xiao SA has no temper at all. Who's to blame? All things are brought about by yourself!

After the second class, li man blushed and quietly touched Xiao SA with his elbow, looking out of the window.

Xiao Sa: "do you want to get some air outside the classroom?"

Li man shook his head and blushed even more.

Xiao SA immediately understood what was going on and hurriedly called Li Shuqin and Su Xiaobei. She carried li man outside the bathroom, asked Li Shuqin and Su Xiaobei to help her go to the bathroom, and then carried her back to the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Yang Fan, the boss of room 4212, informed him that Hu Hongzhong, Yaoji, invited all the students in the dormitory and all the girls in the friendly dormitory to have dinner this evening. The reason is that Yaoji won the go competition of the whole school.

In this way, Xiao SA, who has always been leisurely and lazy, began a busy week of study and life.

At noon, Xiao SA carried li man to the canteen for lunch, sent her back to the girls' dormitory for a lunch break, and made an appointment to pick her up for class after the lunch break. Only then did she go to the Snail House in the evening sunny.

Wanqing yawned and opened the door in her pajamas and scolded, "little rogue! Didn't you come after school? Why did you come at this time? I want to take a nap. I really wanted to sleep last night!" then she went to bed and got into the quilt again.

Xiao Sa: "go to bed. I'm here to tell you that the students in the dormitory have dinner after school. If you can't come to you, don't wait for me."

Wanqing yawned: "then come at night."

Xiao Sa: "OK."

Turned to go, but was held by Wanqing: "little rogue, will you accompany me here?"

Since her last visit to northern Europe, in sigtula town on the Bank of meralun lake, she confided her heart to Xiao SA in the evening. When she got along with Xiao SA alone, she completely let go, said what she wanted to say, and no longer hid her mind.

Xiao SA couldn't bear to hurt her, so she sat down at the head of the bed and said, "OK, I'll sit here. You can sleep at ease! Don't sleep so late next time. It's good to go to bed early and get up early."

Wanqing put her head on his leg, closed her eyes and said, "things have to be done."

Xiao SA scolded her: "there is nothing that can be done in the world. All those who have achieved great things have a way to do things. There are three steps to reform and opening up! If they are like you and don't sleep until they are finished, what will they do tomorrow? Don't do anything else? Silly girl!"

Wanqing ignored him. Xiao SA saw that the silly girl had fallen asleep

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