It's also a "fleeting time" restaurant. Saxophone light music still flows like nothing, and the lights are as soft as a dream. Red candles are lit on each table, gently shaking and dragging, which is very emotional

It is said that Yaoji Hu Hong won the championship of the school go game. In fact, it was manipulated by Yang Fan. This guy has always been generous. He pays for all the big and small things in the bedroom every time. Of course, he also asks for an invoice every time.

Xiao SA found that Yang Fan was chasing Su Xiaobei, but he knew at a glance that there was no play. Su Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to him at all. It was all his hot shaving!

Dai Dingyuan, who was silent in the bedroom, really fell in love with the tall northeast girl Wang Fang. Now they go in and out in pairs. They don't avoid their dormitory classmates.

Among the students in the whole dormitory, what Xiao SA can't figure out is Dai Dingyuan. This guy is too boring! However, they are good at heart, like reading, don't do much, and don't judge others secretly. These are all in line with Xiao's taste, so they can often joke between them.

see? Dai Ding foresight Xiao SA carried li man into the private room of the restaurant. Instead of talking much, Li Shuqin subconsciously glanced at Xiao Sa: "I have an appointment to sign tomorrow."

Su Xiaobei: "nice! Congratulations!"

Li Shuqin: "Congratulations? It's just fun. It can't be true."

Yang Fan coaxed: "today we have a friendly bedroom party. Give us a song!"

Everyone immediately applauded.

Li Shuqin has always been generous and said, "yes, do you want to listen to new songs?"

Everyone said in unison: "yes!"

Li Shuqin smiled and said, "my favorite songs are composed by Xiao SA. Please ask him to compose one on-site. I'll sell it and sing it now. What do you say?"

There were cheers.

Yang Fan bluntly threatened: "Xiao Laoer, be single. Don't linger. Write quickly. Li Shuqin promised to sing on the spot. What else do you have to be hypocritical? Don't write? Dare you? Believe it or not, we'll repair you now?"

Xiao SA saw that all the boys in bedroom 4212 were eyeing themselves, so he had to surrender and said in high spirits: "prepare paper and pen for me!"

Yang Fan slapped his head on the melon seeds: "let you be awesome! Give you some paint, and you want to open a dyeing workshop!"

Or fat Zuo Jie was kind and quickly sent paper and pen: "second brother, I'll be your bookboy in the future. Can I serve you with pen, ink, paper and inkstone?"

Yang Fan kicked him away: "flatterer! Do you look like a schoolboy? That's too inferior! You're a big boss or a big official everywhere!"

Everyone burst into laughter and looked at the portly Zuo Jie.

Zuo Jie: "second brother, what am I doing? Write yours quickly."

So everyone focused on Xiao SA again.

Xiao SA doesn't need to think that Zhuoma's songs are handy:

"The moon still rests on the wilderness

Your figure is getting longer and longer

Until the distant sound of hoofs

Call your song everywhere

Looking up at the sky, I saw two lines of geese

I looked down and tears took off my makeup

Sad fence Acacia painted the wall

Sleepless all night, the road of love is too long

Your footsteps wander on the horizon

My thoughts follow you far away

Whose tears condensed into frost in the moonlight

You make me think you want to break your intestines


Your footsteps wander on the horizon

My thoughts follow you far away

If I can't marry you in this life

The afterlife butterfly nestles beside you


The boys in room 4212 and the girls in room 2412 looked at Xiao SA and wrote this song "walking on the horizon" like clouds and water. They were stunned: what kind of talent is this? Is there a genius more called genius? Are you still human? The evildoer!

Only Li Shuqin was used to it. He picked it up and hummed it two or three times. He said, "let me try... The moon still stops in the wilderness..."

The gentle singing, endless Acacia and endless injury make Xiao SA think of hospitality again, and her heart is like a knife! Quickly got up and went out

When he went in again, everyone was in high spirits and learned to sing "walking to the end of the world" with Li Shuqin. Xiao SA sat down next to li man. Li man whispered in his ear with a smile: "the story of tonight will be passed down. It's another good story!..."

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