Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 315: The center of the whirlpool (top)

The convoy went straight through the road that appeared to be blocked by trees without hindrance.

"Is it just a virtual projection?"

White looked at these infinitely realistic trees outside the window, except for the places where the vehicles touched when passing by revealing some traces of electrons.

From the naked eye, no flaws can be seen at all.

"Virtual projection, this statement is actually inaccurate." The tall man heard White's mumbling and explained to White.

"Although site-15 is a comprehensive site, it is actually biased towards research sites. No, this is not accurate. It should be said that it is an experimental site."

The tall man considered the words and words,

The term experimental type made White think about it: "Experimental type, I have never heard of any site that has such protection facilities. Does it mean cutting-edge scientific and technological experiments."

The tall man heard the words and praised: "Accurate understanding! Site-15 is a test base for various new technologies. Of course, there will be some special things, such as this secondary camouflage self-defense device. If you enter this area, you will be hit immediately."

By the way, I introduced the area where they are currently located.

"Just that shouldn't be enough." White continued.

"Yes, in addition to this, cognitive interference technology is also used here. It can effectively prevent ordinary people from approaching here unintentionally." The tall man added.

Among them, the four words "cognitive interference" attracted White's attention.

"Is this kind of technology actually usable!"

"It's still in the experimental stage, but in my opinion, it should be about the same."

As one of the most needed technologies for the Foundation, Cognitive Interference Technology has naturally been used as a research project by Hei Li a long time ago.

But this technology is not enough to have theoretical technology. Even if Black already has the full version of 001, it still needs a lot of experimental data.

The location that Black chose is exactly here: site-15.

While talking, the convoy quickly passed through the camouflage area and saw a mountain block in front of it.

As the vehicle approached, they pierced directly into the mountain again.

What unfolded before me was a long metal tunnel.

On both sides of the tunnel, heavily armed Foundation security personnel were faintly visible, staring at the entrance to the site.

Moreover, the security measures for this tunnel are probably far beyond what they can see.

White didn't waste energy investigating these, it didn't make much sense.

Just sitting in the car quietly, looking forward, waiting for the end of the tunnel.

After a few seconds, after a curve,

White saw a checkpoint,

Dozens of Foundation security personnel were armed with weapons, and there was even an armed armored vehicle behind them, which could fire howitzers at any time.

After approaching, White focused his attention on the checkpoints, shelters, railings, trenches, everything is available here.

At the same time, the special railing that can be seen at a glance is obviously not easily breakable.

After the security personnel saw the incoming car, they raised their hands and called the car to a stop.

Stepped forward, to the tall man's window.

"Sir Rey, you are back."


It turned out that this man was Rey, and White realized that this man had never said his name.

Although Rey looked very familiar with the security personnel, the necessary inspections were not relaxing at all.

Except for the security guard who was talking to Rey, several other security personnel walked around the car with instruments in hand, and scanned the people in the car.

Rey himself also accepted a closer inspection.

The security officer pointed a scanning gun at Rey, and the invisible rays scanned Rey's exposed body from start to finish.

"Identity Verification: Security."

The security personnel looked at the results from the scanner and saluted Rey.

Then he waved his hand and let it go.

After passing this checkpoint, White actually entered Site-15.

Their car first arrived at a parking lot with no vehicles, stopped in the parking space, and all the people got off the car.

The sound of machinery suddenly sounded, and their vehicle disappeared underground as the parking space sank.

It turns out that this is because there seems to be no vehicle.

"Mr. White, I have never introduced myself. I am White, the deputy director of the administrative department of site-15.

At the same time, he is the captain of a combat squadron part-time. "Rey introduced to White with a smile.

After a brief conversation between the two,

Rey first arranged for the K-31 team to go through the gate on the left side of the parking lot to a specific area to rest, and then took White onto the elevator.

This elevator runs upwards.

So, White was taken by Rey to the second floor, one of the conference rooms.

Both walls of the conference room are made of glass, so you can see the outside.

Outside was the first half of the power plant they had seen before.

White reached out and tapped the glass in front of him.

Sure enough, this is not real glass, it just reflects the real-time view outside.

"Mr. White, please wait here for a while. I have notified your other teammates and they will be here soon."

"Am I the last one."

"Yes, Mr. White, but there is one person you need to see in advance, I will avoid it first."

After speaking, Rey stepped back to the door, and then walked out of the meeting room after facing Huai's head.

at the same time,

Another door in the conference room opened, and a young man walked out of it.

After seeing White, who was still a dozen steps away, he immediately stood at attention: "Hello, Lord White! I...My name is Jie, and I have just become a Level 3 reality bender!"

It can be seen that this robbery is a little cautious when facing White.

White frowned slightly. Is the other Level 3 reality **** so young too.

Jie seems to have seen White’s inner thoughts,

"Master White! The direction I am good at is creation! I have the deepest understanding of flames! At the same time, I have strengths in teaching!"

After saying these words, White looked at Jie again, his eyes did indeed have confidence and determination.

But in White's view, young people are always young people.

"Do you have any actual combat experience? There is no need to talk about safe-level containment operations."

"Yes! Uh... But the action is confidential! I can't disclose it!"

"Have you participated in a confidential operation? It's finally good news."

White relaxed a little, and he also believed that the consul would not just throw him a group of recruits.

"Since you are also a Level 3 reality bender, then it means that the'Achilles' Heel' will be commanded by the two of us. Let me know about you."

After all, White is senior and has the initiative to speak.

Jie began to introduce himself in detail as much as possible, but in the Bright family, there were too many things that needed to be kept secret, which made Jie's words sound not smooth enough.

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