Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 314: Los Angeles

The power of reality benders is undoubtedly strong. The consul was ordered by the O5 Council to form the ‘Achilles’ Heel’. He must be ready to do something.

Although he has not received any orders, White has already guessed.

Moreover, this guess is inseparable from ten.

White continued to look at the content on the projection, except for the "Achilles Heel" document, there were other things.

"this is......"

Is a brief profile of the rest of the reality benders,

For the colleagues who will be working with, White looked over one by one.

The first batch of ‘Achilles’ Heels’ were not many. Of course, the strength of the Foundation cannot support too many reliable reality benders.

And sure enough, three-level reality benders are unusually rare in this list, and there are only a handful of them.

However, there are only two third-level reality benders in the list of more than twenty people, including White.

It took White a few minutes to watch it from beginning to end.

What's here is just some brief information, and White doesn't even know what these reality benders are good at.

So it didn't take White too long.

However, some things can be seen from this simple information.

For example, it is impossible for them to perform tasks directly.

Most of the twenty-odd people have no experience in carrying out containment missions. They are just young people who have just received training and initially mastered their abilities.

White had a hunch that he would also be responsible for teaching these recruits.

Thinking of this, White touched his blond hair backwards, a little bit distressed.

I am not good at it, and I am not in the mood to teach newcomers. I can only hope for another Level 3 reality bender.

At the end of the projection,

A map appeared, and a spot on it was marked by a red light spot.

That's White's next target location.

It is also the meeting place for the Achilles Heel.

Joining the Mobile Task Force is a novel experience for White, and it is worth a try.

With this feeling, White waited for the K-31 team to return.

Although the K-31 team has completed this containment mission, it is still their leader and is responsible for commanding them. It needs to lead them to the'Achilles Heel'.

After all, a mobile task force cannot have only cutting-edge combatants in charge of containment.


the next day,

White hasn't waited for the results of the Cleveland family's investigation, but he can no longer waste time here.

"set off!"

"Yes, sir!"

The k-31 team, all dressed in casual clothes, stood in front of two black commercial vehicles and stood at attention and saluted together.

After a while, the two vehicles drove out of the factory and headed out of the city.

After more than an hour, the two vehicles arrived at a private airport located outside the city.

There are planes waiting here long ago.

After White and his party got off the car, they boarded the plane and flew to the destination of their trip: Los Angeles.


Above the sky,

The members of the k-31 team remained silent and sat upright in their chairs.

"Sir, what is our mission to Los Angeles."

The captain of the k-31 team sat opposite White and asked.

White shook his head: "I don't know, but it won't be easy. Let your players prepare."

"Yes, sir...just...only..."

White looked at the captain's hesitation and silence.

"Any questions."

"No, sir, it's just that I want to take a day off and ask for approval!" The captain said tightly.

"Ask for leave? What to do."

The foundation does not prevent employees from asking for leave. In fact, Hei has established a complete site operation system with Sophia and Mu Fan.

Every foundation employee has a fixed holiday, although some special positions are subject to some restrictions.

However, in general, it can be relaxed.

The same is true for combatants.

Generally speaking, they will get vacations as a team, which can avoid affecting the mission to the greatest extent.

Now the captain of the k-31 squad came to ask for leave, which actually represented the entire squad.

However, their mission is still unclear. If they arrive in Los Angeles, there is an urgent mission, or they are needed...

Considering this, White did not directly agree to the captain's request.

"Sir, actually my family is in Los Angeles, and most of the team members and their homes are in Los Angeles!"

"Really." White flipped through the records of the k-31 team.

They have been performing missions continuously for more than one and a half years, and the containment level of safe containment objects and stationing at observation points are their main tasks.

White thought for a moment and said: "After arriving in Los Angeles, we will first go to Site-15 to confirm the mission. If there is no urgent mission, then I can give you a three-day holiday."

"Yes! Thank you! Sir!"

An expression of surprise appeared on the captain's face, but White agreed so easily.

"Thank you sir!" the rest of the team members said one after another.

The captain hadn't seen his wife and children for a long time, and he couldn't help smiling when thinking about them.

White glanced, then turned to look out the window.

Below, a city is like a shadow.


call! ! !

The air waves and sounds brought by the plane crossed the runway, and White and the others arrived at a private airport outside Los Angeles.

"White, isn't it."

A tall man with sunglasses walked over to White and showed him the emblem of the Foundation.

"it's me."

The two shook hands.

"I'm instructed to lead you to the site, please come with me." The tall man didn't talk nonsense, and turned his body sideways to the place where three cars had parked outside.

Under the lead,

White and the K-31 team arrived at Site-15 smoothly.

As a site near an important city like Los Angeles, the importance of site-15 is self-evident.

For example,

No one else would think, but they would never have thought that the huge power plant in front of White was Site-15.

This shows that the Foundation has already penetrated into the government agencies of Los Angeles, which is enough to cover the construction of such a huge site under the eyelids of the official organization of the Eagle Nation.

"Attention everyone, there is a checkpoint ahead."

The voice of the tall man came from the sound of the car.

Then, when the three cars were about to arrive at the power plant, the convoy turned a corner and drove straight to the forest on the back of the power plant.

Seeing that it was about to enter the forest, the vehicle made a sharp turn, drove out of the road, and came to the dirt on the side of the road.

However, the roadside is full of trees, and there is no space for vehicles.

Just when in doubt,

The vehicle didn’t slow down and wanted to rush to the woods.

After White carefully felt the Hume particles in the air, he realized it.

Everything in front of them is fake.

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